
  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,788 Posts
    DuttyBabylon said:
    Back from Pollen??a, great trip and lovely place. Did the train journey as advised, fantastic.

    You owe me a beer then :beerbang:


  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts

    Big Chan is Lembit Opik?


  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    I'd be one ecstatic fuckker if England won. But happy if they just beat the French in the first game.

    Probably a German or Spanish winner. I'd be cool with a Netherlands win in the final.

    But maybe the fact that Fat Frank is out will somehow magically change England's international performances.

    Wasn't sure if there was need for a Euro Cup thread...

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,915 Posts
    DOR said:
    Wasn't sure if there was need for a Euro Cup thread...

    Always a seat in our pub for Euroman.

    It's your round.

    I'll have a Stella, St*ve will have a San Mig, Duder's on the Absynthe, Junior is outside having a smoke, and P*ul will have... BITTER?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    J i m s t e r said:
    DOR said:
    Wasn't sure if there was need for a Euro Cup thread...

    Always a seat in our pub for Euroman.

    It's your round.

    I'll have a Stella, St*ve will have a San Mig, Duder's on the Absynthe, Junior is outside having a smoke, and P*ul will have... BITTER?

    No problem. I'll even pick up euroman's ciders.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    DOR, are you pro-England (ancestry-R) or anti-French (local Canadian beef-R)?

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    skel said:
    DOR, are you pro-England (ancestry-R) or anti-French (local Canadian beef-R)?

    i am a french citizen (2nd passport via papa) and am staunchly anti-france
    all the racism debacles over the academies...the departure of teh one anelka after the WorldCup shananigans (evra did not reveal shit finally!) and the crogmagon that is ribery

    i cried when brasil lost and my father was cheering (although i must say i want to inherit his france jersey from the sixties)

    Platini will always remain a cunt (african football is primitive remember)

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    pcmr said:

    Platini will always remain a cunt


  • come monday evening, je suis fran??ais.

    nothing but an utter collapse from les rosbifs will do: hopefully some defensive comedy from england's brave john terry, some all round comedy from andy carroll and heapings of dubious refereeing decisions will be the order of the day.

    that said, i don't dislike roy hodgson.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Glad to know the Union remains solid.

    Am sure that, should England win on Monday, HM's staunch and loyal in Hereford or Shrewsbury or Dyfed (or wherever else you got your arses handed to you about a thousand years ago) will be cheering to the rafters of dey little wattle n daub huts.

    Please ask them not too make too much noise, I have let out my holiday home to some friends.

    ::ice grill/wink combo::

  • Ha! When the Olympics roll around I'll consider getting my jingoism on for Team GB...

    Also, having finally remembered to buy some CD's I can now burn some tunes for you. Let me know where to send them.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    And really doe, those of the "anyone but England" mindset need to be aware that desire for revenge is the confirmation of pain.

    Let that shit go. It's probably hundreds of years old.
    It maybe handed down from your folks.
    But there's a ton of wrong crap that parents try to dump on descendents, and even though well-meant, is consigned to history.

    Let this be one of them, people of the Briddish Isles.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    I found my new fav TV show. Which has pulled my interest away from Euro...


  • skel said:
    Let that shit go. It's probably hundreds of years old.

    Nah, only the staunchest nationalist would base any of this on history. In fact, it would frankly be un-British not to carry on the proud tradition of the neighborly, good-natured rivalry, ?? la Millwall and West Ham...

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    The England vs Celtic fringe asshurt is all one way.

    Your local football rivalries are in both direction.

    Let's not kid around here. It's all about perceived historical injustices, and current perceived imbalance in money/treatment/centralisation/monopoly is a useful tool that the most asshurt spin to bolster their cause.

    I'm surprised at clever dudes falling for it, tbh.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    I was talking to some folks in work about this on Friday. Whilst I obviously couldn't possibly root against England, rooting for them is now such a pointless, empty, unfulfilling business that it's become a case of investing the bare minimum of hope in their chances, and letting the pieces fall where they may.

  • It reminds me slightly of the one-sided England vs. Germany rivalry (I'm pretty sure Germany are pretty meh about the whole thing, seeing their true rivals as Netherlands?)

