Record shopping adventures in Istanbul

frenziefrenzie 174 Posts
edited September 2014 in Strut Central
I'm not a regular poster to these forums, but I do lurk from time to time. I thought the following might be of interest to some of you guys.
I'm currently in Istanbul as part of a greater world wide trip, and documented my digging experiences in this city. I can't say that I turned up anything incredibly rare and my knowledge on the local music is certainly not as strong as I wish it was, but I'm pretty happy with my finds which included a few Turkish 45s amongst other bits and pieces.

My blog post is here:

Hope you enjoy the read and find some value in it if you ever visit Turkey.


  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    Good shit, Shan!

  • going to turkey to buy gino soccio records .. ok

  • going to turkey to buy gino soccio records .. ok
    Yep.. I know it's a bit hard to fathom RD..
    You know the drill.. You buy what you find, and there is no controlling what you come across - And sometime it can be those real obvious titles that elude you for years in the field that can still bring a smile to your face..

    I wish I did know more about Turkish music. It's certainly not my area of expertise, but I'm happy to have come away with a few local pieces that sounded great in the shop (Looking forward to getting back home in a few months to check them out again)..
    I guess had Turkey been my only destination on my trip I would have put some research time in before hand - But as it was, Going to Turkey was never actually in my original itinerary - So I'm happy to have found what I did.. Finding random records in the field certainly beats buying them on Ebay!

  • inVrsinVrs 687 Posts
    re: gino soccio

    in my (limited to a few days, but hanging with locals that know the better places) experience it was very tough to turn up any of the better turkish stuff for cheap (200 euro g+ selda etc), but i found lots of turkish or or even us pressings of medium raers like jbs food for thought, cymande, air on embryo, buari etc for very little money. so yeah, i came back with more US stuff than baris mancos. found one in a thrift and even there they still wanted like 35 euro for it..

  • inVrs said:
    re: gino soccio

    in my (limited to a few days, but hanging with locals that know the better places) experience it was very tough to turn up any of the better turkish stuff for cheap..

    That's exactly right InWrs - and almost impossible without a portable. I came across A LOT of Turkish music. The few places that did have a listening station just didn't have the music I had hoped to find, and also alerted me to the fact that there is just so much out there that you really need to know it what you are looking for.

    Plus - Unless you are in one of the specialist record stores (Who always wanted $$$), so much of it was skated without covers - at least it was with the 45s - and even they were incredibly expensive as opposed to non-turkish music.

    Making my way to Africa today for the next few weeks (Mostly Eastern/Southern).. Whilst record shopping isn't as a high as a priority for my travelling partner as it is for me, hoping to at least come away with a few joints. Not really sure what to expect...

    Thanks for checking the blog post.
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