Please stop me from paying $120 for a...

HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
edited January 2007 in Strut Central
quarter. My normal connect is still out of town. Another dude has access to some really good stuff. But I can't bring myself to pay more than a Benji. Actually, I did it once a couple of months back...but I vowed at the time to never do it again. But now the weekend is upon us...uuuuggghh!!!


  • I believe it's lil flip who says he gets shit so good it costs 1200 an ounce. Texas pricing?

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    I will admit that it's pretty darned unreasonable to expect something that cost $100 12 years ago to still cost $100 today.

    But I also think it's even more unreasonable that this stuff is still illegal and thus so stupidly expensive.

  • Dog. Them's Austin prices. I'd say suck it up and just make sure it ain't "Pretendica".

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

    Anybody have a guess at what that figure represents?

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Dog. Them's Austin prices. I'd say suck it up and just make sure it ain't "Pretendica".

    Hell no, I will not, never, nada, nunca concede to the notion that this stuff should ever cost more than a hunned.

    Maybe if the seller allows me to slap them across their stupid face along with my purchase. But I'm not used to having to pay for that either.

    But I do know that this particular ish is rather amazing...grown by someone in UT's horticulture program.

  • where do you live???

    hell look at gold prices....that used to be under 4 bills for a OZ

    now look at it....

    prices of KB need to increase....if besters can get a bill ...than the OG kush should get $130 .......if it is four-way just pay it and shutup

    buy it man

    GET YOUR HEAD RIGHT ........ save the swag for the schoolkids....

  • thropethrope 750 Posts
    apparently harveys dealer is on the strut......

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    where do you live???

    hell look at gold prices....that used to be under 4 bills for a OZ

    now look at it....

    prices of KB need to increase....if besters can get a bill ...than the OG kush should get $130 .......if it is four-way just pay it and shutup

    buy it man

    GET YOUR HEAD RIGHT ........ save the swag for the schoolkids....

    I live in Austin, TX.

    I typically don't mess with schwag. Although during a big drought this summer I for the first time in a long time bought some, only to find that the price had dramatically dropped on it. Back in my high school days (think late-80's), a schwag 1/4 went for $25. Now that same amount of money lands you a 1/2. Go figure.

    But really for me in this instance, it's just a matter of waiting anywhere from a few hours to a few days to get my usual good stuff at its usual manageable price.

    It's just looking like I'm going to have to fork over an extra $20 just to buy me that crucial weekend time until my peeps return from vacation.

    And before y'all call me cheap...I'm talking about principle here.

    I know that back when I had ish growing out of my ears and I could have maxed out my profits, I always sold ish for waaay less than market value.

    Them hippy days are gone though, I suppose, replaced by legions of greedy mufuggas who basically miss the point of it all.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts


    I thought this was about coin collecting

  • Dog. Them's Austin prices. I'd say suck it up and just make sure it ain't "Pretendica".

    Hell no, I will not, never, nada, nunca concede to the notion that this stuff should ever cost more than a hunned.

    Maybe if the seller allows me to slap them across their stupid face along with my purchase. But I'm not used to having to pay for that either.

    But I do know that this particular ish is rather amazing...grown by someone in UT's horticulture program.

    I like to smoke. A lot. I work a Squaresville gig. $120 is pretty standard in the circles I run. If you know it's fire, it'd be stupid to go without to prove a point.

    I have been lucky lately though and getting good 1/4s for a hundy.

  • JustAliceJustAlice 1,308 Posts
    $120 is pretty standard in the circles I run.

    Holy crap I feel incredibly lucky now. I can say I havent smoked schwag in many years...the last time was probably when I was living in the U.S.V.I. You would probably think that the product on a tropical island in the caribbean would be fire...but its not and the goods have to be shipped in. However I guess I am a little spolied because we never pay more than 80 bucks up here in the NW.

  • Soulville can be hit or miss for the good stuff, so I gotta schwag it from time to time...last night being one of those times...and lemmy tell ya, it isnt half bad!..only 2 seeds in the whole bag, green, all buds, sticky, smells/tastes decent. For 25 bucks, I aint complainin'...

  • $120 is pretty standard in the circles I run.

    Holy crap I feel incredibly lucky now. I can say I havent smoked schwag in many years...the last time was probably when I was living in the U.S.V.I. You would probably think that the product on a tropical island in the caribbean would be fire...but its not and the goods have to be shipped in. However I guess I am a little spolied because we never pay more than 80 bucks up here in the NW.

    Just to be clear....I'm talking about paying that for "the good". I dunno. My only experiences are TX and NJ but it's been pretty much the same in both. I think the further West you go, the prices dip.

    I mean, isn't it like $20/G in NYC?

  • I just bought a quarter for $50 CAN.

    It ain't no Kush or Haze... but it's quite nice indoor.

