Strut Profession Roll Call (Your Job Related)



  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    Practicing psychologists?

    Studying to be one... But in the summer it's all about working in the

    did it for a year and a half in Sydney, you need some discipline to get up that early.

    Bukowski fucking nailed it with that book an all time favorite.

  • NateBizzoNateBizzo 2,328 Posts
    Brand Manager for a Snowboard Company. Working on our Print and Web Ad Campaign, Dealer and Consumer Catalogs, executing and producing on-snow photoshoots, and develop and manage content on our Web site.


  • Help Desk/Project Coordinator in the IT dept of a daily newspaper. I also design and maintain databases.

  • I manage an internet legal forms business, and head up other misc. projects.

    Ok, thats not true I really just get paid to post here.

  • Full-time day gig - Media Director of an ad agency (but applying for other jobs like a mo'fo...trying to escape agency life)
    Part-time night gig - marketing professor

    reppin' the 6-1-7

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts
    Since leaving uni with a degree in English Lit and Film studies I've failed to ever take a job which reflects even a modicum of my personal interests.

    This is my life!

    Exact same thing over here. BS in Film and English and no job has been even remotely related. i work in the white pages of a big phonebook publisher (probably making the phonebooks you guys have lying around) and bartend on the weekends at an outdoor, cook your own restaruant. i do some unpaid freelance writing on the side and seriously need to reevaluate what's more important job or happy. Am working on big things for 07 though (who ain't related).

  • and bartend on the weekends at an outdoor, cook your own restaruant.

    Ok, you will have to break this down for me. Why would someone not just grill out at home if they were going to cook it themselves?

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

  • and bartend on the weekends at an outdoor, cook your own restaruant.

    Ok, you will have to break this down for me. Why would someone not just grill out at home if they were going to cook it themselves?

    There's a restaurant by my house that specializes in "Steak on a stone", in which they deliver a hot stone to your table and you cook your steak on it. My wife an I are always like "If I wanted to cook my own steak, I'd do it at home on the grill...."

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    I'm a tech at a University. It's got a pretty damn good benefits package. Hot gurls all day long...

    I'm sure HAZ knows the deal...

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts
    and bartend on the weekends at an outdoor, cook your own restaruant.

    Ok, you will have to break this down for me. Why would someone not just grill out at home if they were going to cook it themselves?

    Because this place is absolutely ridiculous. It's not like going to a restaraunt and being ignored for the first 10 minutes you sit down until your server finally shows up with two glasses of iceless water. The whole thing is an experience. Music, fun people who want you to have a great time, jokes, pranks, big grills, and more bachelorette parties than i even know what to do with.

    As for the whole grilling thing, good luck getting alligator or wild boar kabobs in Pennsylvania without us.

    There's two locations, one at the foot of a ski mountain and the other tucked away in the woods along a creek. They are scenic and a hell of a lot of fun. In the winter time one of the location is set up for indoor with an indoor grill and a nice big bar. We do a campfire out back and people take their drinks outside and sit around the fire.

    List of OTHER bars that have campfires for their clientele` and haven't had a lawsuit or injury in the last 15 years........?

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Since leaving uni with a degree in English Lit and Film studies I've failed to ever take a job which reflects even a modicum of my personal interests.

    This is my life!

    Exact same thing over here. BS in Film and English and no job has been even remotely related. i work in the white pages of a big phonebook publisher (probably making the phonebooks you guys have lying around) and bartend on the weekends at an outdoor, cook your own restaruant. i do some unpaid freelance writing on the side and seriously need to reevaluate what's more important job or happy. Am working on big things for 07 though (who ain't related).

    Yeah I think there comes a time when you have to either go for it or drop the idea. I guess you could call music blogging unpaid writing in the loosest sense of the term but I understand that it's extremely far from a professional journalism standard and I'm also not going to see any income from it anytime soon (unless you count getting sent lots of shit r&b group's cds for free as an income). However it helps keep me sane and balances out the dulling effect of my reasonably well paid but utterly uninteresting job.

    The problem was always that without following that kind of degree up with a masters there seemed very little direction to take it in. Plus I was/am a pretty lazy individual in pushing for these type of things.

    I've reached the point where it would be very difficult to start over in a chosen field and maintain my home/lifestyle/debt repayments. However, if the chance came along I'd be sorely tempted to go for it so good luck in your plans.

  • Special Markets Sales for Penguin Group publishing.

  • and bartend on the weekends at an outdoor, cook your own restaruant.

    Ok, you will have to break this down for me. Why would someone not just grill out at home if they were going to cook it themselves?

    Because this place is absolutely ridiculous. It's not like going to a restaraunt and being ignored for the first 10 minutes you sit down until your server finally shows up with two glasses of iceless water. The whole thing is an experience. Music, fun people who want you to have a great time, jokes, pranks, big grills, and more bachelorette parties than i even know what to do with.

    As for the whole grilling thing, good luck getting alligator or wild boar kabobs in Pennsylvania without us.

