New York Aug 30 - Sep 4

Records, sneakers, art, food.
I am staying in Brownsville so my nighttime activities might be severely limited?
Not sure if this is a ridiculous question: Will cabs take me home late at night? I read some article about the creeping gentrification into the area, but a cab driver also got stabbed in the eye there this summer, so you know...
Having said that - anyone playing??
Get at me to meet for food/drinks!
Records, sneakers, art, food.
I am staying in Brownsville so my nighttime activities might be severely limited?
Not sure if this is a ridiculous question: Will cabs take me home late at night? I read some article about the creeping gentrification into the area, but a cab driver also got stabbed in the eye there this summer, so you know...
Having said that - anyone playing??
Get at me to meet for food/drinks!
but damm
what a fucked "peace "of real estate
And I hope the USPS is picking up their bills' late fees.
nowhere for a nice girl like you to hang after dark in Brownsville except the armory
Cajmere / Cajual / Chicago, IL
Liars (Live) / Mute / Los Angeles, CA
Lil Silva / Good Years, Young Turks / Bedford, UK
IO ECHO (Live) / IAMSOUND / Los Angeles, CA
Jon Hopkins / Domino / London, UK
so my info is out of date
never had any troubles there but i am big & ugly and was hanging with locals
i do spend some time in bushwick these days and it has changed
will check with junior and see what art is happening that week
have fun !!
lmho- You're too kind.
Cabs (especially those coming from Manhattan) definitely put up less a fight nowadays regarding taking people to neighborhoods in Brooklyn, but I cannot speak for Brownsville - I would suspect that a Manhattan cabbie is going to be less than thrilled to go that far out. It's pretty far out when compared a lot of other neighborhoods.
As for gentrification out there - def happening in Bedstuy & Crown Heights, but not sure if its made its way to Brownsville yet. For what its worth, last time I took LIRR back into Brooklyn, a gang of (white) girls got off at the East NY stop.
That said, if you are going to be spending your evenings in the borough or Brooklyn anyway, you should be able to get a local livery service without too much hassle and for a normal price.
hope you have a good time out here!!!
Hey Bassie,
Please count me in for a Soul Strut hook-up. You have my cell, so let a brother know. It will be great to finally meet the lotus of Soul Strut.
Big Stacks from Kakalak
P.S. I was bumpin' and loving your mix last week (the one with "Love and Happiness" on it).
Even though I'll be with locals, being small and ugly just doesn't have the same impact.
Yes, please! Any art suggestions, please send along. Not trying to spend too much time indoors, but other than rap shows, NY art exhibits are about the only thing left that doesn't make it up here/available in Toronto.
I missed LaToya Frazier at Brooklyn Museum, so I'm bummed about that, but MoMA has both Elsworth Kelley and Akram Zaatari shows while I'm there! I usually do the Chelsea circuit no matter what.
Tough time of year for art, as most galleries are wrapping up the summer shows, and prepping for the fall rollout.
James Turrell will still be at the Guggenheim; Llyn Folkes at the New Museum wraps on 9/1.
transmission received - you'll be in town then?
ooohhh weee! great!
amazing line-ups - can't wait to see who is playing Labour Day.
Are you willing to do a tutorial voice-over?
New store, you say?
I drink in Greenpoint quite regularly. Are you annexing or relocating?
Crooked floor tiling tutorials free during this time.
Is there a backstory to why your leaving?
The usual - my building got sold (for a preposterous amount of money), and the new owner is going to tear it down and get that J Crew paper.
And yes, much shuddering going on over here at the prospect of moving all this shit. You can't imagine what the basement looks like.
Three AMAZING shows start after I leave: a Balthus girls and cats exhibit, a Janet Cardiff show and a 50 year retrospective of the Met's Islamic art collection.
People are shitting about the Ken Price exhibit at the Met, so there's that- the Civil War photo show there got a lot of love at well, so it could be a good way to spend a day.
I think my day inside will be at the MoMA between the Zaatari, Kelly, new photography acquisitions and design exhibits. (not really a Price fan)