    I love Canadian greenery prices. Although.. if I had to pay ~$100 US a quarter, you can bet that I would be a whole let less high and a whole lot more productive... lol

  • lol... sheeyit, $20 gonna buy you about .75 grams in this city. 150 for a quad is pretty regular, I get it for cheap but shit's basically BC shit on wholesale.

    I miss Cali...

  • lol... sheeyit, $20 gonna buy you about .75 grams in this city. 150 for a quad is pretty regular, I get it for cheap but shit's basically BC shit on wholesale.

    I miss Cali...

    I left NJ in 98 so that's what it was around then.

    But man, used to get absolutely killer business coming out of Upstate into NJ on the regular. I miss *those* days.

  • just buy an 1/8 until your regular hookup is back...

    either that or just buy $100 of this "better shit" and get a gram taken outta that bag.

    it is what it is. accept it.

    edit: maybe you can even get the dude to smoke you out... take BIGASS bonghits and try to smoke that gram while you're there. that way you'll break even i guess.

    in all honesty, just see it as a one time thing. it's not that big of a deal. he's got something you want, and you have money. deal with it. it's not like he's asking $1500 for boscoe or something.

  • The east coast herb game is weak as fuck, although Florida has some shit they call "crippy" that ain't playin' arounde. At least what I had back around 96/97 was fire...

    It's all about that Cali bud though, or CO mountain shit or Oregon/Washington shit. I'm supposed to be getting some shit called something like sugar plant tonight. Never heard of it before, but it's bound to be interesting. a buck for a fluffy queech.

  • east coast weak ... broham must not know too many people round here...

    west coast used to be it .... but now every town in the usa has a hydro store selling all the latest techniques to you dont need that west coast better records down south!

    All you need are some good seeds...go grab some SOMA seeds and get crackin...

    & now go getcha yourself a glass on glass piece like that ROAR ... they work niice

    good records and sensi work together like wild turkey101 .... smooth!

  • east coast weak ... broham must not know too many people round here...

    west coast used to be it .... but now every town in the usa has a hydro store selling all the latest techniques to you dont need that west coast crap...

    Ha, yeah you keep believing that, and then remember it next time you smoke some real west coast shit that puts you on your ass!

    But to be serious, I'm sure the availability of quality cheeba has increased on the east coast, but it will honestly never be as good as the west. Sure they got cats growing hydro, but they had that shit in the 90s too. Doesn't mean heads every where are as good at growing it as the cultivators out west. A recipe alone don't make you a great chef, yomtombout?

    Stupid to debate, I know, but hey, it's friday. Why not.

    ps - I'm from the east coast, I smoked it and even sold kind out there for years, knew plenty of heads, even got some amazingly good shit from time to time, but nothing out there measures up to what they have out here.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    The east coast herb game is weak as fuck

    at this point $120 sounds reasonable to me. ive been getting the shittiest shit for the past four months and im ready to just give it all up. yesterday i got a 1/4 for $50, and the weed had more seeds than odb(rip)

  • east coast weak ... broham must not know too many people round here...

    west coast used to be it .... but now every town in the usa has a hydro store selling all the latest techniques to you dont need that west coast crap...

    Ha, yeah you keep believing that, and then remember it next time you smoke some real west coast shit that puts you on your ass!

    only people who think NY urb is the shit have never smoked anything else, & most the NY shit commin from florida & the shitty part of canada as far as weed goes...
    NYC urb can eat a dick...
    12hrs ill be laughing at endless blunts...

    dude! i just called u. see u tomorrow! want me to bring u some fanto leaf?

  • damn..anyone around SC?

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    Greetings from Amsterdam.

  • pjl2000xlpjl2000xl 1,795 Posts
    yeah 120 isnt that good, but it isnt terrible for some dank ass headies. If its for some regular beasters then your getting screwed pretty hard. I usually get great indoors for about $100. Stinky nuggets that havent been keefed. When the superdank comes round, the purple and sugar frosted white shit that smells up a whole room with the bag open, goes for about $25 to $30 a g, about $110 to $120 a quarter, and up to $400 a zip.

  • east coast weak ... broham must not know too many people round here...

    i only know a few people round there. but dudes know dudes. one dude came over with some shit jumpin up and down on the couch about how "bomb" it is. i think it had a 21-part name. i'm not gonna lie. first time we smoked it i was high. not out of my mind, but very nicely high. but after that the homie and i would blaze bowls and look over at each other, "anything???" that doesn't happen to me round here...

    12hrs ill be laughing passin on[/b] endless blunts ...
    dude! i just called u. see u tomorrow! want me to bring u some fanto leaf ?

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,091 Posts
    CA has the medical stuff. Street prices, but crazy variety and potency. Indy, Sativa, hybrids, hydro, hash, name it

    See you guys then tomorrow!
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