Don't Let Screech Go Homeless

As a community we came together last year to save those who felt the wrath of Katrina, now I think we need to show our genoristy once again and help my boyhood hero Dustin Diamond AKA Screech save his home.Together we can make a difference

That's probably as close to a real acting job as he'll ever get again. Why not exploit your large unit? It's no more embarassing then what he's doing right now.
"Dude. Get it right. I am A list."
Nice look, screeech.
I wish we'd have a Selma Hayek moment right now just so we could clown dude for saying that.
I don't think this story is true.
I've ate with Screech and he revels in his B-list cult status. He knows who he is and how people see him.
Does dude even have cult status?
his legal ID says Dustin Diamond.
It's scary how much I know about this
manlegend'Yeah, i got a six pack. Started out with a 40.'
dude plaese don't let this become the vote for pedro terd shirt of summer '06.
Nice one. Can anyone up this clip?
"You just let screech in the club?"
Well, the dude is my best friend, and I tend to believe him. So, we could have a Selma Hayek moment where the interviewer comes on to tell his story. In DD's defense, it is not with the world's greatest newspaper (Peoria, IL) so he might not have appreciated that from a podunk town.
This came up yesterday, because at my new job, I got my first producer job: Martin Abramowitz's Retirement DVD. We all start somewhere.
Try the China Club.
welcome to the fucking real world, dustin... when's the last time you had a dayjob?
just move into an apartment and stop trying to ride something you never had. maybe fred savage needs a roommate.
That was so sad...Horseshack was a pathetic old man, you could see the shame in Screech's eyes afterwards. It's like smackin' grandma.
LOL! NO, that is some bullshit.
ok I kinda figured... maybe he should try to be now though?