David Banner on the Hurricane



  • HAz, pm me your email address

  • Tony's an Italian commie though

    Hi Tony!

    sorry for being mean

    waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssup brocccccoli???
    i swear im coming up to your store soon

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Yeah, I was gonna respond after I read his reply but I thought it would be best to let it die.

    My words even got thrown back at me on the good ol' Stones Throw message board (by the same chick who had a problem with me way back when).

    But yo, I'm not gonna sit back and let anybody kick us when we're down. I'm far from a "patriot" in the Limbaugh sense, but to basically say "America - you got what you deserved" after something so horrific happened is straight up fucked.

    I've had similar exchanges on other message boards in the last week, so after reading that I had enough and spoke on it.

    In Eric's defense, I think the language barrier might have caused some miscommunication.

    pssst, hey kids, take it from me, it's always best to take the TDouble route!

  • day, i feel you completely.
    shit is real fucking touchy.i dont really need people condemning us for letting things get like this. shit! we need the fucking justice league and the autobots!!! but i'm not even sure whose side theyd be on either!!!!

    my mom cant even sleep, she thinks we are about to have a out and out fascist government if a majority of the people dont catch on. im feeling real disoriented seeing all this shit go down in front of our faces...stripping of rights, gutting of the constitution, etc...
    media is one of the only hopes. all entertainers, sports and music and film gotta start pulling kanye's when given the chance. reporters gotta go for broke and start sounding alarms. this administration has gotten us into all kinds of problems, we cant follow them blindly anymore (although many never did)

    will the next david banner please stand up.
    keep it going

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    day, i feel you completely.
    shit is real fucking touchy.i dont really need people condemning us for letting things get like this. shit! we need the fucking justice league and the autobots!!! but i'm not even sure whose side theyd be on either!!!!

    my mom cant even sleep, she thinks we are about to have a out and out fascist government if a majority of the people dont catch on. im feeling real disoriented seeing all this shit go down in front of our faces...stripping of rights, gutting of the constitution, etc...
    media is one of the only hopes. all entertainers, sports and music and film gotta start pulling kanye's when given the chance. reporters gotta go for broke and start sounding alarms. this administration has gotten us into all kinds of problems, we cant follow them blindly anymore (although many never did)

    will the next david banner please stand up.
    keep it going

    Emotions are VERY high right now and alot of us are in a state of confusion.
    At least I know I am.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    HAz, pm me your email address


  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    I don't know if Eric was trying to say this, but I think people outside of America are confused as to how Americans have been able to live with George Bush as the leader of their country. Richard Nixon was impeached & dude looks like the love child of Ghandi & Einstein compared to George Bush. Whether or not you support the Iraq war, I think people in the states should be able to agree that pulling the nation into a war based on failed intelligence is all kinds of wrong. I don't understand how that hasn't cost any high ranking offcials their jobs. Hell, I'm trying to get a roof replaced @ work & if I fuck up something mundane as that, its my ass. And I can't say I'm surprised by the N.O disaster; This government doesn't seem able to plan or execute things properly - exit stratgies, wars, relief aid. From the outside, it looks like shit is a big mess. I don't think Americans have much confidence in their government right now. I don't blame them. Those dudes should all be fired.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    My words even got thrown back at me on the good ol' Stones Throw message board (by the same chick who had a problem with me way back when).
    by girl who was saying not clearing samples was immoral or some shit????

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    yep, the same one with a new name.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    girl was fucking crazy but that shit was an entertaining read

  • I don't know if Eric was trying to say this, but I think people outside of America are confused as to how Americans have been able to live with George Bush as the leader of their country. Richard Nixon was impeached & dude looks like the love child of Ghandi & Einstein compared to George Bush. Whether or not you support the Iraq war, I think people in the states should be able to agree that pulling the nation into a war based on failed intelligence is all kinds of wrong. I don't understand how that hasn't cost any high ranking offcials their jobs. Hell, I'm trying to get a roof replaced @ work & if I fuck up something mundane as that, its my ass. And I can't say I'm surprised by the N.O disaster; This government doesn't seem able to plan or execute things properly - exit stratgies, wars, relief aid. From the outside, it looks like shit is a big mess. I don't think Americans have much confidence in their government right now. I don't blame them. Those dudes should all be fired.

    Without getting into too much detail, Nixon was president at a time where there was severe lack of confidence in the government. That is just not the case right now. No matter how it looks on this board, the majority (a very slim one) will back anything this president does. These people (in general) have a real fucked up idea of how the world works. But there's not a majority, let alone a significant one, to take this man out of office.

