I wasn’t sure where to put these. But this seemed the closest without starting a new thread for one post. Just trying to “use my time wisely,” which my first grade teacher gave me a “U” (Unsatisfactory) in.
So, a few musical videos to take your mind off of Quarantinalism, and to put it back on Quantization:
Nice, keep it up! I love smaller latin percussion stuff. I have a collection of small drums I never really learned how to play properly - bongos, a tongued, tonal box drum, a closed-bottom ceramic moroccan bongo type thing, etc. I'm committing to the bongos though, I'm gonna see them through so I can at least track them with my drum kit.
I’m eventually planning a bongo video. This week should see a dumbek video, so maybe that will help with your other drum. Thanks for the vote of confidence, btw!
What I've got is a "tbilat" - pair of ceramic closed-bottom drums bound together like bongos or tabla, but I like dumbeks' sound too.
...Actually now that I think of it, somewhere in the back of a closet I think I do have a dumbek, or other type of goblet shaped drum - a tiny copper one from a tourist tat shop I think. So, the vid's still useful! I didn't even know how they're held while playing.
Oh, I’m glad you got something out of it. I have something like the tbilat as well; where are yours from? Someone gave the clay bongos to me, but supposedly these particular ones came from Kenya...
I can't remember exactly where I got mine, some street market in california, probably was being sold by some "pastafari dreadlock rei clif bar buttlock" to quote ap. Somewhere I got it in my head that they're Moroccan, they can be but I'm not sure mine actually are. I really like the ring of the tiny drum, it's like a really tightly tuned bongo, as bongos should be. I'm just so happy to have a proper set of bongos finally I'm focused on them, but the tbilat is great fun.
I just looked up pix of tbilat. Just like mine, and apparently Moroccan as you say. But the dude that gave them to me did Peace Corps in Kenya. So maybe he stopped in Morocco??
Maybe y’all would be interested in #Jamuary2021 ... A January event in YT with people posting all kinds of DAWless experiments— Synth tweaking, drum machines, samplers, etc.
I'm working on a bunch of beat pieces, a mixture of mostly 70s Canadian prog rock and folk sounds, National Film Board of Canada soundtracks, and some Indian tracks thrown in. I've been putting clips of the tracks in progress on IG, it's been fun.
I'm working on a bunch of beat pieces, a mixture of mostly 70s Canadian prog rock and folk sounds, National Film Board of Canada soundtracks, and some Indian tracks thrown in. I've been putting clips of the tracks in progress on IG, it's been fun.
I'm working on a bunch of beat pieces, a mixture of mostly 70s Canadian prog rock and folk sounds, National Film Board of Canada soundtracks, and some Indian tracks thrown in. I've been putting clips of the tracks in progress on IG, it's been fun.
billbradleyYou want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,923 Posts
I bought an Arturia Minilab MKII recently and started learning Ableton Live 10 Lite. I threw together a very rudimentary track while learning the interface some. I have a lot to learn still but am impressed with how much Ableton can do.
Thanks, did some fine-tuning, quite pleased with it.
Suggestions/criticism welcome though!
Dat Knox Thun!
Fiddled with this even more...
So, a few musical videos to take your mind off of Quarantinalism, and to put it back on Quantization:
...Actually now that I think of it, somewhere in the back of a closet I think I do have a dumbek, or other type of goblet shaped drum - a tiny copper one from a tourist tat shop I think. So, the vid's still useful! I didn't even know how they're held while playing.
Someone gave the clay bongos to me, but supposedly these particular ones came from Kenya...
<iframe width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/819732199&color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true"></iframe>
Still not satisfied with my levels/mastering, but like the beat.
It's dope how much functionality they added.. I used to experiment making beats in internal mode, this is much smoother!
Here are a few of mine so far:
check out some of my tracks in progress here https://www.instagram.com/_kaushikm/
ATCQ flip https://www.instagram.com/tv/CKpVsvYh9UJ/
I can dig it
The links should work in a web or mobile browser too
Thank you sir
Made an beat tape a couple of months back, can be listened to below.