How Has Your Life Changed in 18 months?

GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
edited March 2006 in Strut Central
had a talk with a friend aout how our lives are totally different than they were just a year and a half ago. Shit kinda boggled my mind.18 months ago I was dreading my daily grind working at a record store making low wages. I was bored with school and seeing a girl that barely left an impression on me. I was also having a major bout of depression over the way my life was playing out. My longtime best friend was still living in Las Vegas and left me feeling like I lacked someone to confide in.Nowadays I am working in my chosen career field, My major bout with depression has come and gone, I've had several higher quality women and friends in my life. I began working out semi-intensley again and I've put on nearly 20 pounds of muscle, and most importantly I opened myself up to travel, which I had somehow psyched myself out of for nearly 3 years.So the question isHOW HAS YOUR LIFE CHANGED IN 18 MONTHS?


  • MjukisMjukis 1,675 Posts
    18 months ago I was working as a mailman, a pretty mindnumbing and boring job and I was single and unhappy with it. I'd been taking courses for a couple of years before taking a break from studies to work again and finally decided that I wanted to study psychology, which is pretty hard to get into. I was just barely able to squeeze into the psychology program about 16 months ago, thanks to the Swedish equivalent of the SATs (my grades aren't up to par). So I'm in school and it feels goooood.
    Also, I've got a girlfriend now, going on five months. It's getting better like Sergeant pepper fourth track.

  • 18 months ago I worked for a large corporation that would run afoul of the attorney general. I wore a suit, worked as little as I had to, drank a lot, made quite a bit more money than I do now, but wasn't very happy at all. Right now I am sitting in the record shop that I opened 8 months ago when I left that company. I am looking at new heat on the wall, waiting for my soup-n-sandwich to be delivered, listening to Van Dyke Parks "Song Cycle", and checking NCAA scores. I'm very happy.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    My son is 20 months old now. I thought I was doing OK back then. I was wrong, I was living in black & white and I didn't even knew it. Now I'm living in the most glorius technicolor

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    18 months ago I was a woman.

  • 18 months ago I was a woman.

    And I was trying to blap just based on that couch pic alone!

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    fuck, i just went (today) on an interview for an old friend's fabrication/design company... two years at about the same payscale i'm at now, equity/cash out option of upwards of $1,000,000 when the two years are up. looks pretty solid, plus, i wouldn't be working for my baby mama's parents anymore. getting serious with the girlfriend, and it's exciting that her band is about to blow the fuck up. kid'll be living with me full-time in about 18months. my life is pretty good. also, the girl is letting me smoke* again.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    ad*m, i just wanted to add that even after hanging out with you in LA, and knowing you from this shit... i've started to think this is what you really look like.

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    18 months ago I had a wife, today I don't. That's the biggest difference.

  • 18 months ago I was just starting college, moved to nyc and saw lots of concerts.

    Everything was chill for awhile, started my first serious relationship with a girl which was really good for awhile, that ended, oh well, went home for the summer got an incredibly easy job working at blockbuster online, got high 4 times a day at that job, worked with the most upbeat and sincere dude I've ever met, he was 50 years old and from nigeria, talked to him a lot about fela and it turns out he lived only a mile away from fela's club, dude also dropped serious life-knowledge and we spoke constantly about real shit going on in the world every day yet most people didn't take him seriously at all, the young black kids and even grown black women called him "africa" and didn't show him any respect. anyway I'm talking to much about that guy but I'll always remember him and he taught me a lot.

    this year, start the second year of college and got more focused on design, taking better classes and shit, everythings going great until november 1st when my older brother and only sibling died. needless to say the holidays sucked, school sucked, life sucked, everything sucked and continued to suck. applied for an internship (RR) during finals week last semester, got that and its been the best part of my life since I've started working there. Then about six weeks ago I got into a vicious weekly cycle of procrastinating, failed all nighters where I just pass out after only getting 25% of what i need done, followed by not going to class, repeat process for awhile and now I have a good chance of failing but 5 more weeks left to redeem myself...

    so yeah, went from pretty good to unbelievebly shitty, and the future is cloudy...

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    truly sorry about your brother.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    18 months ago I was just starting college, moved to nyc and saw lots of concerts.

    Everything was chill for awhile, started my first serious relationship with a girl which was really good for awhile, that ended, oh well, went home for the summer got an incredibly easy job working at blockbuster online, got high 4 times a day at that job, worked with the most upbeat and sincere dude I've ever met, he was 50 years old and from nigeria, talked to him a lot about fela and it turns out he lived only a mile away from fela's club, dude also dropped serious life-knowledge and we spoke constantly about real shit going on in the world every day yet most people didn't take him seriously at all, the young black kids and even grown black women called him "africa" and didn't show him any respect. anyway I'm talking to much about that guy but I'll always remember him and he taught me a lot.

    this year, start the second year of college and got more focused on design, taking better classes and shit, everythings going great until november 1st when my older brother and only sibling died. needless to say the holidays sucked, school sucked, life sucked, everything sucked and continued to suck. applied for an internship (RR) during finals week last semester, got that and its been the best part of my life since I've started working there. Then about six weeks ago I got into a vicious weekly cycle of procrastinating, failed all nighters where I just pass out after only getting 25% of what i need done, followed by not going to class, repeat process for awhile and now I have a good chance of failing but 5 more weeks left to redeem myself...

    so yeah, went from pretty good to worse than bad, and the future is cloudy...

    I feel you bro i started college same time. Although ive had great achievements in my life. (peru project and school) i am always at the same point where everything depends on my actions and i procrastinate-uber stress cycle.