    It leaves Americans like me, who love our country but can't stand where it's going, feeling very fucked up. I can't remember ever feeling like this. See, most Americans are decent folks, no matter their political leaning. But situations like this make it very hard to deal with Americans who support this administration in any sense.

    I think a lot of people in the international community see it as one long trajectory, because different American presidents have done wrong in different ways. But, I think, so have most major leaders; what's going on right now is deeper than Reagan, Bush Sr., maybe even Nixon. Deep deep shit. Yes, we are in deep deep shit.

  • bropsbrops 182 Posts
    Speaking of Gandhi he said something Bush should have listened to:

    An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.

    Eric said something that we might not really think about, and that was about the democracy. We should not forget about the power of the power it self, and that power today really means money (and oil). Just think about the music industry. Norway is a small country. All you have to do to sell a record into the top selling charts is to pay for one single TV commercial. For christ sake, this was our most selling Norwegian record artist last year:

    Why? Publicity (money), publicity (money), publicity (money). Bang! You're popular.

    The politics today is just the same, if not even worse. We have an election here in Norway on Monday. Who's gonna win? The ones who tell the people what they want to hear. The populists. Also knowns as the conservative right wing. We live in a time with a lot of fear. Even in Norway. Every muslim is a motherfucker these days. You know what someone told me yesterday? "I could have exterminated the muslims if someone gave me the chance" and about immigration "if they're not happy about where they live they're free to take their own life". This was just a regular person with so much hate in him. That hate comes from the negative publicity in the newspapers and the politicians who use this to get more votes. This is really scary, because the whole situation is very alike the situation between the world wars. Then you had the Depression, and Hitler and the nazis used that to get the people on their side. Now you have something new - terror - and people ar scared as fuck. Really they shouldn't be as scared as they are but the media and the politicians have made people even more scared. And they win on this - the populists - the ones who say what people want to hear. That's the downside of the democracy. It's build on the people, but the capitalism also let the people manipulate itself.

    I don't like this times we're living. I was reading the paper this morning, and what did I read? About a nationalist (nazi) earlier sentenced for violence working in our government for one of our largest political parties... and it doesn't even surprise me anymore.

    Sorry for taking this a little far out, but it has been a lot of discussion lately both on the hurricane and the election in Norway. The hate in people scares me. I can't understand the reason to hate a person you don't even know.

  • The hate in people scares me. I can't understand the reason to hate a person you don't even know.
    The hate in people scares me. I can't understand the reason to hate a person you don't even know.
    The hate in people scares me. I can't understand the reason to hate a person you don't even know.
    The hate in people scares me. I can't understand the reason to hate a person you don't even know.
    The hate in people scares me. I can't understand the reason to hate a person you don't even know.

  • PS - Day was that that Emma girl??? I almost never go over to the Stones Throw board now. Soul Strut has become my main internet messageboard jumpoff.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    the big difference between europe and america is that we're a melting pot, whereas most european countries are not. people don't like other people that don't look/think like them. this is why everything in america seems bananas to someone in, say, france, where the majority are white french people. with white french people running a government full of white french people, governing a largely white, french majority, it's much easier to agree.

    in america, however, the best we can possibly hope for is a rich white dude who's down with poor black, white and hispanic people, and who still looks out for the rich on some business interest shit. and what we really have a is a rich white dude who got elected by saying "look out! brown dudes!" and is now systematically fucking EVERYBODY.

    the best way to win an election in a relatively homogeneous country is to appeal to the majority. the best way to win an election in america is to appeal to the lowest common denomenator. it's also, unfortunately, the least ethical way, but that's how we got our current president (if you want to buy the lie that he was actually elected), and now we're stuck with him.

    so, basically, europe, get off our fucking backs. for the record, we didn't vote for bush. we didn't elect the dude. we actually elected gore, but then the supreme court housed the election. we barely even elected him in 2004, and even then he didn't get the popular vote. and, if you want to be real about it, a dude who gets votes on the strength of blatant, aggressive, uneccesary smear campaigns, a dude who makes light of his opponent's purple heart while said dude straight up side-stepped the draft, a dude who more or less has an entire cable news network working for him, a dude who has judges and elections officials in his pocket and an almost unlimited corporate bankroll, didn't win the election as much as straight up ganked that shit.

    so before you get on some "you elected bush, you get what you deserve," do the knowledge. I love america. I don't think much of americans some times, but I do love my country, and I'm as upset about it being run into the ground as you are (as our economy has a great effect on the rest of the world). and by the way, to the french dudes, you almost elected that nazi fucker Le Pen, so eat a dick!

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,914 Posts

    I'm really bored of that black,white,yellow,red,catholic,muslim,jew or whatever shit, are'nt we all human?

