Bluetooth Earpiece = Ultimate NAGL??

So...whadda thinks of people who walk around with these on? Is it just me or do people look RIDICULOUS. Maybe I'm just stone ages because I don't use one, but to me it looks like some weird spawn of a y2k meets terminator 2 movie where people have gone cyborg and have embraced their new way

hey, if Raj wears one, it can't be THAT bad.
I'm not so familiar with how they work, but why not just carry it on your person until you need it and then stick it in your ear?
One of my classmates wears his everyday- like wtf. All of our cellphones are off, we're in class, take that shit off! Well, he also wears a dick pack and sunglasses holder around his neck so go figure, I guess it goes with the ensemble.
Bluetooth earpiece = serious NAGL.
Bluetooth earpiece + sunglasses indoors and/or after dark = ultimate NAGL.
Knowledge god.
That said, I like using Bluetooth to transfer breaks onto my phone as ringtones.
Re: use of breaks as ring tones. I am always staggered by how unsuitable the best stuff is for audibility outside. I used to have "Teen Town" (Weather Report tune with Jaco's killer bass) but it just doesn't cut it when walking down a crowded street. I also used to have Bruce Lee "You have offended me... and you have offended the Shaolin Temple [cue sound of flinging fists]".
F*cking useless for a ringtone.
Currently rocking Soil & Pimp Sessions "Summer Goddess". Nice piercing horns from the first second.
I didn't read anything in this thread... BUT THE COW IS HOLDING THE LAMP IN HIS MOUTH!!!! SHIT IS WICKED AWSOME!!!
Oh, and the elastic band cell holder is some funny shit.
those Subway commercials have made him a celebrity...I'm sure his shit is ringing off the hook.
plus I got a demanding boss who calls a lot and lots of fools that call me so it just makes my life easier. I dig em.
I just joined the 21st century and upgraded to a phone that can actually download custom ringtones. Anyplace to find these for free, or am I going to have to pay for that ish?
anyways, i think this technology should be transfered to headphones. a nice cheap wireless headphone would be a GL IMO
Frontin' like Dilla didn't have a vision:
Dis BT, you dis yourself.
(quote me)
but yo..
what about people who rock IPODS in the club? I've seen this twice. It's really on some "I don't like your music so I brought my own..."
No way. So now people are just asking to have their face smashed by the DJ?
now that's some shit that really doesn't make sense, but then again i have a friend who goes out to clubs and brings his laptop with him to "do work". it's one thing to do it in a coffee shop, another to go out to a club to do it! i also think it's funny that there are clubs like the dna lounge in sf where there you can check your email or myspace in front of EVERYONE which is also venturing on the NAGL zone.
yeah, dilla is allowed to wear one, he was rolling a spliff in this picture (at least he pulled out some green out of a bag, they edited it out), but I would say the use of these things helps to establish more tolerance for bigger hearing aid devices