RIP to My Big Brother

Hey Strutters,
Due to a tragic illness, my older (and only) brother and fellow Soul Strutter, William R. McKay, passed away on August 24th, 2013. Second only to my father, Will was one of the best people I have ever known. He was a devoted husband (of 23 years), doting father to two sons, and worked in cinema management for nearly 30 years. He was my preeminent musical mentor, exposing me to many artists and forms of music I would have never thought to consider. Will was undoubtedly the most positive, uplifting, accepting, sage, multifaceted, and level-headed person anyone could meet. He was loved by all who were privileged to know him. Rest in peace, William, your legacy will live on forever.
Your little brother,
Due to a tragic illness, my older (and only) brother and fellow Soul Strutter, William R. McKay, passed away on August 24th, 2013. Second only to my father, Will was one of the best people I have ever known. He was a devoted husband (of 23 years), doting father to two sons, and worked in cinema management for nearly 30 years. He was my preeminent musical mentor, exposing me to many artists and forms of music I would have never thought to consider. Will was undoubtedly the most positive, uplifting, accepting, sage, multifaceted, and level-headed person anyone could meet. He was loved by all who were privileged to know him. Rest in peace, William, your legacy will live on forever.
Your little brother,
I'm very sorry for your loss my dude. Condolences to you and your family.
My deepest and most heartfelt condolences to you and yours. I'm very close to my brother and I can't imagine what it would be like to lose him, especially at an early age. Hang in there and take care of yourself during this trying time.
Glad he was part of our community.
What a great guy.
I appreciate all of your wonderfully kind sentiments. Indeed, Will was the dude on so many levels I can't even express it justly. He guided me through a lot of tough terrain in my life, taught me tons about music, and simply put, was a great brother and friend. Today is tough because it was on Sundays (one of his days off) when we'd touch base and compare notes for the week. All in all, we have to just live life to the fullest and try to do some good while we're here.
Big Stacks from Kakalak
Thanks, Non, I appreciate your kind words and support. I have to clarify, Will was the 'better one.' I merely followed his (and dad's) shining examples of how to be a good man.
Big Stacks from Kakalak
Hey Guys,
Here is the thread to which Crabmongerfunk was referring: Will's Introduction on the 'Strut
Big Stacks from Kakalak
Hey LoopDreams,
You have summed up aptly how close Will and I were. Indeed, our bond was very special as we shared so many memorable experiences. Again, I thank you guys for your kind words of support.
Big Stacks from Kakalak
i have a dear sister who i would hate to lose. i'm sure it will never be the same, but it has to get better from here. take care.
Sorry for your loss, Big Stax.