DUNGEN - ta det lungt :LATE PASS



  • tonyphronetonyphrone 1,500 Posts
    organ as the lead in rock bands always equals CRAP.. like sax in rock.. see the doors, iron butterfly, vanilla etc etc.

    tend to agree with you but I dig Vanilla Fudge!

    but my dad doesn't like them.

    BTW, I'm as scepitical about newer rock bands as the next guy but DUNGEN RULES! Nuff said.

  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts
    BTW, I'm as scepitical about newer rock bands as the next guy but DUNGEN RULES! Nuff said.

    Exactly... most rock from the past several years is complete dew-dew (esp the hyped stuff)

    This record is refreshing...

  • Is that picture of the band supposed to help convince us that they rule?

    not working...

  • tonyphronetonyphrone 1,500 Posts
    Let me tell you, the only 2 rock_ish records that I think has any staying power from the last couple years is:

    and believe me - i've bought a ton of others...

  • Fair enough, it just came across as corny to me, i noticed those dudes did some work for some disney cartoon, i could imagine that being the worst of looks...
    I'll give it another listen tomorrow though...

  • might I suggest www.myspace.com/civilizedage maybe its a douch move to post your own shizz.
    we hustled on an opening spot for dungen but they dont like to play with rock bands i guess. not down with the hammond organ? SOFTEST.

  • awallawall 673 Posts
    you're talking OM right?

    no the ta det turd thing

    if that album is a turd to you, then I dont know what to say...stay away from rock music, it aint for you...top shelf psych rock/pop...

    OM is PROOF that Matt Pike wasnt the essential ingredient in Sleep...sleep is ALL about the bass player(I bet dude came up with the riffs). High On Fire is good and all, but Matt's ham fisted guitar playing gets *yawn* after awhile....

    haha yeah matt pike is totally the lemmy of stoner metal and high on fire are totally motorhead to sleep's hawkwind. and i fucking hate motorhead

    black moutain are good and everything but i find that they're a little too caught up on current musical trends in rock music (i.e. stoner rock and a can obsession) to make them relevant beyond this current moment in time. listen to that shit in 5 years and it will sound pretty dated instead of it being the hip pastiche of "in" musical styles that it is now. maybe the songwriting will shine though-i don't know-but after hearing their luke-warm side projects i don't have much faith. also some of that record is just plain boring to me

    also, if you can't get with the melvins you can't really get with stoner rock/metal, period.

    those looking to delve deeping into the genre should check warhorse, electic wizard, ramesses, etc.

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    i always thought the Melvins were the Ramones of metal... and ive never been a fan of that novelty band either

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts

    black moutain are good and everything but i find that they're a little too caught up on current musical trends in rock music (i.e. stoner rock and a can obsession)

    its not 1994 any more man.. i dont think stoner rock or Can have been a hip buzz word since the dawn of Tortoise and the desolution of Kyuss...

    Can were way too multifaceted to actually say "this band sounds like Can" what do you mean by that? malcom mooney Can? Suzuki Can? Tago Mago Can? Future Days Can? Ethno Forgeres Can?

    its like saying a band sounds like Faust... to me that would just mean they were incredibly multifaceted, experimental and not limited to any one particular sound.

    im gonna go listen to Holger Czuky get mad chill on this David Syvian record

  • some Memphis rock steez...the real deal, take a listen to the live track "King of Rock"..the drumming and guitar solo blows 95% of all the current heavy/stoner rock competition outta the water...shit, listen to all the songs, you wont be disappointed

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    star destroyer was pretty weaksauce man...

    the live track sounds like the aborted sessions from a Kid Rock album

  • star destroyer was pretty weaksauce man...

    really, tell me another current rock drummer that plays in a pocket like that...but you cannot deny the badassness of that guitar solo on "king of rock"..

  • the live track sounds like the aborted sessions from a Kid Rock album

    whatever dude, Steveo was personally picked by Ross the Boss as his own replacemnt when Ross had a family emergency, I guess you dont like rock guitar playing...go back and listen to your Wack Mountain record..can they even play guitar solos?
    (no disrespect to Mr. West)

  • awallawall 673 Posts

    black moutain are good and everything but i find that they're a little too caught up on current musical trends in rock music (i.e. stoner rock and a can obsession)

    its not 1994 any more man.. i dont think stoner rock or Can have been a hip buzz word since the dawn of Tortoise and the desolution of Kyuss...

