Why White Hipsters Are Wankers



  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    my standpoint:

    dude's take internet arguing WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY to seriously. shits a waste of time


  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts

    yes, but thats not really a fair example. If this were a "nigger bash" party where white people listened to rhythm & Blues and were totally "Niggered out" without having to deal with real black people I think everyone here would show offense.

    wtf? did you even read what this thread is about?

    yes, but these people weren't actually out to create hatred towards blacks, as misguided and unhumorous as it was it was still an attempt to be ironically cool. Had their attept been what I stated we'd have not called it a party at all but rather a klan rally

    Opps, I forgot Klan rally's always involve listening to R&B and imitating Black people.

    Dude, just stop.

    Dude I'm lost then, I don't even know what y'all are showing offense to now.

    look, just to make it plain and simple, I don't give a fuck what these dudes were doing, I did care that folks here were going overboard calling for ass whoopings and shit like that.

    A few days ago someone posted a picture of themsevels in stereotypical hasidic clothing and called themselves a rabbi, to put it in context it would be like me dressing up in blackface and calling myself a basketball player.

    Hasidic folks are not rabbi's, rabbis are rabbis

    Hasidic folks are jewish and dress according to what the rule of thier religion and culture state.

    No one cared about such a photo.

    Vitamin makes a (bad) jokey track this place goes bat shit

    Oliver posts an article about stupid white rich kids acting ironic and doing a "kill whitey" party and this place goes bat shit.

    I think the selective times at which people get offended (and what the majority of those posters got offended over) is a little suspect.

    any questions?


    Didn't see the Rabbi post - is it still up?

    Ass whoopinngs are not out of line for these kill whitey people - they can play what ever music they like & dance however they want, but, in my book, yelling out "kill whitey" is mocking some very significant human suffering. I'm no liberal apologist - I just believe in respecting people; if you want to know what bullshit is, think on this: when Nike had that Major threat thing going on folks were like - "nooooo I liked that band, how dare they!!" Boo fucking hoo. But co-opting the suffering of a people? Appropriating an expression of their anger against those who held them down & making it into a joke? Fuck that. Hip hop is something anyone can be down with, regardless of color, but to make light of african american issues is


  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    This was posted to my comments section of my personal blog:

    preface: bianca casady, who talks about black clubs being "too hardcore", is also in a mediocre indie-folk band called cocorosie.

    let me just air out this whole ???irony??? situation. i'll readily admit that i'm a black kid that listens to indie rock/pop/folk/whatever on a regular basis, even moreso than hip hop. i mean, if a dj wants to play hip-hop at an indie (or ???all-white???) club, that???s fine. however, the irony is excessive, and could be misconcieved as ignorance. i mean, right now, hip-hop is one of the most inclusive genres in music. so, there???s really no need to have ???kill whitie??? signs on your flyers. i???m a self-described ???hipster???, but if i ever walked into a club doing this kind of shit, i would be geniunely offended.

    furthermore, the only song i???ve heard by cocorosie is their cover of ???ohio??? by damien jurado. i have to say that the comments that ms. casady made could also border on ignorance, too. if you???d rather go to a place where white people are subtly ridiculing modern society???s most legitimate form of black culture than go to a place where they celebrate it, only because it???s ???too hardcore???, then you need to play your lil jon records in your living room and host parties there. i was surprised that a person in a somewhat well-known band would cosign garbage like this.

  • my standpoint:

    dude's take internet arguing WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY to seriously. shits a waste of time


    you're a fucking mackist racist!

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

    Ass whoopinngs are not out of line for these kill whitey people - they can play what ever music they like & dance however they want, but, in my book, yelling out "kill whitey" is mocking some very significant human suffering. I'm no liberal apologist - I just believe in respecting people; if you want to know what bullshit is, think on this: when Nike had that Major threat thing going on folks were like - "nooooo I liked that band, how dare they!!" Boo fucking hoo. But co-opting the suffering of a people? Appropriating an expression of their anger against those who held them down & making it into a joke? Fuck that.


