My teacher is a Roller Derby Girl!
1,918 Posts
I may have mentioned this before, but my teacher for CAP-115 is a Roller Derby girl. here is her pic:
what is cap-115
I'd roller boogie.
Its an advertising class.
This teacher, unlike my boss, does NOT want to fuck me. Although, she do got a sweet spot for me cause I already knew aboot her roller derbyness.
Real heads wanna know.
That's just her professionalism in action. Hit her up in the Spring semester.
[color:white]and yes I know it was already on TV in the 60's or 70's, time for a comeback [/color]
im gonna put it like this. Im suave. I need pussy repellant. And the reason is, I dress up everyday. Ties and shit. Im always placed in situations where people around me is dressin like bums. So by default i look fuckin dapper.
Spring Semester here I CUM!
Roller Derby chicks not hot? I don't think so.
in real life they are mostly not hot.
This reminds me of these two American dudes I met while backpacking in Europe. They wore suits and italian shoes, had nice luggage. They told me that unlike the rest of us wankers, they were scoring chicks in every city they stopped. Clean shirts, no hiking shoes=mad love from Roman nubiles. Genius.
no sarcasm.
yeah some lame ones. BUT, there are some quality ones man. BTW, you have a better chance of attracting the quality ones dressed like that.
Roller derby chicks are most definently hot.
That is all.
Every man alive takes a woman's appearance into account in being attracted/repelled by her, but it's only the lame women that pay attention to a man's appearance?
I dont know really , i cant speak too much on the subject since im married. But I have been to various confrences and symposiums and I am always chatting with the ladies. Ladies who have "high powered" careers and are very educated, and drop dead gorgeous in a busniness suit/skirt thing.
Now women that like a man in a suit are gold diggers?
Jeez, dude, maybe they just like the way it looks.
Dudes need to step their dress game up and also--how do you say?--place themselves in situations where people around them is dressin' like bums in order to accentuate it.
true, but any event where sturdies don shorts and tiny t-shirts and try to knock the fuck outta each other, I am all for.