    Can were way too multifaceted to actually say "this band sounds like Can" what do you mean by that? malcom mooney Can? Suzuki Can? Tago Mago Can? Future Days Can? Ethno Forgeres Can?

    its like saying a band sounds like Faust... to me that would just mean they were incredibly multifaceted, experimental and not limited to any one particular sound.

    im gonna go listen to Holger Czuky get mad chill on this David Syvian record

    listen to "druganaut" and try telling me that shit doesn't sound like can. even reading their band bio or some shit, it is obvious

    can DEFINETLY have had a resurgance in hipness is the last couple years, especially since that reissue series and bullshit youth media outlets like pitchforkmedia stated using them as their new "buzzword"...from my perspective as a college undergrad alone i've seen the effect of this, not to mention all the bands that have been popping up that clearly draw on them as an influence (shit, i've playing in a few myself). from inside the rock underground (at least here on the west coast) you would have to be blind to miss this stuff

    stoner metal has certainly developed a marketable scene and network of bands (check myspace if you don't belive me) that is bleeding over into other genres-ESPECIALLY hardcore-including more acessible forms of rock music.

    i mean i don't really know how to argue this shit...it's kinda just something you have to witness to see that it's happening

  • awallawall 673 Posts
    by the way i was BAFFELED when i found out that black moutain weren't from portland

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    hook up - if you mean rock guitar in the 38 special, skynard, bad company mode.. than no im not interested in that silly Nashville Pussy style shit

    i thought we were talking about shit like Zep, Trex, Hawkwind here???

    i like my metal hairy, stoner and COSMIC.. not a bunch of good ole boys with POW MIA back patches and confederate flags.

    Awail I dont know how old you are but Can have been hip for alot longer than the "last couple of years" and if you honestly think Drugganaut sounds like Can then alright i cannot argue with you.. but man id like to know what Can record has big phat in the pocket BONHAM drumming and Karoli holding down the dropped tuned power chords, not to mention female back up vocals and no irmin schmidt.. man i need that one for sure.

    stoner metal reached its critical mass when Sleep got signed with a six figure contract back in the early 90's... i think that's a bit bigger deal than a bunch of myspace / pitchfork bloggers who finally stopped playing hardcore to get "heavy"

    but thats the nature of rock.. its a hairy wild beast. .and what gets one man fired up turns the other off.

    PS who the fuck is Ross the boss??

  • awallawall 673 Posts
    Awail I dont know how old you are but Can have been hip for alot longer than the "last couple of years"

    i am fully aware of this, but shit man, they're influence is certainly "back" even if it never left to some people.

    a bit about black moutain from the jagjaguwar website:
    "Their debut self-titled record, like a space probe built of erector set parts and transmitting secret and arcane messages to earth by string, charts territories unknown yet remains grounded by the roots of classic rock and roll. It is easy to discern these roots: Black Sabbath, the Velvet Underground, the Rolling Stones, Animals-era Pink Floyd, Blue Cheer, Led Zeppelin and Can."

    i can certainly tell you really love these guys, they're your canadian brethern and whatnot...but just try and step out of the moment for a second. listen to that pink moutaintops album...it's pretty much black moutain stripped of all these rock modifications and it sucks

    stoner metal reached its critical mass when Sleep got signed with a six figure contract back in the early 90's... i think that's a bit bigger deal than a bunch of myspace / pitchfork bloggers who finally stopped playing hardcore to get "heavy"

    it's true, sleep was certainly the apex of the movement (or maybe sabbath was, ha), but what's going on now is clearly a "revival" of sorts...and all the internet shit is beside the fact: go to live shows man, that shit is EVERYWHERE. it's undeniable.

    but thats the nature of rock.. its a hairy wild beast. .and what gets one man fired up turns the other off.

    TRUTH. perhaps we should leave it at this

  • Dungen is a flaming pile of shit.