    I agree, however getting all up in arms over this in a mutual appreciation society ain't doing nothing for no one in any way.

    People live in NY, these aren't secret parties, why don't some people here who are truly outraged go down to these places and raise some hell.

    You ain't helping anything by being outrageously offended on a website full of white people with plenty of sympathy towards the plight of the African american

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts

    C'mon man - it takes folks all of 10 seconds to post up something saying, "wow, this is so wack." It's not like they're expending their energies on this and not doing other productive things. If anything, the way you instigate shit is what has people wasting more time. I'm not trying to mad dog you here, but seriously, this post should have been ONE PAGE and that was to have a bunch of people say, "wow, this is wack" and then move on.

    It's only because some of you Defensive White Folk feel it necessary to pipe in, "I don't this is really racist" which 1) is your opinion and you're entitled to it but 2) is only sure to offend people who don't like hearing Defensive White Folk tell them what's racist and what isn't.

    Seriously, if there's Whiteness inside that needs to be killed, this board would be an excellent place to start but what else is new?

    Ass whoopinngs are not out of line for these kill whitey people - they can play what ever music they like & dance however they want, but, in my book, yelling out "kill whitey" is mocking some very significant human suffering. I'm no liberal apologist - I just believe in respecting people; if you want to know what bullshit is, think on this: when Nike had that Major threat thing going on folks were like - "nooooo I liked that band, how dare they!!" Boo fucking hoo. But co-opting the suffering of a people? Appropriating an expression of their anger against those who held them down & making it into a joke? Fuck that.

    I agree, however getting all up in arms over this in a mutual appreciation society ain't doing nothing for no one in any way.

    People live in NY, these aren't secret parties, why don't some people here who are truly outraged go down to these places and raise some hell.

    You ain't helping anything by being outrageously offended on a website full of white people with plenty of sympathy towards the plight of the African american

  • DJAckDJAck 255 Posts
    i vomited in my mouth.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

    C'mon man - it takes folks all of 10 seconds to post up something saying, "wow, this is so wack." It's not like they're expending their energies on this and not doing other productive things. If anything, the way you instigate shit is what has people wasting more time. I'm not trying to mad dog you here, but seriously, this post should have been ONE PAGE and that was to have a bunch of people say, "wow, this is wack" and then move on.

    My intial post was really full of disgust, I did feel it to be a major double standard.

    However you can never expect any race thread on soulstrut to be only one page, I'm almost positive that something like 90% of 6+ page threads on this site are about race.

    Are the parties wack? yes of course they are, but I thought it outrageous that some folks went for the jugular in this post while completely ignoring something that I thought was very plain to see in another.

    I never took the side of the kill whitey people and I never would. I will however continue to call it bad humor done by people who are trying to by ironically cool.

    Anyone who feels like its more than that should do something about it aside from preaching to the converted.

    It's only because some of you Defensive White Folk feel it necessary to pipe in, "I don't this is really racist" which 1) is your opinion and you're entitled to it but 2) is only sure to offend people who don't like hearing Defensive White Folk tell them what's racist and what isn't.

    Seriously, if there's Whiteness inside that needs to be killed, this board would be an excellent place to start but what else is new?

    well I've stated before that I grew up not believing I was white, but for the sake of arguments here on soulstrut I've went ahead and pigeonholed myself as that just to keep others on here happy. This whole thread was made up of defensive white folks saying what they felt was wrong and fucked up about a perception of blacks. It's cool and all but to hear it seconded, thirded, and umpteenthed by those who skipped over what, to me, was something that I thought others would pick up on as racist fairly easily frustrated me quick.

    Peoples go ahead and complain, but if you ain't part of the solution....you know the rest.

  • It's only because some of you Defensive White Folk feel it necessary to pipe in, "I don't this is really racist" which 1) is your opinion and you're entitled to it but 2) is only sure to offend people who don't like hearing Defensive White Folk tell them what's racist and what isn't.

    so oliver do you think this kill whitey party is racist ?

    seems like you always start up these big threads and then don't make your own feelings be known.

