Japan raers

TheeeCasualMaleTheeeCasualMale 2,564 Posts
edited October 2018 in Music Talk
what are some good / haught / not too ballery / easy to find rackords to keep an eye out for in japan?


  • When you going mang?

    Think Im there in May.

  • bboy - i'm headed over on saturday.

  • MondeyanoMondeyano Reykjavik 863 Posts
    Those Howl at the Sun records and those Yuji Ohno joints (Lupin III).

    If you do a search you should find some japan raer threads on here, there have been a few in the past.

  • soulwhatsoulwhat 24 Posts
    Those Howl at the Sun records and those Yuji Ohno joints (Lupin III).

    If you do a search you should find some japan raer threads on here, there have been a few in the past.

    Man, i got to listen to that Lupin III at a store (Groove Merchant) in San Francisco that was going for $50 and feel bad i didn't take it home to sample it. It's got some nice shick shtuff and i grew up with that show so i was all like...this stuff is average. wish i started collecting when i was ten. cuz man...$50 for a $1

    cool chris is what san fran is all about though...he has a nice store down there.
    my mum says she might still have my Lupin...

    only time will tell for fifty dollars

  • progbeatzprogbeatz 451 Posts
    Look out for the first Brain Police lp.

  • Look out for the first Brain Police lp.

    He said "not too ballery"!

    That record goes for over $2000...

    But you can pick up a reissue for $30.

  • slushslush 691 Posts
    spacy is terrible. why does everyone flaunt that?

    east bionic symphonia, people, happy end, flower travellin band, taj mahal travellers, food brain, far east family band (though this is not so domestic)... lots of stuff on three blind mice, trio, etc.... just ask dudes there. theres some insanely trippy japanese rock shit

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
    I'll get some pics up here too... if you watched my auctions, you probably know whats up..

    Just make sure u peep ALL the japanese movie/anime/cop show, etc. soundtracks... most store owners know the goods too.

    The good lupins are the one with AFRO ROCK, CASTLE OF CALIGROSTO (SP?), CROWD + THE ONE WITH THE RED JACKET...

    Look for JPN jazz labels like East Wind, Three Blind Mice, Flying Disk, etc. not everything is good, but there's some bangers...

    Movie 7" - Diabolica 7", Citta Violenta 7"...

    Most of this shit is available at the auctions on yahoo.co.jp

    just get a japanese friend to go diggin' for you on there. real heads know the deeeeal.


  • spacy is terrible. why does everyone flaunt that?

    I like Spacy! Solid Slider is a super stanky jammer.

  • bboyparkzbboyparkz 549 Posts
    spacy is terrible. why does everyone flaunt that?

    I like Spacy! Solid Slider is a super stanky jammer.

    Dancer is my joint.
    Dope record.

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,918 Posts



    I celebrate her entire catalogue... She's got breaks and grooves on almost every record, no clue why the shit gets slept on.


  • thanks for the info yall.

  • progbeatzprogbeatz 451 Posts
    Look out for the first Brain Police lp.

    He said "not too ballery"!

    That record goes for over $2000...

    But you can pick up a reissue for $30.

    However, this one by Zunou Keisatsu (Brain Police) is the one famous for it's nice break, and can be found for 2000 to 3000 yen ($20 to $30):

    Anyhow, I'll post a couple pics of some nice commons when I get home from work.


    Damn!! I was being a wise guy,knowing the Brain Police record is beyond rare.I honestly didn't expect someone to post a pic...wow.

    Wasn't that lp only available through the mail or something?

  • bboyparkzbboyparkz 549 Posts


    Dope LP, and not to hard to find.
    Check for her 'Love Letter' Lp too, its equaly as good.

    Look out for this:

    (dope one tracker)

    Sadistic Mika Band

    Hey Sheep!
    How out posting some cheap commons, you must know a good few.

  • MondeyanoMondeyano Reykjavik 863 Posts

    Now not saying this is going to be easy to pick up, but maybe....

    Can't believe that this is that raer. I saw it here on the strut while in Japan and found it only a week later for 1000 yen, no obi though.

  • bboyparkzbboyparkz 549 Posts

    Now not saying this is going to be easy to pick up, but maybe....

