Corona Virus Revealed

DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
Wuhan Flu Ain't Nuthin' Ta Fuck With.

Who's shook? I've been in Memphis for a month, and my biggest fear is that air travel is shut-down before I get back to wifey in Canada. Aside from that, this epidemic seems to be doing great things for reducing emissions. How fucked is the US news that they're putting more emphasis on stock-market losses than human lives? Motherfuckers.
China doing it's usual nothing-to-see-here until they have to shut lock-down 11 million people. Some disturbing videos on twitter of the inside of hospitals there. Stiffs in the corridors, doctors and nurses hysterically losing their shit before dying from over-work. Raw pangolin with batshit soup. Shitty wok.


  • JimsterJimster 6,990 Posts
    Ah Duder beat me to the Wuhan cracks, although I was going to go with "WUHAAAAN!  I got you all in check!"

    As for the US and A take on it, of course, monetize everything.  Until all that is left is money, which we cannot eat.  China needs to be more realistic but of course the West love people working at gunpoint so we can have electronics for a dollar.

    I have parked the bat soup for a while.  I mean, what are we, barbarians?  Other than that, stay safe peeps.  I am told the infirm are most at risk, so yeah, I'm on the Alive tablets since time and will continue to do so for the foreseeable.

    Duder can vouch for my skin quality 
    Pause pixel game


  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,923 Posts
    LOL @ "WUHAAAAN!  I got you all in check!"

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,160 Posts
    As soon as this started gaining traction, the Busta was the first thing I thought of. Funnier than the beer jokes my coworkers keep telling.

    I'm not buying into the news media fueled fear machine. I've eaten at a couple of restaurants I just discovered in Chinatown and the San Gabriel Valley in the past few weeks and did so without thinking twice. I'm living life. I don't think it's a "hoax" like some conspiracy minded people are saying and it's something to be concerned about, but the ones who are rushing to the store (probably weaving carelessly in and out of freeway traffic while staring at the cell phone) to buy the last remaining ineffective hand sanitizer gel bottles or sawdust masks on the shelves need to put things in perspective. 

  • At least they'll be safe from sawdust...

    Had the discussion with my parents, who are firmly in the "medically vulnerable" bracket, flying over to visit this week, about how TSA/food service workers are probably not shelling out 3 grand to get their flu-like symptoms tested while touching 20,000 people, or people's food, a day or whatever. But really, aside from meticulous handwashing, there's not a lot to be done.

    In high school band, the gong we had was made in Wuhan and I remember making the WU-HAN!! I Got You All In Check joke, so really, you're all stealing from 14 year old me

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    Freaking the fuck out because I'm slated to vacation in Japan in early April.  This is a vacation 20 years in the making.  So unless people are dropping like flies I'm still going.  Good news is less crowds and the hotel discounts are insane (50-60% less than when I was looking in January.) My only concern is if Trump bans travel from Japan into the US while I'm over there (or catching it and passing it on to an elder person).

  • JimsterJimster 6,990 Posts
    Funky Pangolin

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    RAJ said:
    Freaking the fuck out because I'm slated to vacation in Japan in early April.  This is a vacation 20 years in the making.  So unless people are dropping like flies I'm still going.  Good news is less crowds and the hotel discounts are insane (50-60% less than when I was looking in January.) My only concern is if Trump bans travel from Japan into the US while I'm over there (or catching it and passing it on to an elder person).

    Just take plenty of iodine.

  • MondeyanoMondeyano Reykjavik 863 Posts
    RAJ said:
    Freaking the fuck out because I'm slated to vacation in Japan in early April.  This is a vacation 20 years in the making.  So unless people are dropping like flies I'm still going.  Good news is less crowds and the hotel discounts are insane (50-60% less than when I was looking in January.) My only concern is if Trump bans travel from Japan into the US while I'm over there (or catching it and passing it on to an elder person).

    I have an exhibition planned of paintings and photos in Tokyo in April but that's in limbo. Glad to see you're still planning to go ahead with it, hope I can make it too. Have until March 10 to see how things pan out and then decide whether to go ahead with it or not.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    Mondeyano said:
    RAJ said:
    Freaking the fuck out because I'm slated to vacation in Japan in early April.  This is a vacation 20 years in the making.  So unless people are dropping like flies I'm still going.  Good news is less crowds and the hotel discounts are insane (50-60% less than when I was looking in January.) My only concern is if Trump bans travel from Japan into the US while I'm over there (or catching it and passing it on to an elder person).

    I have an exhibition planned of paintings and photos in Tokyo in April but that's in limbo. Glad to see you're still planning to go ahead with it, hope I can make it too. Have until March 10 to see how things pan out and then decide whether to go ahead with it or not.

    Right now, they are at around 300 cases not including the Diamond Princess.  300 out of 120 million ain't bad.

