Ferguson Grand Jury Says A Badge Is A License To Kill Unarmed Black Guys



  • crabmongerfunk said:
    keep on fighting the righteous battle for justice and truth on a website for people who collect soul records...please, continue to chase away the last of the longtime posters and turn this place into the fucking huffington post comments section.

    Or you could suck it up and pretend to be a grown-ass man for a change and stay away from threads you obviously have no interest in. Try it and see if you stop crying yourself to sleep.


    Most of your beloved "longtime posters" stopped posting long before I ever posted here. Maybe it was your bad breath that chased them away. Maybe you should eat more pineapple.

  • Rockadelic said:
    I believe Wilson should have been prosecuted...the fact that you translate that into me saying the process was fair makes you light years worse than a "lazy observer". I love how there are only two stances in Moeworld. Fuck The Pigs or Cop Jock Sniffer. Nothing in between.

    You think Wilson should have been prosecuted - but not because you care about justice. You threw that out there as a matter of process, as though it were some sort of compromise which would lead to justice. Then you demanded, as the cost for your benevolent offer, that "everyone" should accept the results of such jury trials.

    Hell, that's an offer Bull Connor would have made.

    I say you think the process was fair because you keep finding new ways to say so. Now tell me again (for the 3rd time) that the prosecutor is a Democrat, as though it's supposed to mean something to me.

  • LazarusOblong said:
    And all over the country cracker ass crackers are mystified as to why anyone has a problem with it.

    May they all choke on their own vomit ASAP.

    Lazarus is a real sweetheart. He begins a topic with the above then goes on to smear others and call them racist. One's writing reflects one's thinking and your head is clearly fumbling and bumbling and stumbling to get a coherent idea out.

    Ferguson grand jury says a badge is a license to kill unarmed black guys, the title of this topic is the first clue that something's amiss. It should read, Ferguson grand jury says a badge is a license to kill unarmed black guy while also not killing the other unarmed black guy standing right beside him. That would be more accurate. Dorian Johnson is alive and well, why is that? I mean after all DW is this racist trigger happy cop yet had never before discharged his service weapon. Do you see the mess this case is for you? Forcing something to conform to what you so desire cannot work in this day and age. This is simply not the case for what you want.

    Now onto eyewitness testimony, it's been shown to be notoriously unreliable. What you're talking about above is one of many reasons. The literature is literally bursting with study after study on the efficacy of eyewitness testimony. But just a little fact to chew on: since 1989, 324 death row inmates have been exonerated through DNA analysis and in 72% of those cases, eyewitness testimony was at fault. We all (should) know confirmation bias colors how we recall events and which narratives we select and what facts we discard.

    So what are we left with? Forensic evidence. It doesn't lie, it has no agenda. Now babe, go on and continue your garbled rants and your insult campaign. It's so amusing. I really didn't need to comment here because the points I raise or highlight are glaringly obvious if you cast off your biases and look at the facts. But I had to stir your pot boo, because daddy loves it when sweet Lazarus gets nasty. Show me what you got baby cakes. Dance in your hypocrisy and shine in your ignorance. How low can you go Laz? Please stop holding back, tell us what you really think. Cue the ad hominem attacks like before. Attention through provocation is your vice, so take it away mr oblong with your angle.....

    P.S. Laz, when do you think robbery charges will be filed by the prosecutor's office against Dorian Johnson as an accessory to a crime? Let's be consistent Laz, you want justice, right? Where's the justice for that shopkeeper? No you only want justice for some things not others. The prosecutors are biased here it seems, they moved forward on DW but let Dorian Johnson off the hook.

  • crabmongerfunk said:
    keep on fighting the righteous battle for justice and truth on a website for people who collect soul records...please, continue to chase away the last of the longtime posters and turn this place into the fucking huffington post comments section.

    I know what you mean but are you surprised that on a forum frequented by humans, social animals, that we won't talk about hot button issues? It's natural. Besides, every post has a title that usually lets you know exactly what will be discussed in that thread. So if you don't like the discussion then just change the channel.