    The only way you can make yourslef happy and change the course of your life is to do shit if not youll be even wose off....DO IT.. fight for your degree and grab that shit. my condoleances and good fucking luck

  • I'm became a Born Again Collectro about 18 months ago.Starting from scratch ,yo.

  • canonicalcanonical 2,100 Posts
    I was just thinking about this the other day.

    18 months ago I was starting graduate studies in theroetical physics at the University of Waterloo. Been kinda shakey for a year with the girlfriend at the time, but she decided to move out there with me (across the country).

    Now, after leaving my masters to do other school-related stuff (mathematics), having that girl leave me in one of the most painful ways, and having to purge almost all my so-called friends of that time out of my life, I am finally beginning to enjoy what's going on.

    The past 4 months have been awesome. The one friend I kept around after the mess during the past 18 months, has been the closest and dopest dude ever. Plus, since moving back from my masters, I've met up with a really cool RR dealer and friend, and some cross prairies trips are in the works.

    With SS, waxidermy, piles of shitty alberta xian terds, doing math in school, life stability, and getting my own apartment (finally!) I'd say my life is heaps better now, despite the fact I had to take a few steps back. Word!

  • how about:

    from smoker, vegetarian, having a chick, 2 room mates, in a crew, make a grip of beats and worked on music all the time, make shit money, about blind as a bat, ride the bus, never watch TV, never cook

    to non-smoker, meat eater, single, live alone, dropped the crew, make about one or two beats a month, make decent money, have glasses, a car, satellite TV, and cooking myself dinner all the time.

    all within 2 years work.

  • MjukisMjukis 1,675 Posts
    Still the same gender and skin color though, right?

  • lucerolucero 425 Posts
    things have gone pretty well. Got my focus on a bit, cleared my student debt and now have a disciplined savings regime up and running. The downside is less cash, which has pinched travel mostly (and records too) but theres good things on the horizon there and I've still managed to get loads of beach & holiday time in. Took up golf but have dropped the ball a lil on the yoga tip .. work is about as good as it could be, there have been some ladies & many good times, not too sure if she has surfaced or not - I meet some nice ladies nahmean (!) .. oh yeah, I turned 30 so I guess I'm officially grown and sexy .. and I also met holmeS

  • Still the same gender and skin color though, right?

    maybe a little whiter but definitely still male.

  • tonyphronetonyphrone 1,500 Posts
    I've had 3 different day jobs and this latest one is Intense!!!

    I'd like to go freelance soon, but i think i'm gonna get married and try and buy a house next year

    I will say my personal work has been very fullfiilling and I'm feeling very inspired lately

    Generally feel good about the future , but I dont see much traveling in it ?

  • I drink less than I did 18 months ago...that's a good thing. My head is all fucked up and I feel dizzy all the time, and that is a bad thing. But, I'm engaged to a beautiful woman I love, and she is helping me deal with that. And we weren't engaged 18 months ago.

    18 months ago, I was on record hiatus. Then, one day, the switch got flipped, and I came out of retirement. So, that is different and why I'm here.

    I was a freelance employee 18 months ago. Then, I took a job at a big publishing company, got paid more, and now I find that I am bored. Gotta get back to less corporate environs.

    18 months ago I didn't know shit about soul strut. and, it is questions like this that makes me glad it is 18 months later.

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,851 Posts
    18 months ago I was a fulltime record dealer in Montreal, and living a very relaxed, reasonably enjoyable life. Money wasn't plentiful, but I had to do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. I could take off on climbing at a moment's notice, spend a day in the park, travel to oddball records stores--the fun stuff.

    Since then I moved to Fredericton, New Brunswick, started law school, started my first serious relationship, ended my serious relationship, and learned that I am able to must a little discipline in my academic life.

    I miss records, I miss Montreal, I miss attractive women, I miss having time for women, I miss diversity, I miss good food, I miss my friends, but I'm very happy with my changes, on the whole. Law school was a good move, experiencing life in a town world's away from anything I've yet epxerienced and living without roommates for the first time in six years is fun.

    Also, I started podcasting Waxing Deep, which has taken the show to a level of popularity I never imagined possible. Random people everywhere are feeling it enough to donate money and that makes me feel like I'm doing something right.

    So yeah, big changes for me over the past year.

    Oh, and lest I forget: I started moderating Soul Strut. When I whisper that in a lady's ear it's game over.

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    we just bought a house

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,851 Posts
    In Halifax?

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    .. oh yeah, I turned 30 so I guess I'm officially grown and sexy .. and I also met holmeS
    Ayo brother, a-yo.

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    this pretty much sums up my last 18 months.

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,851 Posts
    this pretty much sums up my last 18 months.

    Jeff**Xs^3***babyman***, you rule. When are you going to do my show again? You've got a following in Fredericton...

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    this pretty much sums up my last 18 months.

    Jeff**Xs^3***babyman***, you rule. When are you going to do my show again? You've got a following in Fredericton...

    We are trying to get another mix ready soon. IS Fredricton READY?!?!?!

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Watched my house burn down at midnight with about 10,000 other local TV News viewers.

    Lost a ton of shit.

    Had insurance.

    Lived in Hotels and Apartments for the next 5 months.

    Bought a house and moved out into the country to a town with the most embarrassing name in the nation.

    Sent one kid off to college and am getting another one ready.

    Found this place and have about ten less hours in my life per week.

  • So the question is... HOW HAS YOUR LIFE CHANGED IN 18 MONTHS?

  • Bought a house and moved out into the country to a town with the most embarrassing name in the nation.

    flower mound?

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    Bought a house and moved out into the country to a town with the most embarrassing name in the nation.

    White Settlement, Tx?
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