  • JimsterJimster 6,990 Posts
    I reckon in the USA more folks will die from gunshot than the virus.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Jimster said:
    I reckon in the USA more folks will die from gunshot than the virus.

    Thoughts and prayers mang, thoughts and prayers.

    Every morning I watch the local Memphis news and wait for gun murders. 2 or 3 every weekend,  a couple more throughout the week, but sometimes I’ll hear of knife murder and scream at the tv that it’s un-American.

  • JimsterJimster 6,990 Posts
    Jimster said:
    I reckon in the USA more folks will die from gunshot than the virus.



    I don’t think people realize how many service industry workers will continue going to work, cooking and serving your food, cleaning your houses, and selling you respirators, with flu-like symptoms because they don’t have paid sick days.


  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    I learnt yesterday that women don’t get paid maternity leave in the USA. Like WTF, add in medical bills and only 2 weeks annual leave if your lucky... damn they’re getting fucked in the ass here.

  • JimsterJimster 6,990 Posts
    They could do with some kind of Affordable Care Act, that would allow medical access to those who need it most.  Only a complete idiot would try to stop that kind of th...  Oh wait.

  • JimsterJimster 6,990 Posts
    I learnt yesterday that women don’t get paid maternity leave in the USA. Like WTF, add in medical bills and only 2 weeks annual leave if your lucky... damn they’re getting fucked in the ass here.

    It's either that or grabbed by the pussy.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    The entire country of Italy on lockdown!?


  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    RAJ said:
    The entire country of Italy on lockdown!?


    Call me cynical, but I'm wondering if this isn't in part a way to close borders? The Right has been making political hay out of Muslim refugees, I bet they're keen to find an excuse to stop the influx and virus fears kind of works. Or I'm just being massively cynical.

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,217 Posts
    I learnt yesterday that women don’t get paid maternity leave in the USA. Like WTF, add in medical bills and only 2 weeks annual leave if your lucky... damn

    It's bananas, the culture in the U.S.  I was a temporary resident for a few years once.  The nicest people in the world, but personal freedom from tyranny to tha death.  (No diss, US strutters - just an outsiders hot take.)

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    My modern-day attention span is already bored with coronavirus. It's not much deadlier than normal flu, they've definitely left it too late to contain, but a vaccine is predicted to be available in 6 months... locking-down a whole country seems excessive.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    ketan said:
    I learnt yesterday that women don’t get paid maternity leave in the USA. Like WTF, add in medical bills and only 2 weeks annual leave if your lucky... damn

    It's bananas, the culture in the U.S.  I was a temporary resident for a few years once.  The nicest people in the world, but personal freedom from tyranny to tha death.  (No diss, US strutters - just an outsiders hot take.)

    I could feel a big difference between Spain and the UK, and I'll be happy to take up Spanish citizenship when me & wifey have stopped moving around. Wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't for that pesky Brexit, daggnabbit.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    klezmer electro-thug beatsJimster

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Wuhan Flu Ain't Nuthin' Ta Fuck With.

    my biggest fear is that air travel is shut-down before I get back to wifey in Canada.

    Well shit. I’ll be watching Trudeau very carefully. My flight is tomorrow morning.


  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,217 Posts
    Hope you get home to your honey, Duder!  A lot can change in a

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Tornado warning in Mississippi, ice storm warning in Quebec...

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,217 Posts

  • kalakala 3,362 Posts
    Raj - if you make it to tokyo be prepared to fork over much cake at hmv and disk union
    what an amazing country
    aldo i know y’all got a copy of this filed

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    kala said:
    Raj - if you make it to tokyo be prepared to fork over much cake at hmv and disk union
    what an amazing country
    aldo i know y’all got a copy of this filed

    Hey kala.  Unfortunately we have decided to cancel our trip   Shit is just too real right now with the all the mass hysteria and uncertainty here in the US and Japan.  I was REALLY looking forward to record shopping in Tokyo.  Hopefully next year we can do it proper (if we survive this mess).

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Think I got back just in time, it's a certainty now that countries are going to go on lock-down, right? BoJo saying that populations are going to lose people and we should just accept it and move on: you can tell it's not an election year in teh UK, LOL.

    EDIT: scored some toilet paper today. The good stuff with a high street-value.

  • JimsterJimster 6,990 Posts
    My swiss ain't fussy.  I can wipe with Leaves, newspapers, Pangolins...

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,160 Posts
    I'm taking a national park road trip vacation next week. The daughter of my boss was concerned whether or not I will be travelling to an area "safe from all that coronavirus stuff". A bank teller who I regularly speak to behind bulletproof glass was concerned because she heard a rumor that driving across state lines will soon be illegal. I held my tongue on both counts and smiled politely. 
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