    There's two locations, one at the foot of a ski mountain and the other tucked away in the woods along a creek. They are scenic and a hell of a lot of fun. In the winter time one of the location is set up for indoor with an indoor grill and a nice big bar. We do a campfire out back and people take their drinks outside and sit around the fire.

    List of OTHER bars that have campfires for their clientele` and haven't had a lawsuit or injury in the last 15 years........?

    Sounds like a fun spot.

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts

    US Army Sergeant.

    My military occupational specialty (MOS) is Unit Supply Specialist but my job title is Company Supply Sergeant. If you're curious what my job entails here's a by-the-book description:
    Requests, receives, inspects, stores, issues, turns in, accounts for, and preserves supplies in unit, and supervises small unit supply operations.

  • fulltime radio dude (on air, editor, web...)

    so if you ever need some airplay in austria, southern germany etc., holler!

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts

    so far, I think "bartender" (though mostly PT) seems to be the most frequent profession listed. We have at least two former/current personal investigators. Bunch of tech and media professionals. At least two professional cooks/chefs.

    Curious if we have any medical professionals? Doctors, nurses, dentists, opthamologists, etc.?

    And we must have at least one accountant in the house, no?

  • SooksSooks 714 Posts
    I'm an electrical engineer doing research into high frequency (30-60 GHz) communications. I stay on the hardware side, mostly (circuits, packaging, and antennas).

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts
    and bartend on the weekends at an outdoor, cook your own restaruant.

    Ok, you will have to break this down for me. Why would someone not just grill out at home if they were going to cook it themselves?

    Because this place is absolutely ridiculous. It's not like going to a restaraunt and being ignored for the first 10 minutes you sit down until your server finally shows up with two glasses of iceless water. The whole thing is an experience. Music, fun people who want you to have a great time, jokes, pranks, big grills, and more bachelorette parties than i even know what to do with.

    As for the whole grilling thing, good luck getting alligator or wild boar kabobs in Pennsylvania without us.

    There's two locations, one at the foot of a ski mountain and the other tucked away in the woods along a creek. They are scenic and a hell of a lot of fun. In the winter time one of the location is set up for indoor with an indoor grill and a nice big bar. We do a campfire out back and people take their drinks outside and sit around the fire.

    List of OTHER bars that have campfires for their clientele` and haven't had a lawsuit or injury in the last 15 years........?

    Sounds like a fun spot.

    Haha, not'd be surprised how many times i've had to answer that question in the last three years. Hopped into defend the bar mode...on the gills, it's a good time. The food is great and so is the atmosphere, best job i've ever had.

  • RustyBRustyB 223 Posts
    IP Paralegal by day, record label owner and producer by night.

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts
    Help Desk/Project Coordinator in the IT dept of a daily newspaper. I also design and maintain databases.

    I need a MySQL/php CMS. Any good at them?! Competitive rates (for the academic arena )

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    I think all of us would be quite entertained by some of DrJoel's better stories from the "cook it yourself" restaurant.

  • I think all of us would be quite entertained by some of DrJoel's better stories from the "cook it yourself" restaurant.

    Has anyone ever showed up with road kill?

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

    And we must have at least one accountant in the house, no?


    I kinda fell into accounting after majoring in marketing at UT. Been at it for over a decade now.

    It helps ensure that my path of journalism remains as from-the-hip as possible.

  • I'm a research assistant doing quality of life research with cancer and AIDS patients. I work with clinical psychologists and MD's, but not one myself.
    I also manage a Community Supported Agriculture group, but that just volunteer work.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    I thought you were just a journalist, Archa..I mean Harvey. Now you're going to get bombarded with PMs during tax time.

    I'm now an admin for a mid sized graphic/interiors/furnishings company. Decent pay, great people and benefits. Can't really knock it after working as a graphic designer for a dinky non profit for years.

  • PLURPLUR 28 Posts
    I yoused 2 live in a van. now i work at a mcdonalds drivethru windo. it pays 4 me 2 go to partys and here BREAKZ! sumtimes i sel K on tha side tho.

  • I thought you were just a journalist, Archa..I mean Harvey. Now you're going to get bombarded with PMs during tax time.

    I'm now an admin for a mid sized graphic/interiors/furnishings company. Decent pay, great people and benefits. Can't really knock it after working as a graphic designer for a dinky non profit for years.

    You do some dope freelance work as well.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I'm Director of New Product Development for a large Environmental/Safety Co. which are fancy words for "inventor". Most of my inventions are used in the Chemical Industry but my latest one will hopefully be seen by all of you in the near future. I just received a patent for my idea called "Invisible Sign" which is only visible when wet and provides non-slip properties to cut down on "slips and falls". Next time this year if you're running into a store, Amusement Park, Stadium, etc. in the rain you might see this.....

    Oh yeah....I sell vinyl on ebay and have the Rockadelic label to keep me busy when I'm not raising two pain in the ass teen-age girls!!

  • In this order:

    assistant engineer at (check out the cast area for a pic of me with d-train!)

    record slinger on ebay


    and i'm getting back into playing music (guitar)
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