fiba world basketball championships



  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    or maybe, the bar was set too high..............

    coming off the bench.....

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    I'm partial to Dream Team 2.

  • jimeyjimey 279 Posts

    These Euro cats are garbage ......

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    I would put in Ron Artest cuz he can do it all. And Carlos Boozer, cuz he's the next Karl Malone.

    But his attitude sux.

    I don't watch the Pacers very often on T.v., can you elaborate?

    You must not get to see Jazz games very often, either.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    I would put in Ron Artest cuz he can do it all. And Carlos Boozer, cuz he's the next Karl Malone.

    But his attitude sux.

    I don't watch the Pacers very often on T.v., can you elaborate?

    You must not get to see Jazz games very often, either.

    What is it with your snide remarks lately?

    Boozer and Artest can play, and they have great attitude when they're on the court. That's all that matters to me. If you're talking about the off-court antics that you seem to care a whole lot about, then can do that.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,788 Posts

    The reason they lost to me (having only watched the last half) were due to 3 things:

    1) No defense. How many times did Greek players get right past their defender and go right in for layups? There was no help defense and many of the US players were weak one-on-one

    2) Lack of 3-point shooting. Hinrich and Battier seem to be pretty consistent 3-point shooters.

    I can't really think of a reason why some hard work and practice couldn't turn every pro player out there into at LEAST an 80% FT shooter

    I think that for some of these guys, having a Soccer background allows them to play at a higher intensity level for a longer time

    Two points I agree on. The old cliche "No 'I' in Team" holds true. Hard work and team play pays off. The second point is interesting - does stopping a marathon for commercial breaks have a detrimental effect on the atheletes when they compete against runners who don't get a breather for commercial breaks?

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    I would put in Ron Artest cuz he can do it all. And Carlos Boozer, cuz he's the next Karl Malone.

    But his attitude sux.

    I don't watch the Pacers very often on T.v., can you elaborate?

    You must not get to see Jazz games very often, either.

    What is it with your snide remarks lately?

    Boozer and Artest can play, and they have great attitude when they're on the court. That's all that matters to me. If you're talking about the off-court antics that you seem to care a whole lot about, then can do that.

    I'm just having fun with you, man...

    Seriously though, Carlos Boozer can play, but he is nowhere close to being the next Karl Malone.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    Well Karl Malone's a legend. But the reason I like Boozer is because he's a big body that can grab boards and easily avgs. 50% from the field. He's got an old-school game, and can model his game after Malone's.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Well Karl Malone's a legend. But the reason I like Boozer is because he's a big body that can grab boards and easily avgs. 50% from the field. He's got an old-school game, and can model his game after Malone's.

    I dont see Boozer elevating his game to AllStar status. At most he'll probably be lunchpail & hardhat cat. He's was crazy for leavin Cleveland.
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