jersey fresh 2,632 Posts
I always wanted to get a jukebox for the house. Anyone got one? They seem like they would be a pain in the ass to up keep. Was thinking about getting one whenever I get a gameroom/bar. I wouldn't put any expensive 45's in it but fill it up with common classics. I'd like to see pics if any of you strutters have a jukebox. Also I think I would get a jukebox from the 70's. Wouldn't need an expensive rocola.
He gave it to me, but we live in a small apartment and its been in storage for 7 years now.. I cant wait to get a house and put that baby right in the living room..
I upgraded the speakers and it sounds money, the needle cost me quite a bit to replace..
I always thought they all played 45s till I saw that thing.
was really cheap i thought