  • Peoples go ahead and complain, but if you ain't part of the solution....you know the rest.

    how many fucking hours have you spent on this website bitching, dude? and have you ever done a god damn thing to help out your wrongly-accused-of-being-rabbis-but-just-plain-old hasidim or all those gays slandered to no end by the use of the word fag? no, you haven't. shut the fuck up for christ's sake.

    -- the jewish mexican who hired himself to reshingle his roof and yelled MARICON at the black guys who run the contracting company

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    Can I again state how disturbing that this guys name is PUMPSTA? PUMPSTA?

    And I looked at the pix on that site and what the fuck is up with hipsters not being able to takecare of themselves... Its call grooming ya'll.

    Hipster = Trustafarian that graduated college?

    Shiiit, if I were a White guy, I'd be the whitest White guy that ever lived. Why try to simulate the Black experience, when you have privilege on your side? That's some dumb, arrogant, surburbia bullshit. If they were REALLY treated like Black folks (or more generally, minorities), they would scurry their little, spoiled asses back to their suburbian enclave. It's tough being minority. You're never good enough, seen as threatening, invisible, unimportant, are disrespected and mentally or physically abused (e.g., Jasper, TX), endure higher mortality rates, and suffer lower housing, occupational, and social mobility, etc. Embrace your whiteness and all of its (taken for granted) benefits.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak



    I???m so disillusioned that an academic who came up through hard times and lived all over would continue to spout this bullshit. White Americans owe Natives and African slaves and their direct descendents bigtime. I???m not sure what? Because we???ve never had an honest debate about this. Whatever comes from those sides, I???m all for. That???s it though. Not every fucking retard coming over waving their ???people of color??? or ???minority??? flag.

    I???m not sure where this anti white mentality is supposed to get you? People of color rise up and overthrow the white man! Sounds good to me. But don???t pretend like it???s gonna be some new social utopia. People been stringing each other up since Lucy (or Eve???you get the point).

    What the fuck are you talking about? Unearned White privilege has been the American way for 100s of years, as history clearly tells. Anti-White? Please. I merely speak facts that it is utterly dumb for suburbian White kids to toss away their privilege to be "down" (whatever the fuck that means to them). Minority disadvantage is real, because we live with it everyday. Who in the fuck are you to lecture me about the plight of people of color in America. You've got your motherfuckin' nerve, Skippy!!!

    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts

    Peoples go ahead and complain, but if you ain't part of the solution....you know the rest.

    how many fucking hours have you spent on this website bitching, dude? and have you ever done a god damn thing to help out your wrongly-accused-of-being-rabbis-but-just-plain-old hasidim or all those gays slandered to no end by the use of the word fag? no, you haven't. shut the fuck up for christ's sake.

    -- the jewish mexican who hired himself to reshingle his roof and yelled MARICON at the black guys who run the contracting company

    Reshingling a roof is a heck of a job. That shit can get expensive, too.

  • MeepMeep 320 Posts
    fighting over this dude:

  • oosioosi 40 Posts
    all names and social ills aside..i wanna know if this pumpsta dude can spin..if not hes a sucka!

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    I'm done, thank you and good night

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    No, thank you

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    Oh God! JP's underling comes to roost. First of all get your lame self promoting garbage out of your avatar. Real good to have your place of work in the face of of people your telling to fuck off!!!! Telling some one they treat this place like there own blog when your using it to advertise is weak.

    You and JP with your meanless threats of never wanting to read this forum and it's all someones fault. There are so many threads on here every weak that have nothing to do with anything so take it out on them. If your so bothered then stand by your workds and stop reading.

    And finally fuck off with your Kansas comment. Have you ever been there? Just cause it's getting bad press doesn't make everyone their some sort of back woods idiot for you to have "callous disregard" for. Plenty of stupid fucked up things go on in every state. How about everytime some gets shot or mugged or raped we say "take that shit to New York".

    Okay, you want it dude? Here goes...

