
  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    I'm guessing it's Wenger's philosophy is that you want to build a tight group of players, with a good understanding of each other and that's why he does build a large squad with a strong bench? Seeing as Arsenal let go nearly an entire team of reserve/youth players this summer, I don't think the youth development program is his priority for the first team any longer.
    On the other hand, Spurs now have a very strong looking squad Practically two first teams capable of PL football. Whether either of them are good enough to beat the best is debatable, but strength in depth is surely a good thing. Maybe they're hoping the Europa League games will keep them happy. Maybe they're planning on Rafa style constant rotation. Either way it can be an issue for the manager, but I guess that's what happens when you have a director of football, they go out and buy the best they can, possibly without the foresight of a coach/manager.

  • I'm gonna get dogshit drunk and live blog World Cup qualifying this weekend. who's with me?

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,908 Posts
    skel said:
    DocMcCoy said:
    Curious as to when and where Spuds are going to actually play one half of their new signings. Their bench looked absurdly strong on Sunday.

    As for LFC, a reasonably successful transfer window, an early-season win against Yanited and a 100% record has me wondering if the real LFC isn't bound and gagged in some musty Norris Green lock-up while this GMO version sweeps all* before it.

    I was quite impressed with the Sinai-ing of Moses, though. A very Abel player. Obviously, there's Noah chance of him getting a start at Chelsea, so why not make the Exodus to the Promised Land. Saul good, though. I'm sure he can do a Job for us, and at least he didn't cost a Lot. Joshua wait until he starts banging them in...**

    (* - the first month of the season.)

    (** - I'm here all week. Don't forget to tip your waitress.)

    It would be a total travesty if this ^^^^ gets the lols after my beautifully timed, finely honed Serie A gag got crickets.

    I liked the Syri-a gag and almost explained it to man.

    But life is short.


  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,908 Posts
    vintageinfants said:
    I'm gonna get dogshit drunk and live blog World Cup qualifying this weekend. who's with me?

    Man got put his balls in 18 holes, Tiger Wood style. Well, saying that...

    Then a street party.

    Bouncy castles et al.

    So yeah, I am down for at least 1 of them,

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Drinks tomorrow with the boy Junior, anyone up for a couple of pints in the City holler on pm for location reveal

    No 6-midnight lager frenzy/ tequila debauchery doe.
    Look for skinhead in goth suit and disco-Bognor-Tesco-normal dude dressed like clown.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,788 Posts
    skel said:

    No 6-midnight lager frenzy/ tequila debauchery doe.

    Awwww. :whycry:

    Can't make it, but say hi to A*i.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    skel said:
    DocMcCoy said:
    Curious as to when and where Spuds are going to actually play one half of their new signings. Their bench looked absurdly strong on Sunday.

    As for LFC, a reasonably successful transfer window, an early-season win against Yanited and a 100% record has me wondering if the real LFC isn't bound and gagged in some musty Norris Green lock-up while this GMO version sweeps all* before it.

    I was quite impressed with the Sinai-ing of Moses, though. A very Abel player. Obviously, there's Noah chance of him getting a start at Chelsea, so why not make the Exodus to the Promised Land. Saul good, though. I'm sure he can do a Job for us, and at least he didn't cost a Lot. Joshua wait until he starts banging them in...**

    (* - the first month of the season.)

    (** - I'm here all week. Don't forget to tip your waitress.)

    It would be a total travesty if this ^^^^ gets the lols after my beautifully timed, finely honed Serie A gag got crickets.

    Dude. Yours was a pun. One lousy pun. A timely, topical pun, but a solitary pun nonetheless.

    That up there ^^^ is a pun-gasm. It's Punmageddon.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,908 Posts
    skel said:
    Drinks tomorrow with the boy Junior, anyone up for a couple of pints in the City holler on pm for location reveal

    No 6-midnight lager frenzy/ tequila debauchery doe.
    Look for skinhead in goth suit and disco-Bognor-Tesco-normal dude dressed like clown.

    I'll be @ F.Off's HQ in Coventry. Gives me an hour+ of music in the car each way, doe, so every cloud...

    Say hello to A*i. I await more formal UK hookup detail. Possibility of the lesser-spotted McCoy-R.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,788 Posts
    J i m s t e r said:

    I await more formal UK hookup detail. Possibility of the lesser-spotted McCoy-R.

    I may be around for this after all.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,908 Posts
    skel said:
    Drinks tomorrow with the boy Junior, anyone up for a couple of pints in the City holler on pm for location reveal

    No 6-midnight lager frenzy/ tequila debauchery doe.
    Look for skinhead in goth suit and disco-Bognor-Tesco-normal dude dressed like clown.

    You never said it was fancy dress.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Duderonomy said:
    J i m s t e r said:

    I await more formal UK hookup detail. Possibility of the lesser-spotted McCoy-R.

    I may be around for this after all.

    I'll be nach London from 23-25th September. School nights, I realise, and I may be doing something on one or more of these nights, but I am willing to clear my diary for an event of suitable magnitude.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    I'm free on any of those nights, so yahmobethere.

    Surely Junior will be down.


  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,908 Posts
    Could do 25th.

    And it's a consecutive Pythagorean Triplet, so the signs are good.

    Let me check the Mrs sked tonight.

    Staying sober, doe.


