anybody ever said you gotta NUTMEG problem?

My wife did. I ingested about 11 nutmeg nuts last Thursday and didn't come down from my high until was about the worst high there was. All of the confusion, paranoia, and disjointed thoughts that comes with weed and none of the positives. As a topper, my stomache tried to eat itself...or that's what it felt like...horrible idea...JUST SAY NO TO NUTMEG! Anybody as dumb as me in the know...just doing dumb ass shit?

Mixed it in a glass of water... tasted like shit, didn't feel shit.
What's yor technique?
my old roomate used to go buckwild with morning glory seeds to mixed success.
I once smoked peanut skins (no ayo), cause it said you could in the Anarchists Cookbook. I also huffed dust-off once. That was about the stupidest thing I've ever done. You mostly just drool. I was peer pressured.
I also tried huffing spraypaint once. It was cheap spraypaint too... I remember I picked it because it was some off brand that no caps would fit. By the next day I thought I was going to die. I was so fucking sick... god awful. The worst shit ever... I won't say I was peer pressured but let's just say I was drunk, it was past 1am (end of beer sales until 6am in Ohio), and I was out of beer.
Awful awful awful.
Now, DMT - that's a fucking trip. Five minutes of the most unexpectedly insane, vivid, fractal-filled, psychadelic trip and then - SNAP - totally back to normal. Strange strange strange.
now where is that belladonna plant
My friend and I were skating in front of San Leandros Popo Department back in the day. There were morning glories there so my friend ate a bunch. Dude freaked out!!!! At one point he went blind for about an hour!!
When I was in university, the biggest pothead I knew (who eventually became hooked on diludid) smoked me up and then I headed home from his place in residency. By the time I got to the bus stop, I felt like I was going to puke, faint and die all at the same time. You know when you feel so bad, you can???t really sit or stand for very long? Like you just don???t know what to do with your body? That???s how I felt. I would sit on the bench, then get up an walk around, then lean on the bus shelter, then walk around. My head was fine, but my body was going through interstellar pain. I was also trying to be all cool and ???everything is fine??? during this insane trip I was having. The other people at the stop were just doing their own thing, so I don???t know if I seemed normal or like a freak. Anyway, the bus came, I got on, closed my eyes and fell asleep. I woke up to the driver saying "this is the last stop, you have to get off". I looked around and totally did not recognize where the hell I was. I???m actually laughing as I write this cause I was so confused and freaked out. I had no fucking clue where I was. I had got on the wrong bus and ended up on the other side of town from where I lived.
By the time I figured this out and I got on the subway to go home, I felt AMAZING. Euphoric. Wonderful. To date, one of the best highs I???ve ever felt.
I called my friend when I got home to ask WTF? He told me he had sprinkled nutmeg shavings in the J.
I would not do it again.
Really green.
I thought that was some cartoon type shit, but naw.
Just in case we have any brainiacs on this board.