Corona Virus Revealed



  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,794 Posts

    Hmmm... wouldn’t put it past him, and I’ve been hoping the vaccine isn’t discovered in the US because they’ll put the price ridiculously high and/or use it for political leverage. A regime with zero ethics. POS not POTUS.

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,182 Posts
    I read that - I'm sure he's looking to score a big win FOR AMERICA to satiate his base and overcome the bad press around how poor the national response was in the first few weeks. 

  • JimsterJimster 6,967 Posts
    It all eerily reminds me of the recent tv show "Utopia" ... Illuminati-style meta-Govt-released pseudo-disease where the "Vaccination" makes you infertile, in an attempt to lower the already-excessive population - the key factor in keeping the globe spinning in they way they like.

    Apologies for all the dashes.

    It was a hard, hard show to watch.  Incredible acting.  I believe Raisin Boy came home in tears after the shoot, regularly.


  • If somebody's taking bets my money's on Cuba. They sent a bunch of doctors to Italy with a load of interferon alpha 2B, an anti-viral that might work to treat it, and unlike nearly every other country on earth, if they want to manufacture a drug they just manufacture it. Like the old Chinese DVD bootleg industry but for drugs. As I was made to understand, supplies are low everywhere else because it's so expensive to get privately.
    They also came up with a cancer cure last year, didn't they? Like, only for lung cancer, but still. Cuba's absolute glut of doctors makes for some very unique stories coming out of such an otherwise poor country.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,794 Posts
    Jimsterklezmer electro-thug beats

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,794 Posts

  • para11axpara11ax No-style-havin' mf'er 403 Posts


  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,917 Posts
    RAJ said:
    kala said:
    Raj - if you make it to tokyo be prepared to fork over much cake at hmv and disk union
    what an amazing country
    aldo i know y’all got a copy of this filed

    Hey kala.  Unfortunately we have decided to cancel our trip   Shit is just too real right now with the all the mass hysteria and uncertainty here in the US and Japan.  I was REALLY looking forward to record shopping in Tokyo.  Hopefully next year we can do it proper (if we survive this mess).

    A coworker is in Japan on vacation right now. I have a feeling he may be stuck in Japan for a while.

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,182 Posts
    Hope everyone's families stay healthy and that everyone settles into a new norm before long... 

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    ketan said:
    Hope everyone's families stay healthy and that everyone settles into a new norm before long... 

    Thanks Ketan.  Things got incredibly real here in the US in the past 10 days and I'm sure the same is going on in Canada.  The uncertainty of what's ahead has everybody on edge.  Watching what unfolded in China, Italy, and now in other parts of Europe has everybody taking cover.  This is a good thing, but incredibly frustrating.  Having the kids home from school for perhaps until fall with no place to go or do is the ultimate snow day from hell.  No life distractions like sports, concerts, recording digging until the fall is already weighing on us psychologically... and its been only a week or so.  Stay safe everyone.  I'll be here.... no real world movez to be made to keep me away.

  • JimsterJimster 6,967 Posts
    I've been (not)Working from Home since like January so I am accustomed to such measures.  I mean, there has been the regular breaks of the school runs either end of the working day and getting the shopping done at lunch, but the rest of the time has been doing online courses in cloud tech and trying to field the constant phone chasing.  Ironically, the week that I expect the live leads to come to their logical conclusion is the one we are told we have to lock tf down.

    Hey - Calling all headz who livestream, can we do like a STRT-FM day music stream / video conference / shit talk or such?  Timezones may be an issue but y'know...  May be some light relief whilst we try to stave off the cabin fever and I know Duder never met a Tequila he didn't like.  Maybe the tech is there nowadays to kind of do a SS version of the Italians playing instruments across the street from their balconies etc.  Gotta be better than watching the Brazilian live video game feeds of GTA5 mods my FB feed spams me with.

    I can't believe I've spent five minutes watching an (ingame) girl in Daisy Dukes climb a ladder into the sky-R.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,905 Posts
    I'm on vaca til Sunday. Looks like I'm going to be working from home come Monday. Crazy times...

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,794 Posts
    I’ve been out of work for a year LOL, just spent 2 and a half months in quarantine with my sick dad, just got my work visa for Canada sorted out


    18 months for a vaccine? Easy.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,794 Posts
    Jimster said:
    I've been (not)Working from Home since like January so I am accustomed to such measures.  I mean, there has been the regular breaks of the school runs either end of the working day and getting the shopping done at lunch, but the rest of the time has been doing online courses in cloud tech and trying to field the constant phone chasing.  Ironically, the week that I expect the live leads to come to their logical conclusion is the one we are told we have to lock tf down.

    Hey - Calling all headz who livestream, can we do like a STRT-FM day music stream / video conference / shit talk or such?  Timezones may be an issue but y'know...  May be some light relief whilst we try to stave off the cabin fever and I know Duder never met a Tequila he didn't like.  Maybe the tech is there nowadays to kind of do a SS version of the Italians playing instruments across the street from their balconies etc.  Gotta be better than watching the Brazilian live video game feeds of GTA5 mods my FB feed spams me with.

    I can't believe I've spent five minutes watching an (ingame) girl in Daisy Dukes climb a ladder into the sky-R.