    Tony, I think starting his post like this is partly what earned Eric so many enemies so quickly. It's the view of someone with no idea what race relations are like in this country. It also sounds a bit condescending and indifferent. It certainly rubbed me the wrong way.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    PS - Day was that that Emma girl??? I almost never go over to the Stones Throw board now. Soul Strut has become my main internet messageboard jumpoff.

    THAT'S what her name was! I couldn't remember.

    I'm not 100% positive but her reaction was just the same as before.

    Bah - it's all over now though. The auction is finished and I have no need to post on that board.

    I have a lot of respect for Stones Throw and the people that work for the label, but some of the folks on that board...

    "Jay Dee looks sick"

    "yeah, he needs to eat some deli sandwiches"

    "he looks like E.T."



    Not my thing.

    You, Bapt, Stacks, AliENDN have all been good contributors here and are more than welcome in my opinion.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    and PLEASE, everyone, let's not get on some kind of "Europe vs. USA" shit.

    There's obviously a lot of misconceptions on both our parts but there's no need to talk shit to one another.

    and remember kids...

    it's always best to take the TDouble route!

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    PS - Day was that that Emma girl??? I almost never go over to the Stones Throw board now. Soul Strut has become my main internet messageboard jumpoff.

    THAT'S what her name was! I couldn't remember.
    I'm not 100% positive but her reaction was just the same as before.

    Bah - it's all over now though. The auction is finished and I have no need to post on that board.
    I have a lot of respect for Stones Throw and the people that work for the label, but some of the folks on that board...

    "Jay Dee looks sick"

    "yeah, he needs to eat some deli sandwiches"

    "he looks like E.T."


    Not my thing.

    You, Bapt, Stacks, AliENDN have all been good contributors here and are more than welcome in my opinion.

    Thanks, Mr. Day!!!! I try to add on when I can. You're good peoples too. I love the 'strut, I want ya'll to know that if I haven't told you guys already. By the way, that intro you posted in that other thread was bangin'!!!! Wikka wikka in full effect!!!


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    PS - Day was that that Emma girl??? I almost never go over to the Stones Throw board now. Soul Strut has become my main internet messageboard jumpoff.

    THAT'S what her name was! I couldn't remember.

    I'm not 100% positive but her reaction was just the same as before.

    Bah - it's all over now though. The auction is finished and I have no need to post on that board.

    I have a lot of respect for Stones Throw and the people that work for the label, but some of the folks on that board...

    "Jay Dee looks sick"

    "yeah, he needs to eat some deli sandwiches"

    "he looks like E.T."



    Not my thing.

    You, Bapt, Stacks, AliENDN have all been good contributors here and are more than welcome in my opinion.

    Thanks, Mr. Day!!!! I try to add on when I can. You're good peoples too. I love the 'strut, I want ya'll to know that if I haven't told you guys already. By the way, that intro you posted in that other thread was bangin'!!!! Wikka wikka in full effect!!!


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

    Thanks - and not to get into a great big dick sucking contest (super ),

    I think you're one of the most vital people on this message board and I'm glad you decided to stick around. I can always count on some bugged out stories of old nappy dugout escapades or some serious knowledge being dropped. Not to mention some dope ass beats.

    [/end slurp]

  • Reply.....I feel so left out. I want my dick sucked. BTW, I think I listened to Rells a total of 3 times.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    PS - Day was that that Emma girl??? I almost never go over to the Stones Throw board now. Soul Strut has become my main internet messageboard jumpoff.

    THAT'S what her name was! I couldn't remember.
    I'm not 100% positive but her reaction was just the same as before.

    Bah - it's all over now though. The auction is finished and I have no need to post on that board.
    I have a lot of respect for Stones Throw and the people that work for the label, but some of the folks on that board...

    "Jay Dee looks sick"

    "yeah, he needs to eat some deli sandwiches"

    "he looks like E.T."


    Not my thing.

    You, Bapt, Stacks, AliENDN have all been good contributors here and are more than welcome in my opinion.

    Thanks, Mr. Day!!!! I try to add on when I can. You're good peoples too. I love the 'strut, I want ya'll to know that if I haven't told you guys already. By the way, that intro you posted in that other thread was bangin'!!!! Wikka wikka in full effect!!!


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

    Thanks - and not to get into a great big dick sucking contest (super ),
    I think you're one of the most vital people on this message board and I'm glad you decided to stick around. I can always count on some bugged out stories of old nappy dugout escapades or some serious knowledge being dropped. Not to mention some dope ass beats.

    [/end slurp]

    Likewise, you been throwing elbows and uppercuts that last few days, and I'm feelin' you totally. You're my cat, Day. We're probably sounding mad up in here!!!!