    That type of comment adds nothing to the discussion and is self-serving, it subtly implies you're above it all. But you're not because you can't help but look at the train wreck, you read all the replies, and then occasionally jump in and say hey you guys are the reason the ogs have left. There are a finite number of old records and therefore a limited amount of things to say about them. An occasional gem turns up but the frequency is declining. You can go through the archives and find great posts about great records and the wealth and depth of knowledge here is simply not available anywhere else.

    So please retire this overused and self-serving tactic. People are people, we talk about things. If you don't like political or social issues discussions then don't go into the thread. Stick with the music threads— the great uniter. And I know there are trolls, but there best dealt with intellectually, just expose them and their faulty ideas with the light of reason.

  • Hole Zilla wonders:

    Ferguson grand jury says a badge is a license to kill unarmed black guys, the title of this topic is the first clue that something's amiss. It should read, Ferguson grand jury says a badge is a license to kill unarmed black guy while also not killing the other unarmed black guy standing right beside him. That would be more accurate. Dorian Johnson is alive and well, why is that?

    Brown was a wounded target, made Wilson piss his pants, was a bigger target, Wilso
    n ran out of bullets while pissing his pants, I know you'd be happier if there were two victims but fuck you ask some dumbass questions.

    I mean after all DW is this racist trigger happy cop yet had never before discharged his service weapon. Do you see the mess this case is for you?

    Where is the mess, exactly? We've had racist cops in this country for as long as we've had this country. Did the fact that they didn't all have a long list of victims make them less racist? Bull Connor never killed anyone that I know of. By your dipshit standards that means he should have been the NAACP Man Of The Year several times over.

    You get dumber with every post. How the fuck do you manage to feed yourself?

    So what are we left with? Forensic evidence. It doesn't lie, it has no agenda.

    It does when the cracker ass cracker cops collecting it don't observe chain of custody, chuckles. Of course that won't mean anything to you because you're stupid.

  • LazarusOblong said:
    Hole Zilla wonders:

    Ferguson grand jury says a badge is a license to kill unarmed black guys, the title of this topic is the first clue that something's amiss. It should read, Ferguson grand jury says a badge is a license to kill unarmed black guy while also not killing the other unarmed black guy standing right beside him. That would be more accurate. Dorian Johnson is alive and well, why is that?

    Brown was a wounded target, made Wilson piss his pants, was a bigger target, Wilso
    n ran out of bullets while pissing his pants, I know you'd be happier if there were two victims but fuck you ask some dumbass questions.

    I mean after all DW is this racist trigger happy cop yet had never before discharged his service weapon. Do you see the mess this case is for you?

    Where is the mess, exactly? We've had racist cops in this country for as long as we've had this country. Did the fact that they didn't all have a long list of victims make them less racist? Bull Connor never killed anyone that I know of. By your dipshit standards that means he should have been the NAACP Man Of The Year several times over.

    You get dumber with every post. How the fuck do you manage to feed yourself?

    So what are we left with? Forensic evidence. It doesn't lie, it has no agenda.

    It does when the cracker ass cracker cops collecting it don't observe chain of custody, chuckles. Of course that won't mean anything to you because you're stupid.

    Thank you so much, you didn't disappoint. You are the perfect antagonist for me and you don't even know it. So Laz, you say I'm stupid, well please educate me. Where should I start, what books should I read to become better informed about your worldview? Please teach me.

    One more question, what solutions have you offered or anyone of the protesters? You complain and rant and twist—you're on the road to being a conspiracy theorist my friend. So please tell us how we can fix this? What new legislation do you propose? Or do you just lash out every now and then, then quiet down and go on with your life until the media gives you your next narrative or point of view on an issue. If your passionate and want change, rise up, offer solutions, make a difference. But a small kernel of advice from a modest man of menial mental capacity (according to you), choose your fights carefully, choose the cases that are truly wrong or you'll just be that chump flapping your gums in the wind, buying that silly t-shirt and making a fool out of yourself on national tv.

  • get a fucking room.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    So glad the ignore button is back!

    Hi Crabmonger, you are the only poster I see on this page.

  • ignore function back in effect!

    lazerwolf, let's just turn this into an entirely other conversation.

    any plans for the holidays? going traveling? planning to cook anything special? how is that smoker you got working out? what records are in heavy rotation these days?

