Official "I'm New should introduce myself post"



  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    1. Name: Ryan aka the blue snaggletooth
    2. Where your from: Charlotte, NC but live in Tucson, AZ now.

    Wait a minute...are you Blue Snaggletooth, formerly of Stanford University? If so, whatup, homie!

  • bluesnagbluesnag 1,285 Posts
    1. Name: Ryan aka the blue snaggletooth
    2. Where your from: Charlotte, NC but live in Tucson, AZ now.

    Wait a minute...are you Blue Snaggletooth, formerly of Stanford University? If so, whatup, homie!

    that's me dude! how you doin? convo to be cont'd via pm.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts

  • 1. name- alex fairbanks
    2. location- colorado originally, now residing in los angeles
    3. years diggin- about 8 years, Seriously for 3.
    4. music- a bit of everything really... moog, psych, funk, soul, basically anything made with analog synths.
    5. how you found the site- honestly, i can't remember.
    6. what made you decide to post- basically it's been long over due.
    7. why you love me- 117 lbs of pure fury sucka!

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    Oh, and while you are introducing yourself, please beg for rare record MP3s post jpegs of Jessica Alba and/or psychotic sex offenders, after all, that's why we're all here.

    2. SKYWAY
    3. Over 10

    4. CMW
    5. Big Chan, and Magic Jackson
    6. They made me do it.
    7. Cause Magic Jackson said you were cool, (aside from having some issues but who doesn't.)

    As far as do it bitches! Yeah that's what I say at these type of gigs.

    EMP last saturday. Nice sound in there. Dope lights.


  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    Sup Isaac?

  • What's goin on? You hittin up the rec show this weekend?

  • KaushikKaushik 320 Posts
    ok all you newbies, fuck this individual "hi my name is..."

    splain yourself here or youre soft.

    heres the run down:

    1. Name: Kaushik
    2. Where your from: Washington DC suburbia
    3. Years digging: since the day I was born (I kid, I kid)
    4. Specific Music your into: currently, my own
    5. How you found the site: googled 'pictures of hot women on LP covers'
    6. What made you decide to post: I'm a producer/musician mostly interested in the posts about production techniques, and oh yeah, there's some really cool discussions about music on this forum
    7. Why you love me: because you started this thread just for me.


    Thanks for the posts everyone... keep em coming!

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    5. How you found the site: googled 'pictures of hot women on LP covers'


  • 6fran506fran50 266 Posts
    1 - 6fran50
    2 - france
    3 - 2 +
    4 - jazz, soundtracks, bossa, and more ...
    5 - google
    6 - i ve been watching for several months and decided to join during the "album upload thread" ... i felt very indebted ... i decided to join to make a contribution
    7 - maybe your haircut ?

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    What's goin on? You hittin up the rec show this weekend?
    Yeah, I'll probably go. I may be hungover after my b-day and halloween parties though.

  • 1. Ben
    2. Out in the cut northern Virginia. about 30 minutes outside dc
    3. 4 or 5 i think
    4. hiphop funk jazz soul reggae metal whatever...
    5. can't even remember
    6. boredom
    7. yo location is the funniest shit ever

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts

    Ha ha! I had bluesnag on my show last year sometime, thought I'd dig out the MP3:

    Lil Dudes at Play: The Dead Kenny-Gs vs Blue Snaggletooth 5/17/04 (280 MB download)
    Playlist Here

    Note: the first 50 seconds is the end of the previous show, so give it a chance before you judge

    Note(2): If we sound braindead, I would like to point out that this show was recorded the week bluesnag defended his Ph.D. thesis, and about 1 month after defended mine.

    Note(3): I think I repeatedly called him "Blue Snagglepuss" on the air, or at least in the studio. For that I apologize. back to the introductions.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,160 Posts
    haha...Another Ryan in here

  • pointmanpointman 1,042 Posts

    5. How you found the site: throgh your stonesthrow board take-over

    there were a few... any one in particular?

    plus i think we should use a different website for the next take-over... stonesthrow is pretty boring nowadays... ummm... more than before rather.

    Come on guys lets be politically Correct here as to make sure not offend anyone. It was not a take over... We helped to bring freedom to stonesthrow and incouraged "regime change" when we randomly, without invite, showed up at their front door. It wasn't some sort of "take-over." Thats just crazy talk.

  • rogbrogb 172 Posts

    1. Name -- Roger

    2. Where your from --hawaii

    3. Years digging-- one

    4. Specific Music your into --- psych rock, free jazz, mf doom, count bass

    5. How you found the site --- i dont remember

    6. What made you decide to post --- the album upload thread

    7. Why you love me ---

    how do i post albums on yousendit?? all i get is a message saying i gotta email the files to someone specific.... hellllp

  • GambleGamble 844 Posts
    I half feel like i should introduce myself. Had about 200 posts on the Strut before the Big Crash (tm), which at my painfully-slow-lurker-esque-post-rate was quite an accomplishment.

    Im the handsome young scrapper on the left:

    Name: A**r*w

    Years On the Dig/Producing: 5

    Music of choice?: Epic, massively arranged and produced music with hard drums, or; Subdued, flowing rhodes chords over elastic electric bass, topped with Foreign laguage singing. Also; Steely Dan.

    No clue as to why i decided to post here, found the site, or how my love affair with Guzzo blossomed.

    Now, id better be "one of the regulars", goddammit,

  • joeblowjoeblow 118 Posts
    "Oshkosh WI"!!

    what up man? i'm from milwaukee.

  • MoogManMoogMan Sao Paulo, Brazil 1,173 Posts
    how do i post albums on yousendit?? all i get is a message saying i gotta email the files to someone specific.... hellllp

    Hey, rogb

    Fist, make a zip or rar file of the album you want post there.
    You can use your own email address. But it isn??t necessary, cos?? when the upload process ends will post the link to the file.