    Can't believe that this is that raer. I saw it here on the strut while in Japan and found it only a week later for 1000 yen, no obi though.

    Its not rare but I must admit to getting mine mail order as I couldn???t find one out in the field.
    The going rate on eBay has dropped too from $500 to around $40!

  • MondeyanoMondeyano Reykjavik 863 Posts

    Now not saying this is going to be easy to pick up, but maybe....

    Can't believe that this is that raer. I saw it here on the strut while in Japan and found it only a week later for 1000 yen, no obi though.

    Its not rare but I must admit to getting mine mail order as I couldn???t find one out in the field.
    The going rate on eBay has dropped too from $500 to around $40!
    Word. I will attribute that to the Soulstrut effect. When this was posted in MP3 this ended on lots of want lists including mine. Same that's happened with those easy-to-find break records. I picked up an OK 70s soundtrack for 1000 yen, which I thought was fair. The next thing I know Sheep's been selling them for $300 a pop! Now I'd probably get less than $50 for that record.

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
    The Osozeran and Brain Police LP (guitar dude cover with the break) are not "EASY" to find whatsoever. I lived there for 18 months and it was a straight *BITCH* to find those two LPs in particular, especially the Brain Police joint, Muro showed me that LP when I first landed in Tokyo, I didn't find it till 14 months later, I searched high and low, at which point I paid at least $50+ for every single copy I got. I found 3 copies in total with **A LOT** of hard work and also one copy on yahoo auctions... Same with the Osozeran. I even popped $100 on a copy once... ya'll talking like they are in every shop for $10 or $20 or $30. Not the case, that's highly delusional thinking. It's like sayin' Axelrod Songs Of Experience are everywhere for $15 in American stores cuz you found a copy on holiday for $15 and another friend did halfway across the country and you saw on on eBay for that price.. You **MIGHT** be lucky, but highly doubt it unless you're on the case 24/7.

    Mondeyano, how r u doin' dude?? Long time no speak -- I'll post up some commons this evening hopefully...


  • IronfeetIronfeet 516 Posts
    The Osozeran and Brain Police LP (guitar dude cover with the break) are not "EASY" to find whatsoever. I lived there for 18 months and it was a straight *BITCH* to find those two LPs in particular, especially the Brain Police joint, Muro showed me that LP when I first landed in Tokyo, I didn't find it till 14 months later, I searched high and low, at which point I paid at least $50+ for every single copy I got. I found 3 copies in total with **A LOT** of hard work and also one copy on yahoo auctions... Same with the Osozeran. I even popped $100 on a copy once... ya'll talking like they are in every shop for $10 or $20 or $30. Not the case, that's highly delusional thinking. It's like sayin' Axelrod Songs Of Experience are everywhere for $15 in American stores cuz you found a copy on holiday for $15 and another friend did halfway across the country and you saw on on eBay for that price.. You **MIGHT** be lucky, but highly doubt it unless you're on the case 24/7.

    Mondeyano, how r u doin' dude?? Long time no speak -- I'll post up some commons this evening hopefully...


    your getting the PM...

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Damn!! I was being a wise guy,knowing the Brain Police record is beyond rare.I honestly didn't expect someone to post a pic...wow.

    Wasn't that lp only available through the mail or something?

    Check it out...


    Soulstrut posters discuss one of the rarest Japanese psych LPs ever*, and it pops up on Ebay (for the first time I can remember) the same day...

    *I still think People/Ceremony: Buddha Meet Rock must be THE rarest Japanese psych LP... never heard of it offered... and for sure it's the best one I've ever heard...

  • Damn!! I was being a wise guy,knowing the Brain Police record is beyond rare.I honestly didn't expect someone to post a pic...wow.

    Wasn't that lp only available through the mail or something?

    Check it out...


    Soulstrut posters discuss one of the rarest Japanese psych LPs ever*, and it pops up on Ebay (for the first time I can remember) the same day...

    Wow... that is fucking nutty!