  • parallaxparallax no-style-having mf'er 1,266 Posts
    crabmongerfunk said:
    ignore function back in effect!

    lazerwolf, let's just turn this into an entirely other conversation.

    any plans for the holidays? going traveling? planning to cook anything special? how is that smoker you got working out? what records are in heavy rotation these days?

    You guys mind if I join in?

    I'm eagerly waiting for December 23rd because I have 2 weeks off to just chill, which means pulling some records off the shelf and dancing around with my daughter on my shoulders.

    In terms of records on heavy rotation, I've been playing a ton of library jazz stuff, which seems to sound so good in the winter. Right now, it's stuff like Francis Coppieters "Funky Chimes", Janko Nilovic "La Nuit Est Un Fete", Georges Arvanitas "Night In Tipasa", and Ted Sommer "Soul Search Rock". I'm all about vibraphones and bells in the winter.

    Wife and I are buying a nice slab of beef tenderloin and a big turkey from a local butcher, some root vegetables from the farmer's market, and specialty pies from a baker to cook up a Christmas feast for fam and friends.

    What's your deal, crab/wolf?

  • we got a box of deluxe frozen meats for christmas, so we have a few things planned. also included in the package was a bison roast and elk burgers, not sure if we are re gifting those ones or not... frankly, i am sick of everything i cook so i am hyped to try some new things. i am fairly certain we will be buying a brisket and doing that up in ye old jewish mother style with one new school addition (boiling the brisket in coca cola before it hits the oven)

    record wise, i recently dug out sketches of spain and i think that is my favourite miles album. those arrangements are absurdly great. so open, so soothing. that shit is like medicine for the soul. also, listened to expressions for a first time in a long while last night, love the lyrical stuff, can't really take the furious and free aspects. frankly, i think coltrane eventually went too far out but who the hell am i to question his artistic vision

    i guess the record that is getting the most play these days is smoke "everything" on mps (which is far superior to the excellent self-titled joint). if you dig dope, warm vibes, you could do worse...

  • parallaxparallax no-style-having mf'er 1,266 Posts
    crabmongerfunk said:
    we got a box of deluxe frozen meats for christmas, so we have a few things planned. also included in the package was a bison roast and elk burgers, not sure if we are re gifting those ones or not... frankly, i am sick of everything i cook so i am hyped to try some new things. i am fairly certain we will be buying a brisket and doing that up in ye old jewish mother style with one new school addition (boiling the brisket in coca cola before it hits the oven)

    record wise, i recently dug out sketches of spain and i think that is my favourite miles album. those arrangements are absurdly great. so open, so soothing. that shit is like medicine for the soul. also, listened to expressions for a first time in a long while last night, love the lyrical stuff, can't really take the furious and free aspects. frankly, i think coltrane eventually went too far out but who the hell am i to question his artistic vision

    i guess the record that is getting the most play these days is smoke "everything" on mps (which is far superior to the excellent self-titled joint). if you dig dope, warm vibes, you could do worse...

    Elk burgers sound pretty good right now. It's lunchtime and I have leftovers to heat up of a not-so-great potroast.

    Thanks for posting that Smoke joint. That's a new one for me that I'll seek out for sure, and very much on the vibe I'm feeling.

    Just a quick shout out, too, for all the music you've shared over the years. You posted a collection of mp3s a while back that included "Shamrock - S/T", which stayed with me for the longest time. I ended up getting the re-ish a couple years back and played it last night while mellowing out.

    Cheers homie.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Holidays plans. Next week I will be in Lincoln City for 4 nights. We get the same studio apt every year, holidays with just my wife, dog and cat. Sit in the room and watch pacific storms roll in, tide pools, collect mussels and clams, whale watch.
    Then it is off to Tucson. My 89 year old mom just got a new knee Tuesdayday and I will be heading down soon to help with rehab. Pres Day weekend is the Eugene record show, a big deal on my calendar. We take all our own food to the coast, so no eating out. Ham, egg and cheese on a bagel every morning. A seafood soup. Twice backed potatoes, and there is already some lasagna in the freezer.

