what is your favorite type of effect?

that vocoder thread got me thinking. what is your favorite type of effect? this goes out to everybody. music makers and music listeners.i am partial to delays/echo type effects. i also like a good filter. there is something to be said for a real nice natural reverb as well. i guess if i had to pick one it would be delays.for right now. what about you?
Before that it was filters. The more filter, the better.
Least favorite: Bernoulli Effect
Musical effect: Reverb
Ooh, you must have registered for the full version.
PS: Delay followed by Compression, or maybe the other way round
I particularly enjoy
- Increased awareness of sensation, including visual stimulation, music, taste, and sexual pleasure
- Increased mental activity, like metacognition and introspective or meditative states of mind
- Relaxation or stress reduction
- Mild entheogenesis (e.g. per Rastafarian users, more "Jah-Vibrations")
- Gain or loss of some inhibitions
- Varying degree of euphoria, ranging from feelings of general well-being to lengthy pointless laughter
Don;t make me pick one.
okay, maybe the Jah thing.
Multi-tap high pass filter delay =
Too much reverb on drums =
People that feel the need to compress everything =
a delay matrix
an octave doubler
and some glorious auto tune
and a vocal morph to make me sound like a dying swan
Good call. A big shout out to ALL mod fx.
Waves enigma is a fun one to mess wit.
Fender Soundette is my favourite echo, you know with the spinning metal disc and all.. classic and warm.
2nd to that would be echo.
3rd to that would be the fire switch.
It's amazing what a good room can do for your recording.... natural effects can be some of the best.
I'm partial to a light and tasty reverb to give stuff a little character.
I think Distortion is one of my favorite effects though. just makes shit sound
a little tape delay never hurt anyone either
Tape compression/saturation:
Is one of the dopest things that I found out in the last 3 years. It is gold for drums and bass.
Spring Reverb:
THAT is the roomsound of funk, love it to death.
Tube Distortion:
Brilliant, makes your material sound like grrrrrr insetad of hmmmm.
Auto-Wah / Wah Wah / Q-Tron:
The best sound for guitars and rhodes and anything else that you wouldn't run through it, go ask Miles Davis.
Tape Delay:
Uhh, thats the shit, fuck the plug in simulations, they are Ok, but nothing compared to this shitty delay sound.
Tape hiss:
Thats some grimey shit that is needed especialy in these extreme digital days. Everythings to clean. Why are we getting nuts over records that are 30 years old ? Because they are recorded in a analog way which brought a lot of things with it that people back in the days hated, like the tape hiss and stuff and now I have to say that those hiss sounds and all the other sounds that were not wanted added something that is deeply missed in todays music, call it soul, atmsophere or whatever, it is psychic accoustic. Those are sounds that the ears hear and at the same time are not hearing. If you play 2 versions to someone one with all the dirt and one without the dirt he will recognise the diffrence, and he will tell you that the recording without the dirt sounds cleaner but at the same time it sounds more empty and colder.
Handmade Volume-changes:
I come from the HipHop production side and there you mix a track and than you dont touch the board and mix it to a DAT or PC at the end. Funk learned me that every track can be better if it gets a handmade treatment when it comes to volumes so that certain parts will jump in your face and bounce back again.
Stereo Image:
With HipHop beats you had your samples and maybe you put a certain sample more to the right, or back in the days a loved stereo effect with engineers was to pan the scratches from left to right and back while scratching. But thats it. With Funk I learned to make more out of panning instruments.
Guitar Amplifiers:
Everything sounds better if its run through one of these, accept for accoustic instruments.
Microphone Placement:
The distance and the angle that the microphone got to the soundsource can be used to create certain sounds f.e. if you place a mic very near to a soundsource the bass freuquencies will be enhanced more than it was in real. A snare has a total diffrent sound when the mic is placed under it than when you place the mic on top.
Nice for atmosphere.
If you are curious you should check this................. there are 2 links to the those articles that Gabriel Roth wrote about the recording process of raw funk music out of the Big Daddy magazine in 2001. He is explainig how you build your own ghetto spring reverb and ghetto delay.
These articles are the best start if you want to record a raw funk 45. (Those links belong to another soulstrut member but I've forgotten his name)
I don't think any effect can beat really knowing how to use sound in a space.
yeah, what's up?
this is very true. and i really wish i had that knowledge.
A few of my Favorites of all time,
- FUZZ, Fuzz is the SHIT. IT's buzzy chainsaw sound truly defines some of my favorite music. Once you're invited to the Fuzz world, all distortion/overdrive sounds horrible.
- Natural Reverb, Especially when you find that Sweet spot on stage that produces a hum of pronounced Sustain.
- Tape Delay, Nothing beats a great Delay, I love Mellotrony sounds, I love all the tube echoplex.
- I love Oscillation and Ring Modulation. Anything that has a distinct Identity of it's own.
I also love the classic rotary sounds. Headphone essential.
- spidey
on vibes