  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    ok all you newbies, fuck this individual "hi my name is..."

    splain yourself here or youre soft.

    heres the run down:

    1. Name: Mike.

    2. Where you're[/b] from: Illinois

    3. Years digging: ~7.

    4. Specific Music your into: Electronic keyboard jams; hip-hop; funk; rock; shit that doesn't alienate well-to-do big-booty girls on the dance floor.

    5. How you found the site: Honestly, I don't remember.

  • I'm no newbie but I never introduced myself. I just stomped in with my dirty Tims and started loungin' on the best couch. My bad.

    1. taza_one aka DJ Cups.
    2. Mazatlan, sandy eggo, SLC (now reside in Hollywood).
    3. Since I was old enough to buy a record, so maybe 29 years ago. Before that my mom dug for me. Sadly my collection is pathetic due to movement, theft, losing records, etc.
    4. Hip-Hop and all other genres.
    5. Don't remember.
    6. Boredom with a little mischief in mind.
    7. Because your name makes me think of guzzler, as in cum guzzler. That makes me laugh.

  • ryanryan 334 Posts
    My name is Ryan. I am originally from San Antonio/Austin and now live in San Francisco. I've been buying records and cds for twelve years, and "collecting" records for about two. For fall, flute jazz, folk, and sweet soul are all in heavy rotation. Summer was filled with disco, garage rock, and a little bit of new age (which other than Steve Halpern, I think was a wrong turn.) I currently have no winter vacation plans.

  • 1. Name - DJ Edit

    2. Where you're from - Terana AKA Toronto

    3. Years digging - Zero because I currently run my Dad's ill record collection ( 1000+ rekkads.) After I rape dem rekkads I will raid the local shops but not a second before. Although I do buy current vinyl (i.e. Edan, PPP, any Madlib creation etc...)

    4. Specific Music your into : Hip Hop (first love) Bebop, and Free jazz for listening and acquiring knowlegde. And I listen to everything else with the purpose of sampling. As for Specific artists - Madlib, Dilla, J-zone, Edan, Axelrod, Coltrance (Alice & John), Miles, Ahmad Jamal, Doom, Doors, Hendrix and etc...)

    5. How you found the site - It was mentioned to me 18 months back by current strutter "Slush" (By the way Slush is a killer producer, he's the best kept secret don't sleep heads need to peeps his work.)

    6. What made you decide to post - The "THIS POST IS FOR MY NIGGAZ (black dudes) ONLY" thread which was started by Mr. World of Beats. I was impressed by the overall intelligent and honest conversation in that thread by strutters of all races. I like the idea of a online community that is brought together by their common interest in great music of all genres, and that also will discuss relevant culture and social topics in a generally (I use this term loosely) intelligent manner.

    7. Why you love me - Guzzo is the M-E-T-H-O-D MAN for murdering a verse on Blind Date but I won't say I love you that would be




  • 1. Robb aka RFButter
    2. Oshkosh WI. is all over this piece...
    3. Diggin for 6 yrs 2 months
    4. I listen to just about anything, play hip-hop, soul, funk, and jazz.
    5. My man DJ Ack.
    6. Trying to give a little with the take, if I can.
    7. You smell nice.

  • JUDJUD 82 Posts
    1. Justin
    2. Ypsilanti, MI but recently moved to Austin, TX
    3. Hip-Hop since 1993, everything else since 1999
    4. I probably like vocal groups and psychedelic stuff the most, but nothing is as good as James Brown's discography overall.
    5. Way back in the day, through Google.
    6. Didn't want to be one of those awful lurkers that steals record secrets from Soulstrut and never gives back.
    7. Because you kept your dignity in spite of an atrocious pairing on Blind Date.

  • rawmanrawman 16 Posts
    1. Rawman
    2. Eastside (ny related)
    3. 3 years in the game???but my ass is still an undergrad so don???t ask me for a loan, cheapskate.
    4. Keyboard heavy, slow soul ballads sung by people who are in pain.
    5. Used to come to the front page to listen to realaudio of the top 5 after I saw it linked off a friend???s blog and then finally found my way to the forum.
    6. What made you decide to post-I???m no longer illiterate.
    7. Why you love me-I???m not into muscles.

  • hey all,

    my names james aka jimiscott

    i live in montana in the town where i grew up.

    i've also lived in colorado and the yay area for about 10 yrs.

    i've been digging for 9-10 years. you'd be surprised some of the records that turn up in the big sky state.

    my musical taste runs the whole gamut. right now i'm listening to alot of my club-type ish as i've been encoding my records for dildo.

    i've always kept pretty close to soul, funk, psych and jazz.

    i'm also putting together a compilation of funky country and trucker breaks for an ep tentitively called "montana breaks".

    i found the site prolly from the hollerboard, but i was certain of its power during the "let a heatrock loose" fund-raising auction. i check the site on the daily. i just need to speak up a little more.

    i have things to say...

    i've enjoyed reading guzzo's posts, his dating video was classic.

    i also check for the other cat named james on the strength. dude is dude.

    y'all are all actually some big dudes.



  • jgissjgiss 42 Posts
    1. Josh
    2. Chandler, AZ ('burb of Phoenix)
    3. Been into hip hop since about '86; been into jazz and funk since about '95; been seriously digging since about '98 (still very much a little dude)
    4. Jazz/funk/soul/fusion/hiphop/folk/rock/bluegrass/samba/reggae/etc...
    5. From the Waxing Deep site (a big thanks to Danno3000 for many hours of listening pleasure)
    6. The Heatrock auction -- I'm still amazed at this (and humbled to be a very, very small part of it)
    7. 'Cause I dig rhymes about thimbles...

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts



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