    But really, there is no historical asshurt here. I just like trolling the English who seem to care very deeply about not being loved by the rest of the union.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    neil_something said:
    It reminds me slightly of the one-sided England vs. Germany rivalry (I'm pretty sure Germany are pretty meh about the whole thing, seeing their true rivals as Netherlands?)

    But really, there is no historical asshurt here. I just like trolling the English who seem to care very deeply about not being loved by the rest of the union.

    I look forward to observing that rivalry first-hand later this week. On Saturday, the bars and cafes were fairly quiet for Holland/Denmark, but Germany/Portugal was a different matter. Since Germany/Holland is now a must-win for Oranje, it should add an additional level of tension.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    DocMcCoy said:
    I was talking to some folks in work about this on Friday. Whilst I obviously couldn't possibly root against England, rooting for them is now such a pointless, empty, unfulfilling business that it's become a case of investing the bare minimum of hope in their chances, and letting the pieces fall where they may.
    This tournament has found my 'fucks given' at an all time low also. It's a strange experience. What with as many Arsenal players in the Germany squad as the English it opens up all manor of strange, confusing, hitherto unfelt feelings.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    stream link please

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,915 Posts

    Who is amped like a yank right now?
    Who is benefitting from enforced LDN makeovers in their day-to-day?
    Who can sort a mug out with cheap tickets for the footy outside of LDN?
    Who is mad that the money should be spent "Catching real criminals" / "Kidney machines"

    Contractor dude next to me is having the time off unpaid to do the event marshalling and all that. I myself confess to lining the coffers to the tune of ??22 for a T from Next. It's a nice T and has the pickle on it. It's pretty much the view from my mates yard in Tower Hamlets.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Steadfastedly unstoked here on the south side.

    I'm a bit sore that Blackheath and Greenwich park have been mutilated to cater for the horsey stuff.
    Really though, show jumping FFS.

    That view from the top of the hill is effed.

    Still, the daily journey to London Bridge shouldn't be too impacted.

    We're totally saturated with Big Sporting Events, they're just BAU these days, no?

    BSE fatigue.

  • I had less hope for England than ever going into this tournament but I still found myself getting excited for the game yesterday..a complete false hope that England would come out and play their game for once(attack,attack,attack) and bring back the feeling from Euro 96.


    How many managers will it take to realize we can't play the counter-attacking game????

  • bennyboybennyboy 538 Posts
    Haven't they just closed most of Greenwich Park off? The f*cks. Didn't know they'd commandeered Blackheath as well. The tw*ts.

    Sport is not exactly a1 priority in my life, so this is going to be a tedious, flag-waving, sport-filled crawl through the summer. How long does it go on for? IS IT AS LONG AS BIG BROTHER?

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    bennyboy said:
    Haven't they just closed most of Greenwich Park off? The f*cks. Didn't know they'd commandeered Blackheath as wel

    The north half side where the road to Sun In The Sands roundabout goes, all partitioned off.

    Kite dudes still have the south main field but still.


  • bennyboybennyboy 538 Posts
    Can I point you all to the Secret History of our Streets, on BBC2, inna minute? Deptford was v good last week. Camberwell Grove tonight, where I spent a large part of the 90's, drinking, down the Grove. Nostalgia fest.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Hit deptford market on saturday, lots of records but no good uns.
    Picked up a brand new PS2 controller for a quid, amped.

    Camberwell is a mile from me but no love.
    What's there, really?
    Sun n Doves was a haunt BITD.

  • bennyboybennyboy 538 Posts
    No idea what Camberwell is like now, sure it's nothing like when we were hanging out, Sun & Doves was a nice bar, if I remember rightly. Sort of a forerunner of every bar on every corner now. The Grove was our spot tho', it was like that programme - mix of builders, squatters, minor level musicians, students etc etc. Some good people. And couple of good record shops down there, I think. All gone now, of course. *cries*

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,915 Posts
    ESPN lost their EPL coverage for next season. BT outbid them.

    I just hope the interweb streamz are still happening, as a lot of them were piggybacking offa ESPN.
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