How Has Your Life Changed in 18 months?



  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Bought a house and moved out into the country to a town with the most embarrassing name in the nation.

    flower mound?

    Trophy Club

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    Bought a house and moved out into the country to a town with the most embarrassing name in the nation.

    White Settlement, Tx?


  • that was my first guess. i saw it on the map. sure looks nice. i like maps. lake country eh?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    that was my first guess. i saw it on the map. sure looks nice. i like maps. lake country eh?

    It's nice.....Reynaldo might consider living here

  • dCastillodCastillo 1,963 Posts
    18 months ago I was fresh out of college. Working at a box company while interning part time at a design/marketing place. I did nothing all day at the box place and had plenty of time to read every single thread on soulstrut due to boredom. I had also developed quite an ebay habit. I would be watching LPs as they were being listed and such. I was paid there, but wasn't growing in any way shape of form. I was about 30-35lbs heavier--dull suburban day job + fast food in excess and being a sodaholic...

    Now I'm full time at the place I was interning. I'm about 10 times busier than I was 18 months ago, and about twice as poor. I've been breaking again for the past 15 months, eating a lot healthier, and I feel like I'm fresh out of High School. I've built some great freindships, and have truly been enjoying life. This almost makes up for being dead poor. I buy a lot less records, but I enjoy the records I buy a lot more these days.

    I've learned a lot. I've changed quite a bit. But now I'm at that point again where I don't feel I'm growing anymore at the place I'm at. And I'm definitely not getting paid nearly what I should be. I feel like a critical decision has to be made soon.

    18 months....

    In the next 18 months I hope to be happily working alone--doing my own thing, or partnering with some like-minded friends and making beats non stop (I'm talking to you!).

  • I've learned a lot. I've changed quite a bit. But now I'm at that point again where I don't feel I'm growing anymore at the place I'm at. And I'm definitely not getting paid nearly what I should be. I feel like a critical decision has to be made soon.

    that post college slump is a mother! Im right there and about to shake some things up.

    in the past 18 months ive:

    -moved to new york
    -gotten my car stolen
    -put on about five pounds
    -grew a beard, shaved it, regrew it, repeat
    -worked about ten meaningless jobs
    -gotten a kitty and learned what love is about
    -developed an increasingly dark and cynical attitude about the world
    -read a ton of interesting stuff and taught myself some different types of math
    -taught myself how to write music
    -more or less stopped writing fiction
    -developed a few meaningfull friendships but miss the carefree days of college
    -gotten into african music
    -entered jungian anylysis

    other than that Im the same. My life tends to move in three year cylces. Im about a little more than halfway through this one. talk to me in a year and a half and Ill be a different person.

  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts
    In the last 18 months I have:
    - Had my second kid (awesome)
    - Bought a house (awesome)
    - Buried my Dad and Dad-In-Law (RIP)
    - Switched jobs 3 times (stressful but current job is great)
    - Cut off the dreadlocks I had been growing since 1987 (it was just time to do it)
    - Grown about a billion gray hairs (still not going bald though!)
    - Probably bought less than 50 records (babies = no time for digging, praise satan for ipods)
    - Seen zero movies in the theater (see above)
    - Watched my NY Knicks become the worst pro sports team I have ever rooted for in my life (and I've been a Knicks, Jets, and Mets fans since the mid-70's)

    It's been a hell of a year and a half, no?

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    It's been a hell of a year and a half, no?

  • Mine starts off the same as Guzzo's.

    18 months ago I was dreading my daily grind working at a record store making low wages.

    Now I look forward to my daily grind finding records and selling them from home, making low to half-way decent money.

  • 18 months ago I was getting ready to move to Richmond VA with my girlfriend. I had no job and very little savings. Now I am engaged and getting ready to buy a house (if the crazy bitch selling it will sign the contract). I have a decent job and my boss actually respects me and appreciates what I do. I am really stressed, but I will be very happy once all of this stuff comes together.

    Oh yeah and 18 months ago I had never been on a message board and had no idea what soul strut was. Coincidentally, I was way more productive.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    18 months ago I had never been on a message board and had no idea what soul strut was. Coincidentally, I was way more productive.

    Cosign. Add to that I was only first discovering MP3 blogs and didn't realise how setting one up myself would quickly take over half my waking thoughts.

