I celebrate the entire Warp Records catalog?

maybe not, but i was revisiting some shit recently and i am in love with these again

what are your favorite releases?

what are your favorite releases?
Gave the Boards cd to an exgirlfriend, though.
I know it barely qualifies but still, classic collections
i love this album
oh I need this record
One of my all-time favorites. That Elektroids LP is slept on too.
- spidey
i celebrate Broadcast's entire catalog...
also love this album off WARP
squarepusher - hard normal daddy
now - smokers delight / carboot soul
aphex twin - richard d james, I care because you do and selected ambient works 2
autechre - amber, incunabula, tri repetae
two lone swordsmen - stay down
boards of canady - music has the right and the twoism re-release
I love to listen to these autechre LPs from time to time. Smokers delight is one of the best downtempo LPs of all time. aphex twin simply kicks ass.
I also liked their 4LP best of/ influences and remix packages
warp released a lot of crap in recent years though.
Red Snapper "Prince Blimey"
Boards Of Canada "Music Has The Right To Children" + "Geogaddi"
Squarepusher "Music Is Rotted One Note"
The Other People Place "Lifestyles Of The Laptop Cafe"
Broadcast "Haha Sound"
Richard D James stuff
Jimi Tenor stuff
some Autechre stuff
even !!!
+ several others
most recent entry into mind garden: Jackson And His Computer Band "Smash"
I need that Elektroids too.
tom-hard normal daddy,go plastic, and feed me weird things,ultravisitor
hello everything is kinda -ehhhhh
aphex-richard d james ,druks,
boc-music has a right to children
plaid-rustproof clockwork
also they put a book out for their anniversary recently
Not exactly. It's more along the lines of 'really good electronic music' than 'hipster shit'. If you're not familiar w/ some of these names, you might be doing yourself a disservice.
Not a big fan of a lot of his Wagon Christ stuff, but Plug wasd dope and the Big Soup album was great, lots of cutty samples... Squarepusher - Hard Normal Daddy has cool shit on it, That RDJ Bucephelous (sp?) Bouncing Ball track is crazy. I used to get with some of this stuff. I still have a lot of it on wax. Been a while since I fucked with it though. Another good one, not on Warp, but similar, is The Clifford Gilberto Rhythm Combination, that 14 Junk Classics album, or whatever it's called, cool "jazz jungle" ish and even a squarepusher diss. At least I always thought it was a diss, he redoes that track Come On My Selector, and the manner in which he does it is almost to say "yeah, I can do shit like that too", but it wasn't nearly as good as the SP version. By the way, here is the awesome video for Squarepusher's Come On My Selector, I always thought this shit was cool:
in 1996-1999 you could actually like music like this and still be cool with the popular kids.
i like big soup too, but isnt that Mo Wax.
i wish i still had that
Yes, Mo Wax. Good LP. Nice sample action on that one.
No love for Prefuse around here? This is probably the only album by him that you need (cause for me his later stuff sounds too redundant) but for me this was some groundbreaking stuff.
I just realized that I own this. Didn??t listen to it for years. Just listening to it and it??s actually much better than expected. I prefer the plug LP as his best work though
Yes, "Drum'n'Bass For Papa" is real good. Vibert was doing some killer stuff back then. For the last couple of years I haven't really checked for him beyond the "YosepH" LP on Warp and some of the Amen Andrews twelves. He knows a lot about library records. Doesn't he frequent the Vinyl Vulture board?
and beep street'
he still makes some killer stuff, i love his italo project.. 'realistique' and 'disco nasty', mmmmmh quality! http://www.discogs.com/release/730843