RIP to My Big Brother



  • parallaxparallax no-style-having mf'er 1,266 Posts
    Never having met you, you are one of the (many) good people on here. It's always a sad moment for me when anyone loses a loved one, but particularly so when it's good peeps like you.

    I'm sorry to hear of your loss and wish you and your family strength and comfort.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts

    So sorry to hear this. Such a loss would be tough to cope with under any circumstances, and my thoughts are with you and your family.

    You've always come across as a genuinely nice guy and a welcome source of positivity on here, so it's not nice to think of you going through something like this. I sincerely hope that irrepressibly positive outlook of yours acts as a source of strength during this terrible time.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,788 Posts
    It sounds like you and your brother had a really strong bond and a great friendship together. I???ve spent most of my life fighting and arguing with my brother, but at the same time would step in the way of a bullet for him without thinking. It???s taken us 30 years to start appreciating each other and actually get along, but if for some reason he was to pass I???d be left with not just a sense of loss, but regret for all the time wasted. Doesn???t sound like you and your brother have ever wasted anything. My condolences and my thanks to you for sharing Stacks ??? there???s always something to learn from fellow Strutters and you???ve always set a great example.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    Hey Guys,

    You guys are fantastic! Once again, the 'Strutters are serving as a wonderful source of support during a rough time. I thank all of you for your kindness and support. This place is far more than just a's a community. Viva Soul Strut!!!


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • condolences. R.I.P.

  • dammsdamms 704 Posts

  • RIP To Bigger Stacks.

    Sorry for your loss Big_Stacks.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Sorry, man. Surely you've done right by your brother and will continue to do so. He'll be hanging around the fringes smiling at you. So stay up.

  • Really sorry to hear about your brother. Stay strong, Stacks, takes time but it does get better eventually.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts

    My condolences to you and your family.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    Geez, how terrible. So sorry for your loss, Stacks. All the best to you and your family.

  • Stacks, you are consistently one of my favorite posters/dj's on this board - If he was an inspiration and influence to you he must have been truly great. I am very sorry for your loss.

  • Big_Chan said:

    I'm very sorry for your loss my dude. Condolences to you and your family.

  • I've lost two members of my immediate family and am saddened to hear anyone else to go through it.

    Peace to you and your whole family.

  • big stacks,

    im completely gutted for you and your loved ones. everyone you lose is always 'too early', but it's especially true in this case. my heart broke for you when i read this last night and it's been sitting with me all day. I know it sounds corny, but I wore my black soulstrut tee to work today and whenever I do people always ask me about it. today i told them that it's a place where I go to visit friends and that I lost one of them over the weekend. there's people who never met him thinking about the loss today and I hope you can feel their support.


  • El PrezEl Prez NE Ohio 1,141 Posts

  • Stacks,

    I'm so sorry, man. You've been on The Strut longer than I have; your posts were some of the first ones I've ever read. We've never met, but people I know and love vouch for you and your character (as if that weren't evident from your posts here!). I know you were a great brother in return, and I only hope that you can find some solace in knowing that you doubtless made your brother's life immeasurably better.


  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    Hey Guys,

    Again, I thank you for your thoughtful and very supportive sentiments. Your kind words of encouragement are really comforting, and as always, you guys are here to help with difficult times. This only strengthens my strong connection with each of you and Soul Strut overall. The expressions of kindness speak to the broad importance of our community here. Please know that, likewise, I am here for you when there are times you can use a word of encouragement. Thanks again!!!


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • JimsterJimster 6,920 Posts
    Stacks, awful times but it's great that you had a brother so close, that you could write what you wrote about him. Not everyone is that lucky, you were blessed. Just think about what he would want you to do, and always make time to raise a cold one to him.

    Stay strong.

  • Condolences, Stacks. Spending just a bit of time with you, it doesn't surprise me to learn that you had both a great father and brother to your style.

  • Stacks all the best and strength through this difficult time.

    Stay strong.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    So sorry to hear this Stacks, my thoughts are with you and your family.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    Hey Guys,

    Again, I thank each and every one of you for your immense support. I'm in awe of how kind you have been to me, and the warm sentiments you have expressed toward me and my loved ones. I want you all to know that I am here as well if you need encouragement to cope during tough times. After all these years here, you have become members of my extended family. You're a very bright spot in my life and I thank you for being a part of it.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak
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