    1. I am nobody's underling hommie, I'm a fucking boss and you are some nondescript record digging fuck who has like 8 thousand posts on this site and has never said anything even remotely interesting. Me on the other hand, I make gstacks off this music shit and help alot of people out (including on this site in the process). What do you do? Besides pick fights with other posters on here who make you insecure? Probably not much, huh?

    2. I actually frequently DO stop reading this site, but then I say to myself "self, I know there's alot of absolutely worthless toy fucks like Volumen on this site, but some of your friends (such as the person who started this thread) post on here too, and occassionally there are some nice topics that I like to peruse."

    3. If I choose to advertise my friend's store in my avatar, what the fuck is it to you? Jealous much?

    4. Please don't stand up for Guzzo, one thing I'll give him credit for is that he is more than capable of standing up for himself.

    5. As for Kansas, I mean really dude, hop off my cock already man, I'm sure the people of Kansas appreciate your boosterism, but I'm engaging in the rhetorical devices of hyperbole and sarcasm, I'm not attempting to cast aspersions on the nice folks of Kansas, I'm simply illustrating my point that all of these Williamsburg hipster types came here from the midwest and basically created an enclave of fauxhemianism in someone else's neighborhood.

    Seriously, you nondescript shithead, don't even address me again, ever, I won't even respond.
    1. AHHHHHHHAAHAHA! Like I care that your the boss at a stanky lame record store. That's supose to impress me?

    2. AAAHAHHHAHAHA! So you know how it is and still want to bitch about it like your the one to tell us all what's cool and what we should talk about!

    3. Not jealous, just think it's funny you would put your store up and then go off on people on a message board. Kinda makes you look like a....gee I don't know........."worthless toy fuck".

    4. If I want to stand up and state my opinion I will.

    5. You and JP must be on eachothers cocks cuz it's the only comeback you have, it's lame and you don't know how to use it.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    1. AHHHHHHHAAHAHA! Like I care that your the boss at a stanky lame record store. That's supose to impress me?

    2. AAAHAHHHAHAHA! So you know how it is and still want to bitch about it like your the one to tell us all what's cool and what we should talk about!

    3. Not jealous, just think it's funny you would put your store up and then go off on people on a message board. Kinda makes you look like a....gee I don't know........."worthless toy fuck".

    4. If I want to stand up and state my opinion I will.

    5. You and JP must be on eachothers cocks cuz it's the only comeback you have, it's lame and you don't know how to use it.

  • UMADUMAD 187 Posts
    Oh God! JP's underling comes to roost. First of all get your lame self promoting garbage out of your avatar. Real good to have your place of work in the face of of people your telling to fuck off!!!! Telling some one they treat this place like there own blog when your using it to advertise is weak.

    You and JP with your meanless threats of never wanting to read this forum and it's all someones fault. There are so many threads on here every weak that have nothing to do with anything so take it out on them. If your so bothered then stand by your workds and stop reading.

    And finally fuck off with your Kansas comment. Have you ever been there? Just cause it's getting bad press doesn't make everyone their some sort of back woods idiot for you to have "callous disregard" for. Plenty of stupid fucked up things go on in every state. How about everytime some gets shot or mugged or raped we say "take that shit to New York".

    Okay, you want it dude? Here goes...

    1. I am nobody's underling hommie, I'm a fucking boss and you are some nondescript record digging fuck who has like 8 thousand posts on this site and has never said anything even remotely interesting. Me on the other hand, I make gstacks off this music shit and help alot of people out (including on this site in the process). What do you do? Besides pick fights with other posters on here who make you insecure? Probably not much, huh?

    2. I actually frequently DO stop reading this site, but then I say to myself "self, I know there's alot of absolutely worthless toy fucks like Volumen on this site, but some of your friends (such as the person who started this thread) post on here too, and occassionally there are some nice topics that I like to peruse."

    3. If I choose to advertise my friend's store in my avatar, what the fuck is it to you? Jealous much?

    4. Please don't stand up for Guzzo, one thing I'll give him credit for is that he is more than capable of standing up for himself.

