
  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    I believe it's teh slang for em dee em aye. I guess there's other names for it too, but that's what my local goons call it. 'On the sniff' is quite a funny one for coke.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    John Terry racist [strike]verdict[/strike] trial:

    Defence Lawyer - 'Did Mr Terry putting his hand up to his nose to indicate that you had bad breathe anger you?'

    Anton Ferdinand 'Yes.'

    Defence Lawyer - 'Did Ashley Cole say 'you can't talk to JT like that' when you went to shake his hand?'

    Anton Ferdinand 'I'm a big man, I talk to who I want, how I want'

    Also footage of Ferdinand doing a fist pumping motion towards John Terry indicating 'shagging' as he shouted about 'shagging Bridge's missus'.

    Defence Lawyer 'I put it to you, Mr Ferdinand, that this is not the first time that you have been called a cunt?'

    'Fucking dickhead is something you've been called on the pitch on a number of occasions, I suspect?'

    AF - 'Yes'

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Footballer vs barrister is as one sided a contest as you could imagine.

    Both Terry and Ferdinand will be cut to shreds in 30 seconds and leave a littany of one-liners to haunt them for years to come.

    In more youthful times I got defended on an ABH charge by hot shot wiggy dude who trounced the prosecution witness just by subtly needling him over a 30 mins period, dude exploded and I was found not guilty.

    Since then I have never believed in the just outcome of any trial.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    skel said:

    In more youthful times I got defended on an ABH charge by hot shot wiggy dude who trounced the prosecution witness just by subtly needling him over a 30 mins period, dude exploded and I was found not guilty.

    I got myself off the last time I was arrested. Case of knowing the law (through bitter experience) better than the shop security guard or the police.

    Since then I have never believed in the just outcome of any trial.

    Not even OJ?
    What about Jacko vs asshurt 12yr-old boy?

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    We never did have that debate on child molester pop stars.

    Duder suspected of shoplifting??

    I find that hard to envisage.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    skel said:

    Duder suspected of shoplifting??

    I find that hard to envisage.

    Dropped out of school with limited qualifications, and me and some friends discovered the high resale value of academic books. ??200 for half an hour's work was pretty tempting back then. Weird that this has been brought up, as I saw my co-defendant this weekend for the first time in 8 years or so... after that last brush with the law I went straight and he became a serious junkie. He's now injecting. Don't really know what to say to him as I predicted it would all go wrong when he started messing with the stuff and he was sure he could dabble without getting hooked.

    Kids - just say No. And stay in school. And never, ever support Man U.

  • Duderonomy said:
    'On the sniff' is quite a funny one for coke.

    An old oxbridge type at a watering hole said to me quite recently 'that nosebag is absolutely tootalicious.'

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    You dude's seem to attract junkie types into your circle.
    Giving out wrong energy?

    Anyone up for a beer one week night in mid August?

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    Wait a minute. I see what you did there:

    skel said:

    You dude's seem to attract junkie types into your circle.

    and then

    Anyone up for a beer?

    Still a 'Yes'.

    Terry trial sounds like a farce:

    "Here Terry calls him a black cunt"

    "But lip reading is an inexact science so you cannot be sure"

    "That is true"

    Terry "But I did call him a black cunt"


  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,937 Posts
    Terry seems to think it's acceptable so has no qualms about saying it ("Hey, it's not the N-bomb"-R).

    Personally, I think it's racist because of it's intent - You always look for derogatory adjectives when dishing out insults, like "You little... , You fat... , You daft..." etc. so he obviously sees being black as something undesirable, as he has "Black" in his bag of go-to derogatory adjectives. If he sees being black as undesirable, then obviously he considers himself better for being white.

    My 2p, although I feel such analysis is unnecessary, given the self-evident cnutery of the man.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    This court case reminds me of this Bart Simpson prank call that wasn't even trying to be clever:

    @ Paul http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/sport/joey-barton-based-personality-on-swayze-in-road-house-2012051627288

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    So calling someone a fat, or dwarf, or ginger CUNT won't land you in the dock, but black will?

    Is there a part of this which is about choosing the adjective which emphasises the most difference rather than something more sinister?

    Devil's advocate.

    And would it have been ok just to call him a cunt? Same intent, no?

    And is Antoni black? And is he a cunt? And if so, can Terry get acquitted as he is just stating the truth?

    Luckily I am not on the jury, so don't have to wrestle with these questions.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,937 Posts
    I believe in free speech, but also that a line is crossed when person A subjects person B to a barrage of hateful verbals, and there has to be some legally punitive response to such actions. I was going to add that it's a very grey line that determines an adjective that lands you in court and one that does not.

    I suspect racism, like p0rn0graphy, is hard :ayo: to define, but you know it when you see it. So basically, the fat, gingers, pint-sized, mentally challenged, etc. [insert what "Society" deems an Undesirable trait here] are fair game, but skin tone adjective-use will see most folks punished? I m'lud will have to assess the context of the verbal exchange on a case-by-case basis in order to call it correctly. What a ballache.

    You can see why they had "Hanging judges" BITD. Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    what up britain
    my cousin/roommate is forsaking me to get a sociology masters at LSE
    i like this cooly g album and moments of the laurel halo
    i have not really watched any of your tv lately. anything new good?

    this might be starting some shit but what does the strut think of nigel farage? everything i've read/heard from him has been some real talk but that's also coming from an american perspective. speak on it.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    PatrickCrazy said:

    this might be starting some shit but what does the strut think of nigel farage?