    I always have almonds I have smoked in the house. Tried a lot of different spicing, but now they are just dressed in soy sauce and fish sauce then smoked. Smoked a turkey and a turkey breast for Thanksgiving. That disappeared so quick I have since smoked about 6lbs of chicken thighs and 12lbs of turkey thighs. Just did a simple salt and sugar brine so I can use them for any kind of dish. We have done a ginger stir fry and tacos recently. I just spice the meat accordingly when cooking.

    Dave Plaehn's Smokin' lp has been in heavy rotation. For those who like the Michael McDonald/Hall+Oates sound there are 3 or 4 good cuts, plus some more folk blues type stuff. My European customers call it West Coast Sound. The new Robert Cray got a bunch of spins. Last month Sketches of Spain was in heavy rotation, I agree, my favorite Miles. I bought a collection with every Neil Young lp, and I am listening through them now. There is one from '85 called Old Ways, which is Neil in Nashville that I liked. Tonight's the Night is on now, good. And Cortez the Killer off of Zuma I just listened to again, one of my favorite songs of his.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    BTW, when you smoke turkey thighs the meat tastes a lot like pork.

  • LaserWolf said:
    BTW, when you smoke turkey thighs the meat tastes a lot like pork.

    Per German cannibals, the same is true of human meat.

    Bon appetit.

  • so lazerwolf, have you experimented with different kinds of wood chips in the smoker? what are the best combos of meat/smoke chip that you do?

    parallax, this place his been a real treasure trove of music knowledge and friendship (both real and cyber) for me so i'm glad to hear i shared something you dug.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    For the briskets I use maple.
    First because I was trying to recreate Montreal Smoke Meat. I figured they use maple up there.
    Maple is very nice for beef and lamb.
    For most poultry I use cherry from a tree my neighbor cut down a few years ago.
    I have some fig and apple wood curing.

    Mostly the woods don't make a lot difference (except mesquit).
    Hickory would be better (traditional) for when I am doing bbq, but I don't have hickory.
    I would also like to try some nut woods like pecan/almond, but they are not local. So I am looking to pickup some hazelnut but it hasn't happened yet.

    BTW Preston Love doesn't now a thing about bbq, with those flames coming out of his little kettle cooker.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    Laser, if you like almonds you should try making almond gravy. Put chopped almonds into a coffee grinder and pulverize them like flour. I've never used smoked almonds but it might be great! You might have to do a couple loads depending on how much gravy you want. Then just make gravy like you would with any flour. Brown it in a pan with butter, salt and pepper. Slowly add any milk (preferably almond) and wisk into deliciousness. I recommend all organic ingredients and Tibetan pink salt. Add a variety of herb to your taste. The Vogel Herbamare salt is great, but a dash of fresh thyme or majoram can be nice as well.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    I suggest a pairing with Los Tainos for a silky smooth mixture.

  • "The St. Louis County prosecutor in the grand jury that acquitted Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson said that some of the witnesses called lied under oath.

    "Clearly some were not telling the truth,” Prosecuting Attorney Bob McCulloch said in an interview with KTRS radio on Friday. He said he's not planning to file charges against witnesses who lied.

    McCulloch said that he wanted "anyone who claimed to have witnessed anything... presented to the grand jury," and that he didn't have regrets about calling non-credible witnesses, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. "

    The OG may now resume bloviating about their nuts.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    volumen said:
    I suggest a pairing with Los Tainos for a silky smooth mixture.

    Just reminded me I have this record. Let me put it on...

  • Of course. If he had decided to exclude testimony on the basis of credibility he would have had to toss far more testimony against Wilson than he would for him. You hardly need to be a seer to predict the headlines

    "Under fire prosecutor revealed to have ignored eye witness accounts that contradict Wilson"

    "New doubts emerge over authorities conduct in Brown slaying case"

    "New questions arise in controversial Wilson proceedings"

    If the media really want to scrutinise oddities in the prosecutors conduct they would be investigating why he brought a case before the grand jury when he clearly believed Wilson to be innocent. THAT is the most unusual aspect of the prosecution. Usually when a prosecutor thinks he has no chance of securing a conviction he declines to bring a case to the jury. A media sincerely interested in unusual conduct would investigate this first and foremost but it is something they evidently have no interest in and that's because it would shed a harsh light on their behaviour rather than the prosecutors. The media prejudged the case, helped create an incredibly combustible situation, made it impossible to pursue the case normally and now criticise those who had to navigate the shit show they put in place.

