Fucked up Bill O Reilly Speak

Will someone please post up that quote about having kids watch what happened in New Orleans so they will work real hard and not envy the Gangsta lifestyle. I was having a discussion with my Ma and I need to show her what a smug, racist bitch this guy is.
I saw it on here yesterday; but I cant find it anywhere. Danks alot.

Here it is in the middle of this video:
Thanks Day, I wish it was as easy as turning on a t.v to get through to some of these hard headed conservative folks (my parents). I grew up in a neo-con enviroment. My mom used to listen to James Dobson every day. It's amazing how much bullshit people can absorb before they realize they are swimming in shit.
Complacency in this country is highly
I give Dobson more credit than O'Reilly - at least he seems to actually believe the things he says. O'Reilly is just in it for the dough, hoes, and blow.
I am sick.
If you live poor and "gangsta", your deserved fate is to see your life ruined by natural disaster, but if you spend your days sexually harrasing every women who works on your show, (then telling them "If any woman ever breathed a word I'll make her pay so dearly that she'll wish she'd never been born," ) then your some sort of morale compass?
FUCK oreilly.
i don't watch him either, fuck i don't watch tv (most of it is complete bullshit). i too am hoping he will disapear or even better retreat with his tail between his legs (which i thought would happen after the sexual harassment case) but unfortunately with the pace of our world 5 years is plenty of time to do more than enough damage. just look at what bush has done in 5 years. granted bush has a little more power, but o'reilly has quite a large audience, and even worse when he disappears another 3 heads will gladly grow out of the one we just cut off. people will say anything to be on tv. lets just hope that when bush is out people are smart enough not to let another like him sit down.
That video was utterly disgusting.
Fox and O Reilly have a huge audience though. When compared to talk radio, he's actually about below average. The Right on talk radio spew stuff constantly because of the radio format. John Kerry's wife is a lunatic, she's on medication, she's a crazy woman was one hour long show I listened to while at a record store in NJ one year right after the Democratic Convention. The guy, can't remember his name, was even shouting down people who called in supporting his show! Called one of his callers an idiot who didn't now what she was talking about even though she started with, "I love your show, I listen to it all the time, you're so right about how bad the liberal Democrats are, etc. etc."
Have to agree... The guy is a fucking idiot. It's the same reason I listen to Limbaugh any chance I get. How entertaining is is to listen to someone parrot all your views?
But try this for a mental excercise sometime... Listen to this shit, and at least for the half-hour it's on, try to adopt this mindset. Try to see the reasoning, and feel disgust at liberals, non-whites, etc. Try to think like them for a little while. This excercise works when viewing any media in opposition to you opinions, views, beliefs, etc.
Very difficult, and very enlightening.
I wonder if there's neo-conservatives who switch on Democracy Now every morning just so they can be mad