    I'm not fully up to snuff on his views. But I like the cut of his jib.

    Yes, what are the shows to watch right now?

    I'm checking the new Wallander, Blackout, Line Of Duty. Oh, and also The Hollow Crown series.

    Waiting for Dr. Who, Downton Abbey and Top Gear.

    What else?

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,390 Posts
    PatrickCrazy said:

    this might be starting some shit but what does the strut think of nigel farage? everything i've read/heard from him has been some real talk but that's also coming from an american perspective. speak on it.

    Single issue politician heading a party of disillusioned right wing loons for the most part. UKIP describes itself as "libertarian, non-racist party seeking Britain's withdrawal from the European Union". Probably a better description of Farage himself than most members of UKIP - withdrawal from the EU is probably the only thing they all agree on. He usually comes across as personable if not entirely reasonable but he's having his moment now. You know what they say about a stopped clock...

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    DOR said:
    PatrickCrazy said:

    this might be starting some shit but what does the strut think of nigel farage?

    I'm not fully up to snuff on his views. But I like the cut of his jib.

    Every dog has his day...

    I think I was broadly supportive of Galloway following that speech as it's nice to hear somebody get near a mic and speak something close to the truth. Farrage is right about the never-ending bail-out packages as it's an easy target, an almost black-and-white issue, but I don't think his politics are nuanced enough for him to be trusted with anything else.

    Bit like Churchill at the end of the war.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Doc, Duder, Okem, Neil S and them are most likely concocting various vitriolic diatribes right now at the thought of Strut cosigning Farage.

    He is about as diametrically opposed to their politics as it is possible to be without being an outright fascist.

    Having said that, he'd probably fit comfortably into a US Democrat landscape.

    He has the luxury of being able to snipe from the sidelines. The EU gives anyone ample scope to ridicule them constantly. He can afford to talk tough, knowing he will never have to convert that into real action.

    He survived a helicopter crash on election night, he has a succesful background in high finance, and a terrible haircut.

    Entertaining tv character with nothing but a bit-part political future.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    skel said:

    Having said that, he'd probably fit comfortably into a US Democrat landscape.

    Considering that the Bush regime made the Harkonnens look like pussycats, yeah, Farrage is probably left of cenrte in US politics. Forgot about that helicopter crash - think it raised a slight cheer when it was first announced. Then they discovered he'd survived.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    John Terry was asked by the CPS how many times he had been sent off throughout his career - he said 'four times', quietly. The CPS asked him to 'repeat, please? Four times?' and Terry actually said 'please, please, please, please'

    FFS LOL.

  • Farrage is a cnut

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,937 Posts
    Was just having a Nelson and one of the cheap-labour Indian chaps (they are over here so we can show them how to do our jobs, before we are terminated) finishes his #1 and then strolls out, bold as brass.

    So I wash my hands, then get a big dollop of anti-bac gel in my hand and wipe the door handles down on my way out. I thought "You f*cking dirty splash-and-dash motherf*cker." And then the thought struck me - other than knocking the back out of other man's model birds...

    ...This is how John Terry feels every day.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Terry is nailed-on to be acquitted, IMO.

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,390 Posts
    DuttyBabylon said:
    Farrage is a cnut

    Yep. Not as big a one as Galloway, though.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,937 Posts
    I ordered a footlong melt in Subway today. I have not ordered that size in years. When I contemplated it, sat in front of me, I thought to myself, I thought : "That is a *lot* of food. That has got to be about half my cals for the day." - I've been pretty good on the bike this week, and y'know, when you feel fit, you tolerate thoughts of this nature.

    I ate the first half. I realised a few things then:

    1) I don't ever need to order a footlong again.
    2) I have the willpower to bin food I've paid good money for because..
    3) ...I, and many others, would gladly pay that to instantly lose the weight it would otherwise add to my otherwise-chiselled physique :cough:

    Every day a schoolday.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Subway is a bit low-rent, Jim.

    The Primark of bread-based food outlettery.

    I forsake lunch these days in favour of a coffee.

    You are spot on about certain toilet habits of our sub- continental bredren doe.
    A large part of it is about having no facilities in the corrugated shanties. Having said that, they are long of plasma screens and free electricity from the nearest telegraph pole.
    The shacks I went to were spotless and well decked out in all manner of white goods, but a piss meant walking to a mud mound and letting hose run wild.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Right, it's gone 2, where's the JT verdict?

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    I often (3-4 times a week) get a sausage & fried egg breakfast bap w/ latte for breakfast. As we've been quite busy the last few months with exam stuff, I sometimes go to the same place for lunch too. As I play a fair amount of football, cycle to and from work, I also eat ice-cream and steaks for dinner. So far, nothing has had any affect on my weight. I've been told all my life that at some stage my metabolism will slow down and I'll have to eat less, but at the moment I'm impervious, and fat free.

    Too many visits to sandwich shop just resulted in girl who works there asking me out though. I had to refuse her as I will not endanger my sausage & egg breakfast bap should things go pear-shaped. I didn't tell her this was the reason though, as that would also endanger my breakfast. Cold sweat.

    EDIT: realise this reads like boasting, but I'm seriously worried that I've endangered convenient, tasty breakfast. I'm struggling to think of good innoffensive off-teh-market spiel, as she's knows I'm single.

    Subway: the bread is disgusting.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts

    Give her what she wants.
    Gift horse / mouth interface-R
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