    5. As for Kansas, I mean really dude, hop off my cock already man, I'm sure the people of Kansas appreciate your boosterism, but I'm engaging in the rhetorical devices of hyperbole and sarcasm, I'm not attempting to cast aspersions on the nice folks of Kansas, I'm simply illustrating my point that all of these Williamsburg hipster types came here from the midwest and basically created an enclave of fauxhemianism in someone else's neighborhood.

    Seriously, you nondescript shithead, don't even address me again, ever, I won't even respond.

    1. AHHHHHHHAAHAHA! Like I care that your the boss at a stanky lame record store. That's supose to impress me?

    2. AAAHAHHHAHAHA! So you know how it is and still want to bitch about it like your the one to tell us all what's cool and what we should talk about!

    3. Not jealous, just think it's funny you would put your store up and then go off on people on a message board. Kinda makes you look like a....gee I don't know........."worthless toy fuck".

    4. If I want to stand up and state my opinion I will.

    5. You and JP must be on eachothers cocks cuz it's the only comeback you have, it's lame and you don't know how to use it.
    Hommie, I don't work at no record store. Ask about me or pick up the Fader and read about me. My FRIEND owns a record store, I know you don't have any friends, (because people who ignore you on the internet don't count), but I'll do ANYTHING to help prop my friends up. Now get back to the track, ho....you've spent enough time on my dick, go make me some money.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    1. AHHHHHHHAAHAHA! Like I care that your the boss at a stanky lame record store. That's supose to impress me?

    2. AAAHAHHHAHAHA! So you know how it is and still want to bitch about it like your the one to tell us all what's cool and what we should talk about!

    3. Not jealous, just think it's funny you would put your store up and then go off on people on a message board. Kinda makes you look like a....gee I don't know........."worthless toy fuck".

    4. If I want to stand up and state my opinion I will.

    5. You and JP must be on eachothers cocks cuz it's the only comeback you have, it's lame and you don't know how to use it.

    What does this even mean?

    "I know how to cross out stuff in a computer, I'm cool!" derrrrruh....

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    What does this even mean?

    "I know how to cross out stuff in a computer, I'm cool!" derrrrruh....

    It means what you wrote is fucking worthless.

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts

    this was the best part of this whole thread. This party looks kinda corny....but i would still go if there were girls.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts

    this was the best part of this whole thread. This party looks kinda corny....but i would still go if there were girls.

    Its like a grizzly sausage party.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts

    en address me again, ever, I won't even respond.

    1. AHHHHHHHAAHAHA! Like I care that your the boss at a stanky lame record store. That's supose to impress me?

    2. AAAHAHHHAHAHA! So you know how it is and still want to bitch about it like your the one to tell us all what's cool and what we should talk about!

    3. Not jealous, just think it's funny you would put your store up and then go off on people on a message board. Kinda makes you look like a....gee I don't know........."worthless toy fuck".

    4. If I want to stand up and state my opinion I will.

    5. You and JP must be on eachothers cocks cuz it's the only comeback you have, it's lame and you don't know how to use it.

    Hommie, I don't work at no record store. Ask about me or pick up the Fader and read about me. My FRIEND owns a record store, I know you don't have any friends, (because people who ignore you on the internet don't count), but I'll do ANYTHING to help prop my friends up. Now get back to the track, ho....you've spent enough time on my dick, go make me some money.

    AHHAHAHHHHAHA! Just like I figured, you say you won't respond and you do. Cause your a shit talking ego maniac!

    You guys kill me with you "on my dick" routine. Is that really the only comeback you have?

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    What does this even mean?

    "I know how to cross out stuff in a computer, I'm cool!" derrrrruh....

    It means what you wrote is fucking worthless.

    Ahhhhh! I'll be sure to use that.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    And i thought this thread couldn't get any worse.

  • great thread. peace, stein. . .

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts

    1. AHHHHHHHAAHAHA! Like I care that your the boss at a stanky lame record store. That's supose to impress me?

    dude you're sounding like a fool right about now, it's not his store it's Paychecks...he just promotes it via his avatar cause they're homies...nothing wrong with that.

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
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