    Apart from that very little has changed in my life though I now get paid 10 grand more than I did 18 months ago for doing the same job.

    Damn, I really need to do something memorable this year.

  • coffinjoecoffinjoe 1,743 Posts
    18 months ago......

    bad financial place, big customer defaulting on = to 5 months of mortgage payments,
    now he's all caught up & back in buying mode

    had to start culling the herd that is/was my lifetime's raer wax collection,
    helped alleviate my financial shituation ,
    didn't hurt that bad, made some customers/friends very happy,
    now i'm still reviewing my keepers,
    likely to pull more heat to spread around this spring

    cause i was broke, joined krc & selling at arbutis

    6 trips to vermont, including keeping dancehalls with
    sister nancy, brigadier jerry, carlton livingston, ranking joe, o madoo & sammy dread

    thought i would maybe never move again,
    now i'm rushing to prepare the house for selling & move to an undecided local

    started thinking serious about colleges for the first time in 25 years
    (way more serious than first time), that should be settled in the next 2 weeks

    2004 election (aka lost all faith left in the system)

    hit 44 & 45 b-dazes
    18 & 19 wedding anniversaries

    driving a 92 volvo sw w/200+ thousand miles, only am radio working, no a/c, in ruff shape
    now a crisper 96 with 120 thousand & all the xtras work

    lurked in ss, last spring joined the party to bust on paychex,
    have met tons of strutters
    in the real world since

  • Made one serious life changing decision in the last 18 months. The next 18 months will be crucial.

  • 18 months ago.
    either Unemployed or working meaningless 3-4 week contract assignment. Looking through my car seats for change. Moved twice in one year. Constant argueing with the woman. Second guessing my young adult moves. Smoking way to much greens. Eating meat. Barely digging and making non inspirational music

    Fast forward to Mar.2006. After feeling the effects of 9.11. and the hit it took on NY job market. Looks like things are looking up. In the technology sector that is. After hoping around from job to job. Being treated like shit, finally landed a full time job where dudes respect my game and feel like part of a team. Vegetarian now for just about year. Back in the record game, making beats and shit is starting to sound consistent. everything with the woman is great.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    *whistle* The last 18 months of my life have been the most, uh, life-changing in my, uh, life.

    Sep 2004: After 7 years of living in Oakland, I had just moved to S.F. to move in with my (pregnant) girlfriend.

    Dec 2004: After 8.5 years of grad school, I filed my dissertation and officially earned my PhD.

    Feb 2004: Ella arrived.

    Aug 2004: I was now making a living, of all things, getting paid to blog by both Napster and MSN (ironically, as of yesterday, both of these gigs ended, putting me back in the freelance pool for the time being).

    Jan 2004: Got offered a tenure-track job at CSU-Long Beach. In accepting it, it means I'll be moving back to L.A. after 16 years of living in the Bay Area.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    Made one serious life changing decision in the last 18 months. The next 18 months will be crucial.

    L*rry what was that decision?

  • BelsonBelson 880 Posts
    I was there, now I'm here.

    Choosing what records to bring and leave with my mum was soooo difficult.

  • Made one serious life changing decision in the last 18 months. The next 18 months will be crucial.

    L*rry what was that decision?

    Hit me on the PM...

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts

    Aug 2004: I was now making a living, of all things, getting paid to blog by both Napster and MSN (ironically, as of yesterday, both of these gigs ended, putting me back in the freelance pool for the time being).

    Jan 2004: Got offered a tenure-track job at CSU-Long Beach. In accepting it, it means I'll be moving back to L.A. after 16 years of living in the Bay Area.

    do you mind if i asked what happened to your sponsors?
    from a selfish stance... this won't affect me being able to get knowledge & great music from soul-sides will it?

    congrats on accepting the new job. which OC town did you decide on settling in? see you around la.

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    18 hours ago my girlfriend of 6 and half years and I were together. No longer...

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    18 hours ago my girlfriend of 6 and half years and I were together. No longer...

    Dude, are you ok?

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    18 hours ago my girlfriend of 6 and half years and I were together. No longer...

    Dude, are you ok?


  • 18 hours ago my girlfriend of 6 and half years and I were together. No longer...

    I am really sorry to hear that.
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