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Reply.....I feel so left out. I want my dick sucked. BTW, I think I listened to Rells a total of 3 times.

    Oh SHIT! How could I forget you dude, you blended in so well I forgot all about ST.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    PS - Day was that that Emma girl??? I almost never go over to the Stones Throw board now. Soul Strut has become my main internet messageboard jumpoff.

    THAT'S what her name was! I couldn't remember.

    I'm not 100% positive but her reaction was just the same as before.

    Bah - it's all over now though. The auction is finished and I have no need to post on that board.

    I have a lot of respect for Stones Throw and the people that work for the label, but some of the folks on that board...

    "Jay Dee looks sick"

    "yeah, he needs to eat some deli sandwiches"

    "he looks like E.T."



    Not my thing.

    You, Bapt, Stacks, AliENDN have all been good contributors here and are more than welcome in my opinion.

    Thanks, Mr. Day!!!! I try to add on when I can. You're good peoples too. I love the 'strut, I want ya'll to know that if I haven't told you guys already. By the way, that intro you posted in that other thread was bangin'!!!! Wikka wikka in full effect!!!


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

    Thanks - and not to get into a great big dick sucking contest (super ),

    I think you're one of the most vital people on this message board and I'm glad you decided to stick around. I can always count on some bugged out stories of old nappy dugout escapades or some serious knowledge being dropped. Not to mention some dope ass beats.

    [/end slurp]

    Likewise, you been throwing elbows and uppercuts that last few days, and I'm feelin' you totally. You're my cat, Day. We're probably sounding mad up in here!!!!


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

    Folls know we got the puccini on LOCK!

    And yo, for real, everyone should be as pissed as me these last few days.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    Reply.....I feel so left out. I want my dick sucked. BTW, I think I listened to Rells a total of 3 times.

    Oh SHIT! How could I forget you dude, you blended in so well I forgot all about ST.

    You know you've got love up in here, Taza!!!!


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,914 Posts

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    PS - Day was that that Emma girl??? I almost never go over to the Stones Throw board now. Soul Strut has become my main internet messageboard jumpoff.

    THAT'S what her name was! I couldn't remember.
    I'm not 100% positive but her reaction was just the same as before.

    Bah - it's all over now though. The auction is finished and I have no need to post on that board.
    I have a lot of respect for Stones Throw and the people that work for the label, but some of the folks on that board...

    "Jay Dee looks sick"

    "yeah, he needs to eat some deli sandwiches"

    "he looks like E.T."


    Not my thing.

    You, Bapt, Stacks, AliENDN have all been good contributors here and are more than welcome in my opinion.

    Thanks, Mr. Day!!!! I try to add on when I can. You're good peoples too. I love the 'strut, I want ya'll to know that if I haven't told you guys already. By the way, that intro you posted in that other thread was bangin'!!!! Wikka wikka in full effect!!!


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

    Thanks - and not to get into a great big dick sucking contest (super ),
    I think you're one of the most vital people on this message board and I'm glad you decided to stick around. I can always count on some bugged out stories of old nappy dugout escapades or some serious knowledge being dropped. Not to mention some dope ass beats.

    [/end slurp]

    Likewise, you been throwing elbows and uppercuts that last few days, and I'm feelin' you totally. You're my cat, Day. We're probably sounding mad up in here!!!!


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

    Folls know we got the puccini on LOCK!

    And yo, for real, everyone should be as pissed as me these last few days.

    Human suffering is NEVER acceptable, regardless of the pigmentation or socioeconomic status. Human compassion should be a natural and not a calculated response. I totally angered by the apathetic governmental response. It only increases my already high antipathy for the Bush administration.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • the big difference between europe and america is that we're a melting pot, whereas most european countries are not. people don't like other people that don't look/think like them. this is why everything in america seems bananas to someone in, say, france, where the majority are white french people. with white french people running a government full of white french people, governing a largely white, french majority, it's much easier to agree.


    so before you get on some "you elected bush, you get what you deserve," do the knowledge[/b].

    Are you sure about this? Big cities in the Netherlands, for example, have between 30 and 40% muslim population and that will be a majority someday. In France that amount is even bigger, I think. Overall in the Netherlands the percentage of non-western immigrants (upto second generation, after that it's not counted) is 10/15% and thus the total amount of non-white people might be double or triple that. Europe might be much more heterogenous than the states actually. But you can argue about whether Europe is as much a "melting pot". Just responding to your "do the knowledge" Check it out yourself.

    and by the way, to the european[/b] dudes, you all[/b] almost elected nazi's recently, so eat a dick!

    Cosign on this though (not the dick eating part).
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