Leroy Hutson Appreciation (RR)

It was due time for me to post something record related.So, I moved into my new place recently and it took me a few days to get everything going. Once I got my music equipment all set up, the first record I threw on was a nice clean promo copy of Love Oh Love. While I've liked the album and owned a copy for 4 or 5 years, I've never really appreciated it like I did last week. Just showing some love for ol' Mr. Hutson. Feel free to rap about Leroy, Old vs. New Impressions joints, Curtis, the Curtom label, or anything else you dig in that vein. I have plenty of other stuff like this in the collection, so I wonder what I'm sleeping on.

it's got leroy all over it. i dig this side.
"Leroy Hutson II" is one of my all-time favorite albums. There's nothing like cleaning up the crib to "Love the Feeling." I celebrate this man's catalogue fo sho!!!
Big Stacks from Kakalak
It's tough for me to pick a favorite LH album, but I have to go with Closer To The Source. That LP is solid from beginning to end IMO.
Not his best album, IMO but it's not bad. Hutson is my favorite LP.
I love this album.
You can hear a lot of Curtis comming through on it.
so now I got 2 copies for trade
Closer to the source used to be the album I'd buy give a chance and then resell, this happened up until my 8th copy.
now its a keeper
Anyway, I need to go fill in the gaps in my Hutson discography.
Leroy Hutson LPs never turn up in OZ, but I was lucky enough to scoop this one at a spot recently, and now I know what all the fuss is about. Great funky soul.
Was this the first Impressions album with Hutson? I sleep. I need this.
Yes, yes, & yes
Make sure you get the poster.
I think this may have been the ONLY Impressions album with Hutson. Didn't he start making solo albums right after this?
He may have. According to the Billboard charts, he only made the soul Top 40 twice..."All Because Of You" (#31, 1975) and "Feel The Spirit In '76" (#25, 1976). Still, he must have had some kind of audience because he made so many albums, and although he seldom turns up on dusties shows, those who were there remember. ("So In Love With You" does get played on Chicago dusties radio programs because it was a stepper's cut, but apart from that...)
I pretty much dig everything he did on Curtom. Are they're any non curtom 45's he produced besides the Gemigo (arnold blair, groundhogs) stuff out there?
and his white suit on closer to the source
I know it was soon, I think maybe he did one more?
While I am a huge Hutson fan, I do find it really strange that his biggest chart hit ("Feel The Spirit in 76") was a semi-instrumental and one of his less-distinguished singles.
The music is gorgeous classic Leroy Hutson. I knew most of it prior to purchase but was surprised when the track “Right Or Wrong” started with the Sweet Charles sample “He’s a sweet soul brother” on this compilation. I had never noticed that before and wasn’t aware of any connection between the two, so I posted a question on Discogs under the entry for the original RSO single. A few weeks later I got a reply from the owner of a YouTube channel who had posted a clip of Right Or Wrong on YT a while ago: Turns out that the single does not contain this sample at all in any but one version: the video clip posted on the YouTube channel of “funk box” who has been using this jingle as an audio watermark in his YT videos for years.
Quite shocking to find out that Acid Jazz has included a YouTube rip on this compilation.
One of the highlights for me is Leroy talking about his time in college where he met Donny Hathaway, became close friends and roommates with him and then cowrote "The Ghetto" in their apartment one magical afternoon. Hathaway, being Curtis Mayfield's musical director at the time was also responsible for helping Hutson become selected to replace Mayfield as lead of The Impressions.
I'd never heard of JM Soul before this but just happened upon it while browsing Mixcloud during one of my heavy Leroy binge periods. Highly recommended for fans of the man or anyone wanting to dig a little bit deeper into his story and music.