  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,788 Posts
    DocMcCoy said:
    Duderonomy said:
    J i m s t e r said:

    I await more formal UK hookup detail. Possibility of the lesser-spotted McCoy-R.

    I may be around for this after all.

    I am willing to clear my diary for an event of suitable magnitude.

    Disproving the possibility that Jimster is Les Dawson
    Maybe a meal to offset #2

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts

    So St*ve tells me that there is a proper 2013 Brit Juggalo fest in the making end of this month.

    Is there a rollcall going on? Can we get a list of artists? Are we expecting features from the local scenes across the nation and beyond?

    Will the north and south reunite (L*o, J*m), will I get to meet Doc, can we fly over our lovely Canadian friends?

    Wherefore is Chizzle or Dutty, dutty babylon? Will M*rc escape the countryside and prove he exists? Can N*ck read this with his head up his arse?

    Please let me know, miss you all, always in my heart.


  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    skel said:
    PatrickCrazy said:
    props 2 u bruvz 4 saying hey we don't want anything to do with syria

    Yes, Italian football's top league is way off the radar these days


    Also, not even a boom tish for this? Shame on you all.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Very good 4 pint night with Junior, man is in shockingly fine fettle

    The girl with unimpeachably peachy skin
    The girl with terracotta high heels
    The girl with Mehut Ozil eyes (no Kim Carnes)

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,908 Posts
    Better than Dickie Davies Eyes?

    The 25th is good for me so far.

    I had a dream where City had four (4) working defenders.

    But that was all it was.

    Just a dream.

  • klose is one off the all time scoring lead for germany national.

    i'm about one or two off the first sign of wobbly.

  • ingerland might finish second in the group, with the highest GD by a country mile.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,788 Posts
    Duderonomy said:
    Okem said:

    Interesting that you rate Fletcher over Giggs though.

    Perhaps he also means in terms of cheating fuckers?

    Shock horror as Arsenal supporters expose tenderberries over midfield player who actually likes to tackle. I'm sure [strike]Viera[/strike] Flamini will still come back if you ask really nicely :cheese:


  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Random question:
    Which of you dudes knows anyone IRL, and I mean anyone, who's sartorial stock has fallen so low that they can put hands in the wardrobe and pull out even a single item from the Flintoff range, available from Jacomo in sizes up to 5xL?

    I was tempted to purchase some retro reboot from the Farah range at the weekend. Sorely tempted.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,908 Posts
    skel said:
    Random question:
    Which of you dudes knows anyone IRL, and I mean anyone, who's sartorial stock has fallen so low that they can put hands in the wardrobe and pull out even a single item from the Flintoff range, available from Jacomo in sizes up to 5xL?

    I was tempted to purchase some retro reboot from the Farah range at the weekend. Sorely tempted.

    DO IT.

    I was contemplating some sky blue Farahs for golfing a while back, but them shits is not cut for my legs. First squat to check the line of a putt, you know the sound of fabric being rent asunder will echo all around the northern hemisphere.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Cristiano Ronaldo vs. Steven Davis.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,788 Posts
    Apparently the Irish were chanting "You're just a cheap Gareth Bale" at Ronaldo.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    25th works for me. Would be lovely to see some familiar people and some faces new.

    Thanks to skel for his, as always, excellent company. And for not sneering at me too much when duty won out over fun and I retired after a meagre 4 pints.


    Being taken to the world of the perfect elbow
    The best anecdote about real world meeting the internet I have heard in a good long time


    No actual drunk posh people fighting despite the rumoured ruckuses.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,908 Posts
    Junior said:
    25th works for me.

    Will get to work on it. Will be an after-work trip down. Is my old mucker D*ve from Ab*ey R*ad St*dios allowed, as I might be crashing over at his yard?

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Excellent, who do we have confirmed so far then? I'm wondering who we can welcome to the party this time before horrifying them to the extent they don't really want to post here ever again (shout outs to Paul and Dutty).

    Also, bromance aside, the boy s*el appears to be aging backwards in some kind of Button style scenario. What with this, the rejuvenating affects of banglash on Duder and Mr Moisturiser I may be the only one who can get served without ID by the end of the year.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Junior said:
    Excellent, who do we have confirmed so far then? I'm wondering who we can welcome to the party this time before horrifying them to the extent they don't really want to post here ever again

    Looks like we have a special guest coming, occasional poster here but more of a vg plusser, deep in the 90s bootleg analysis game, indeed I have done some business with dude in that very vein

    Also, bromance aside, the boy s*el appears to be aging backwards in some kind of Button style scenario.

    Too kind, but generally comes with having ditched all baggage, all attachments, doing what the hell I want when I want, and not giving a fuck about anything, ever, anymore.
    So liberating. Dudes should try it!

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,908 Posts
    Junior said:
    the boy s*el appears to be aging backwards in some kind of Button style scenario.

    I have to confess, I sold him 12 bottles of my own special moisturiser. Rub it in or drink it, as I say to them all.

    Pays 3 x more than the sperm bank and no CSA comebacks

    This just in, turns out I am officially skint (2 bathroom refurbs and a car this month-R) and can't afford a day off unpaid :( I am still working on it, but it's looking impossible on a school night.

    Better get back in the cubicle and gurn some more out...

    "Don't think about Ozil eyes, Don't think about Ozil eyes..."
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