  • The Osozeran and Brain Police LP (guitar dude cover with the break) are not "EASY" to find whatsoever. I lived there for 18 months and it was a straight *BITCH* to find those two LPs in particular, especially the Brain Police joint, Muro showed me that LP when I first landed in Tokyo, I didn't find it till 14 months later, I searched high and low, at which point I paid at least $50+ for every single copy I got. I found 3 copies in total with **A LOT** of hard work and also one copy on yahoo auctions... Same with the Osozeran. I even popped $100 on a copy once... ya'll talking like they are in every shop for $10 or $20 or $30. Not the case, that's highly delusional thinking. It's like sayin' Axelrod Songs Of Experience are everywhere for $15 in American stores cuz you found a copy on holiday for $15 and another friend did halfway across the country and you saw on on eBay for that price.. You **MIGHT** be lucky, but highly doubt it unless you're on the case 24/7.

    Mondeyano, how r u doin' dude?? Long time no speak -- I'll post up some commons this evening hopefully...


    I agree that the shit isn't necessarily "common" either...

    But I think it with price and availability, it all comes down to location. Shit is not so common in Tokyo, whereas in the stix, you can find things for much better prices.

    I got my Brain Police at a local shop for 2000... And I've been told that was a good price. Now, good price doesn't necessarily mean regular price, or Tokyo price... It implies that it's a little cheaper than usual, but not out of the question.

    Man... Japan has record shops everywhere... And where there ain't record shops, theres recycle shops... and neither Hard Off nor recycle shops usually have a clue when it comes to pricing records.

    I would suspect if you were mostly digging Tokyo area, alot of shit is more expensive and harder to find.

    By the way... anyone heard the live version of Osorezan? Quite different, but really nice...


  • kennykenny 1,024 Posts

    Now not saying this is going to be easy to pick up, but maybe....

    how is this record ?

    i've seen it before.

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts

    Now not saying this is going to be easy to pick up, but maybe....

    how is this record ?

    i've seen it before.


    anyone needs it, hit me up.


  • MondeyanoMondeyano Reykjavik 863 Posts

    Mondeyano, how r u doin' dude?? Long time no speak -- I'll post up some commons this evening hopefully...
    Hisashiburi dude! You gots PM

  • leolyxxxleolyxxx 446 Posts
    Those Howl at the Sun records and those Yuji Ohno joints (Lupin III).

    If you do a search you should find some japan raer threads on here, there have been a few in the past.

    Man, i got to listen to that Lupin III at a store (Groove Merchant) in San Francisco that was going for $50 and feel bad i didn't take it home to sample it. It's got some nice shick shtuff and i grew up with that show so i was all like...this stuff is average. wish i started collecting when i was ten. cuz man...$50 for a $1

    cool chris is what san fran is all about though...he has a nice store down there.
    my mum says she might still have my Lupin...

    only time will tell for fifty dollars

    Lupin is awesome, only got it on cd but i must ask, is one of the tracks really called "love squal"??? I got it from my jappie friend and i'm not sure he got the title right..

    Can someone also explain to me why people like Sadistic Mika band? I got a cd with plenty of their stuff and maybe i haven't tried to get into it enough but i just can't see what the deal is


  • akoako https://soundcloud.com/a-ko 3,419 Posts

    Now not saying this is going to be easy to pick up, but maybe....

    how is this record ?

    i've seen it before.


    anyone needs it, hit me up.


    maybe if i wasnt broke!

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts

    Now not saying this is going to be easy to pick up, but maybe....

    how is this record ?

    i've seen it before.


    anyone needs it, hit me up.


    maybe if i wasnt broke!

    Hit me ako, that shit isn't gunna cost a mortgage son, just coz I sold 3 copies for $300-500 doesn't mean I don't look after my SoulStrut brethren...


  • Can someone also explain to me why people like Sadistic Mika band? I got a cd with plenty of their stuff and maybe i haven't tried to get into it enough but i just can't see what the deal is


    You must be trippin' man... The Sadistic Mika Band were great. Takahashi is the fucking man on the drums, Takanaka hadn't gotten cheesey yet...

    The record that Parks posted a picture of (Kuro Fune / Black Ship) is fuckin' dope... and you must know Silver Child... How can you not like Silver Child?!

    On top of that, the Sadistics after the Mika Band were dope too... Very dance oriented shit, and the guys are fruckin' funny too, in English and Japanese.

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