Roberts Hearing

So I'm watching this hearing for Judge Roberts and I have to say that dude does not seem entirely evil. Am I wrong? He seems aight right now. Maybe I missed the part where he talked about taking away all of my freedoms.But yo, LAWYERS, watch what you say. Shit WILL be used against you 25 years from now if you're trying to be Chief Justice."Anna, it says right here that 25 years ago you stated 'Grapes are yucky'. This is very troubling to me. Do you stand by this statement?"
I thought nothing could be worse than Sam Brownback's (R-KA) opening statements, but jesus christ (zing)...
I wanted to assassinate my TV when I saw that bitchturd Tom Coburn (R-OK) start crying about how we should "stick together and be above partisanship". UGH! This, after he ran one hell of a filthy ass campaign last fall against an articulate (not to mention pro-life/pro-war) Democrat. Coburn had to get super fucking filthy to scare out the right wing reactionaries--and he only barely won. Now he's crying that we can't all get along. Dude, people want you dead.
Schumer gave a baller opening yesterday. And Ive got a non sexual crush on Lindsay Graham.
You don't have to be entirely evil to fuck this country up. But he is entirely evil in that he is a political appointment, helped engineer the 2000 Florida "victory" has already compromised his integrity by not recusing himself from a major "war on terror" case.
JUST FOUR DAYS before the Bush administration named John G. Roberts Jr. to fill retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's seat on the Supreme Court, the District of Columbia federal appeals court decided a case called Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld. In a crucial victory for the administration, the court upheld President Bush's creation of special military tribunals for trials of alleged terrorists and denied them the protection of the Geneva Convention. Roberts was one of the judges who decided that case, but he should have recused himself.
While the case was pending in his court, Roberts was interviewing with high White House officials ??? including Atty. Gen. Alberto R. Gonzales, Vice President Dick Cheney and Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove ??? for a seat on the Supreme Court. In the words of the federal law on judicial disqualification, this placed the judge in a situation where "his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.",0,1515736.story?coll=la-news-comment-opinions
Does anyone NOT think this experiment called America is about to flush itself down the shitter? It's all so
Just like Grover Norquist wanted, the Federal Government has been shrunk to the size that it can be drowned in a bathtub. A fixed Supreme Court plus Republican Reps and Senators like the ones who spoke yesterday can take care of the rest.
Plus, 3 more years + several old judges = potentially more Judges from Bush
Not as dead as this guy...I'm surprised he doesn't have blood dripping from the corners of his mouth...
or this guy - he one of Canada's
He's a conservative judge appointed by Bush who we elected. If you dont like it, you should have worked harder for kerry.
WTF?? Who's we[/b]? I remember electing Al Gore and then Bush being appointed by the Supreme Court....
yeah, but it was his brother who got it sent to the court. He did get elected this time around and we knew that Renquist was about to peace out. Its our damn faults.
So true.
I told everyone I knew that Bush would put up three or more to the Supreme Court during his second term.
Anyone notice how people like Trent Lott and Newt Gingritch (sp) seem somewhat reasonable--by comparison--these days?
Weird, huh?
I bet my life savings (funny thing is that I am--whether I want to or not) that the next two appointees are going to make Scalia and Thomas look like moderates.[/b]
There are only 9 seats on the Supreme Court. Where'd the other 9 come from???
They also do not have explicit political affiliation (aside from that of the President that appointed them)...
been saying.
This is the funniest thing I have read all day.
I think they may have been referring to the House Judiciary Committee.
Thats good, cause you are looking plenty-o-dumb.
My social life is not as crazy and complex as yours but I was busy with that whole school thing, which by the sounds of it you didn't bother with, or were you sick on Supreme Court Day?