  • that los tainos is great..,anybody want to sell/trade me a copy?


    vintageinfants, can we see what records you scored in cuba?

  • Ex-Boyfriend said:
    Of course. If he had decided to exclude testimony on the basis of credibility he would have had to toss far more testimony against Wilson than he would for him. You hardly need to be a seer to predict the headlines

    "Under fire prosecutor revealed to have ignored eye witness accounts that contradict Wilson"

    "New doubts emerge over authorities conduct in Brown slaying case"

    "New questions arise in controversial Wilson proceedings"

    If the media really want to scrutinise oddities in the prosecutors conduct they would be investigating why he brought a case before the grand jury when he clearly believed Wilson to be innocent. THAT is the most unusual aspect of the prosecution. Usually when a prosecutor thinks he has no chance of securing a conviction he declines to bring a case to the jury. A media sincerely interested in unusual conduct would investigate this first and foremost but it is something they evidently have no interest in and that's because it would shed a harsh light on their behaviour rather than the prosecutors. The media prejudged the case, helped create an incredibly combustible situation, made it impossible to pursue the case normally and now criticise those who had to navigate the shit show they put in place.

    The prosecutor knowingly broke the law and the rules of legal ethics by presenting Witness 40's testimony to the grand jury. He's admitting it. He can and should be disbarred for that. It's called "suborning perjury," and he could end up behind bars himself for doing it.

    Of course you'd rather give him a medal.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    This is good news. http://www.addictinginfo.org/2015/01/05/state-bar-complaint-filed-against-mcculloch-over-ferguson-grand-jury-hes-having-a-really-bad-day/

    "St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Bob McCulloch’s mishandling of the Michael Brown grand jury has not only resulted in a federal action, but a formal complaint to the Missouri State Bar for ethical violations committed by McCulloch and his minions.

    Coming on the heels of the federal action filed by the ACLU of Missouri to lift the life-time gag order imposed on grand jurors, an eleven page complaint was filed with the Office of the Chief Disciplinary Counsel claiming that McCulloch, as well as Assistant Prosecuting Attorneys Kathi Alizadeh and Sheila Whirley violated some 15 different Rules of Professional Conduct by:

    1. Presenting the grand jury with a legal instruction ruled unconstitutional for decades.

    2. Mislabeling and misplacing evidence related to key witness Dorian Johnson.

    3. Failing to provide specific charges to the jury after ‘dumping’ on them thousands of pages of interviews and evidence the complainants cite as going above gross negligence."

  • Bon Vivant said:
    This is good news. http://www.addictinginfo.org/2015/01/05/state-bar-complaint-filed-against-mcculloch-over-ferguson-grand-jury-hes-having-a-really-bad-day/

    "St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Bob McCulloch’s mishandling of the Michael Brown grand jury has not only resulted in a federal action, but a formal complaint to the Missouri State Bar for ethical violations committed by McCulloch and his minions.

    Coming on the heels of the federal action filed by the ACLU of Missouri to lift the life-time gag order imposed on grand jurors, an eleven page complaint was filed with the Office of the Chief Disciplinary Counsel claiming that McCulloch, as well as Assistant Prosecuting Attorneys Kathi Alizadeh and Sheila Whirley violated some 15 different Rules of Professional Conduct by:

    1. Presenting the grand jury with a legal instruction ruled unconstitutional for decades.

    2. Mislabeling and misplacing evidence related to key witness Dorian Johnson.

    3. Failing to provide specific charges to the jury after ‘dumping’ on them thousands of pages of interviews and evidence the complainants cite as going above gross negligence."

    Meanwhile one of the grand jurors is suing to have the gag order lifted so she can tell her story about what went on in the farcical procedure. The same grand jurors saw numerous cases presented during their term, and she's shocked by the difference between how the Brown/Wilson case was handled and all of the others. She's also pissed about how McCulloch has been spinning what the jurors thought.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    crabmongerfunk said:
    that los tainos is great..,anybody want to sell/trade me a copy?

    Just seeing this... If you still need. I'll send it your way.
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