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    well i admit im biased. i hate all canadian rock other than Rush and Simply Saucer!

    so its a fluke that i dig black mountian..

    i also lived in bloomington for 3 years and my pals work at jagjaguar / secretly canadian..

    which again on paper should make me hate this band

    i even hated them the first time i listened.. same with dungen

    but then i shed my "oh no maybe bloggers and hipsters might like this too" hang ups and got my freak on

  • what happened to that Black Mountain BBC set I heard about?
    that shit is

  • jagjaguar

    Shit. Oneida??

    Saw them in '00........FLOORED!!

    Greatest live band I'd seen in a LOOOOONG time.

    They have the BALL of sound on lock.


    P.S. Its great to see a serious rock disagreement / discussion (especially on SS). Getting heated almost. Wow.

  • oh yea - is it true Dungen's lyrics are about unicorns and cave wizards and stuff like that?

    Nope, sometimes quite nature-related lyrics and sometimes a bit pretentious but that's psychrock for ya, i really really like Dungen and just yesterday listened to some unreleased cuts at my freinds house that i must say is (except for the mixing) better than most released, really nice instrumentation and lots of nice harmonies, also i think Gustav should recieve some respect for being often the only one playing on his records on a lot of studio recordings, the band is often only for live gigs and jamming...

    Proper rock music!


  • Why all the hate? I had no idea Dungen divided this many people....
    I saw 'em twice....live show was kinda dull compared to the album, but that record was on steady repeat for a minute in my discman.

    Those that don't dig it maybe should check out Yura Yura Teikoku. It's good neo-psych, without the flute/organ thing that seems to grate on so many folks nerves.

    Also....this record kinda surpasses all of the above by a couple of yards:
    Ghost:Hypnotic Underworld.

  • hammertimehammertime 2,389 Posts

  • dubious...I love the way you can judge who people are...you dont know those dudes, they are not POW back patch guys...If you think that has anything to do with .38 special, you are smokin crack. their heroes are Sir Lord Baltimore, Leafhound, BOC and the like. Its funny how that musicianship in rock has taken a back seat..people think a droning riff for 14 fucking minutes and a boring ass drummer is "good rock" music...ever notice how those obscure rock records from the 70s have amazing musicianship? there was a higher standard back then...so, why is it when a band displays some musicianship and a respect for old sounds, they get deemed lame and revisionist? and folks like you pull .38 special out of their ass. Look at the obscure rock records of tomorrow..Monster Magnet, Black Mountain...bands that cant play worth a shit and I think it is funny as hell when folks say "sounds like Can, sounds like Led Zeppelin" yeah it sounds like those bands, without the amazing drumming, guitar playing, and inventive and original arranging.

    Just the fact you dont know who Ross the Boss is proves that we have , for lack of a better word, different knowledge about rock music. Ross the Boss was the guitarist in a great rock band called The Dictators(and the real Spinal Tap, he started Manowar, yes people that band is a joke on purpose by the way)...pick up their LP "go girl Crazy", a classic american rock record if there ever was one.

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    hook-up to each his own man

    i think the big issue here is the silliness of the band in question. Im not a fan of novelty, goofy, jokey music of any type.. rock or not. But you obviously take silly music very seriously.. so hey thats cool man.. you do you.

    obviously i dont know these dudes.. and i never said anything about their musicianship ... yet you harp on about how modern bands "cant play" .. to flip the script on you - do you know Black Mountan? how do you know those dudes "can't play"?

    personally id rather have good songs, good production, good vibe than guitar solo, drum solo, bass solo, man those dudes can PLAY!!!

    I think what's GREAT about bands like Black Mountain and Dungen is that these dudes CAN and DO play.. plus they write good tunes, and the production is tight as well.

    That Black Mountain record is one of my favorite sounding records of the last long while. It's not Houses of The Holy or Moving Pictures, never said it was.

    i think we can agree a band like Zeppelin were in a unique leagues above the norm level. I don't really see how that's relevannt... You can also like zep and like ACDC and the Ramones.. i dont see a problem with that. And conversly you can dig Zep and not like the Ramones or ACDC.

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    Anyone seen these guys live? Are they any good?

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    which guys? dungen? i say no...others say yes.

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    yeah, dungen.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    i was disappointed - it was pretty thin compared to the records and i did not like his voice live at all.
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