    I’m watching yootoobs of Red Dead 2 cheats/missions/hidden stuff. My dad gave me 10 large (in his words “What can I do with it?”, and he’s got plenty more) and depending on how long this lasts I’m seriously considering an Xbox. My wife is already wondering if there won’t be a run on the banks and if we should just buy a lump of gold LOL (Canadians are too sensible for that shit). Her job is safe for 2-3 years, can work part-time in the lab and do other stuff from home, but if this had happened a year ago, when we lived in BCN and I was freelance and she was still finishing her PhD, we’d have been fucked. So many people will be now... seems like every week on the Guardian there used to be an article about the gig economy and uncertainty of 0-hour contracts in the UK. I’m thinking the positives of this could be populations demanding an overhaul of the economics of society: guaranteed livable minimum wages, improved unemployment standards, heavy investment in medicine and science, and an end to the we’ve-had-enough-of-experts bullshit that led to Brexit... buuuut they’ve got Joris Bohnson in charge and the only positive is that gammons might make up the majority of fatalities assuming bigotry counts as an underlying health condition.

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,182 Posts
    Having the kids home from school for perhaps until fall with no place to go or do is the ultimate snow day from hell.  No life distractions like sports, concerts, recording digging until the fall is already weighing on us psychologically... 

    Yeah, we're both working from home, with the kids... it's chaos at the moment, but things will settle in.  We traveled for a year as a family a while back and you will find a new norm living in close proximity with everyone 24/7!  We split up homeschooling the kids in the morning (one on one) and then took turns working in the afternoon.  The other person took care of the kids and made food for everyone.  You get a lot less work done, but you can maintain your sanity that way with some time alone to work (or stare at your records) for a while.  

    This is an interesting prediction - 18 months (or more) of local cyclic social isolation as the new normal:

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,182 Posts
    I’m thinking the positives of this could be populations demanding an overhaul of the economics of society: guaranteed livable minimum wages, improved unemployment standards, heavy investment in medicine and science, and an end to the we’ve-had-enough-of-experts bullshit that led to Brexit... buuuut they’ve got Joris Bohnson in charge and the only positive is that gammons might make up the majority of fatalities assuming bigotry counts as an underlying health condition.

    You can bet that governments and companies will do everything in their power to avoid the status quo from changing!  


  • JimsterJimster 6,967 Posts


  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,794 Posts
    More Covid-19-inspired music:

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    This crisis is a very clear example of impending DISASTER CAPITALISM. 

    Get ready guys this is just the beginning. 

    Step 1: know what's coming - You can't be shocked if you know what's coming.

    Step 2: Get out of your HOME and defy the BANS.

    Step 3: Know your HISTORY.

    Step 4: Always FOLLOW the MONEY

    Step 5: Advance a BOLD Counter-plan!

    - Diego

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,794 Posts
    FFS I'm glad I'm out of the US. Streets full of shook freedumb fighters with itchy trigger fingers and a case of the sneezes...

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,182 Posts
    SPlDEY said:
    Step 2: Get out of your HOME and defy the BANS.

    What good will that do?

    There are arguments that we don't know if the responses we're taking will lead to more harm than good.  That's true.  But we have a very good idea of what not socially isolating will lead to (see China and Italty), and it's hard to know if we're creating more harm than good right now.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,794 Posts
    Approx half the US population will welcome a dry-fisting from Trump with open arms, and resist any attempt to lube-up as a libtard conspiracy.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,139 Posts
    I have no love for Trump whatsoever. I'm playing along with washing my hands frequently, which I have already done before, and avoiding crowded places. I even begrudgingly cancelled/postponed my road trip at the advice of friends and family despite that 95% of the time I would be in my car or out in nature.

    That said, I would like to point out that the video which is the basis of Spidey's post is by Naomi Klein, a Canadian who is very much on the left: gun control, climate change, anti-imperialism, etc. I personally know a couple of Democrats who believe that Trump might exploit this to cancel the November election if we're still in panic mode by then. I know Democrat-voting small business owners who refuse to piss away their livelihood over this thing. It isn't just the right who are into the conspiracy theories or will refuse to comply with prolonged containment orders.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    ketan said:
    SPlDEY said:
    Step 2: Get out of your HOME and defy the BANS.

    What good will that do?

    There are arguments that we don't know if the responses we're taking will lead to more harm than good.  That's true.  But we have a very good idea of what not socially isolating will lead to (see China and Italty), and it's hard to know if we're creating more harm than good right now.

    This was taken directly from Naomi Klein's book from 2007. A contagious flu based outbreak might be an exception to this tip from her 5 point plan. We're not exactly sure what's going to happen either so maybe hold that thought. 

    - D

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    Electrode said:
    I have no love for Trump whatsoever. I'm playing along with washing my hands frequently, which I have already done before, and avoiding crowded places. I even begrudgingly cancelled/postponed my road trip at the advice of friends and family despite that 95% of the time I would be in my car or out in nature.

    That said, I would like to point out that the video which is the basis of Spidey's post is by Naomi Klein, a Canadian who is very much on the left: gun control, climate change, anti-imperialism, etc. I personally know a couple of Democrats who believe that Trump might exploit this to cancel the November election if we're still in panic mode by then. I know Democrat-voting small business owners who refuse to piss away their livelihood over this thing. It isn't just the right who are into the conspiracy theories or will refuse to comply with prolonged containment orders. - Her latest video is WILD.

    PS, I would personally not let this thing stop my road trip or time in nature. Just keep in mind things might change when you come back.

    - Spidey

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,245 Posts
    yeah, road trip to parks/nature should be totally fine. Just digging might not be the best idea, or even possible in some places.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,139 Posts
    I know, but it's the writing on the wall with the motels, restaurants and, as of now, partial closures of parks that's the problem, despite the lure of free admission."national parks" coronavirus&hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US:en

    I already am limited to where I can drive due to winter road closures. The parks have suddenly shut down en masse before (ex: federal budget issues), so who knows what will happen during next week. Sure, I can just cruise around, but I want the full experience. On top of all that, my mother's husband has emphysema and I visit them both once a week. They were one of the more vocal ones in opposition.

    Maybe my employer will make an exception and allow me to take a vacation during the summer/busy season. If we're still open then and this all has subsided.

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