MIA the next big thing? No.

[color:purple] I guess everyone can stop pretending like MIA is the next big thing now, considering that despite her tremendous amount of hype she didn't even manage to sell 10,000 copies of Arular in her debut week. I mean I hate to be a hater, but fuck it I am. I'm so sick of music critics trying to shove bullshit down my throat and hipsters who are completely disconnected from reality trying to dictate what the next big thing is. I mean shit, you have an article in every music magazine (and like 8 features in the village voice) and you've got the internet going nuts and you sell less than Purple City Byrd Gang? What gives? This all serves to bolster my belief that these blogs are an incestuous circle-jerk that only matters to other bloggers or people who wish they had blogs. This is NOT meant as a dis to anyone on here, I just never got this girl's hype and I still don't get it, and frankly I don't think anyone else outside of a tiny little circle really gets it either. Maybe this album will have a slow burn rise to the top, or maybe Interscope will put a huge amount of force behind it. But if all of the hot gas that has already been expended on her behalf made this tiny impact, why even bother? [/color] the numbers don't lie
Word, I mean Daddy Yankee sold 2000 units or something. Byrd Gang bitch.
If it sells units, it must be good.
Ask about me.
i think it would be interestign to do the math on a situation like this... i mean you can put out 12"s with no publicity whatsoever, no press blah blah and still sell a good 500 - 1000 without "hipsters" "press" or "publicity" ... if you got a buzz you can mos def move that number up... and hell depending on the genre even the bass sales number might be differant.
but at the same time people have to be more realistic with the ceiling that a certain genre / artist can even hope to attain.
for the amount of ink / moola / hype / major label shenanagens spilled over MIA that's an awful lot to live up to... and i for one fail to see how any indy gone major could live up to that level of expectation.
i mean after manufacturing / promo etc etc.. how many copies of the record would she have to sell to make the same amount as schlepping a few hundred / maybe a 1000 copies of the piracy boot?
wait...you've got time to worry about this shit and i'm still waiting on a phone call? pfff
What's my over/under?
Kinda like a low budget Neneh Cherry.
I guess Buffalo Stance was a big in Sri Lanka.
i'd tap
like B-Real? What do the beats sound like?
File under GraigDizzieDavid.
They keep marketing this shit to Vice readers. Vice readers aren't actually into anything.
OK, but what if we replaced the glass shards with crushed velour?
I didn't really understand what all the fuss over MIA was about (musically, I mean--I understand the political hubbub, bub). But then again, there's a lot of hype I don't really understand.
i think it's safe to say you would find it horribly horrible(as i do)...no slaps,whatsoever
and who the fuck is still checking for C-murder?
I picked up the latest single out of the 50 cent bin...it sucked.
Maybe i'm looking at it from a DJ perspective, but Pull Up the People, Galang etc. are dope. There's some good songs on that album.
Yeah this ain't really my cup of tea! I don't know what really to classify it as though. Whoever is doin her publicity is doin one hella of a job.
I think this album is tight. I guess I am a 22 year old city living college student so I am Target Audience for this shit, but I have elegant taste, so it's difficult to throw me for a curve and all. But I'm all chilling in the living room like what you want for ten dollars? ANYTHING YOU WANT because that song is kinda chill dudes. but shit that hello this is MIAAAAA song just sounds better over Goodies on that mixtape. and I think maybe Fire Fire is the tightest shit on the record
AND SERIOUSLY that CMurder single is SO BAD I am like dying. Actually in my eyes I start to SEE MURDER when I hear it I'm going down to the vinyl pressing plant and murdering all the people who are like HAHHAHAHA WE WILL PRESS THIS FOR YOU FOR MONEY
Finally one friend cranked some in his car for me. I was expecting some NWA via the Tamil Tigers "Off the pigs!" steez.
Let's just say...
Wow, number 46 in sales on Amazon is pretty large... she's in the slot above Queens of the Stone Age (are they not the hot shit anymore?)
This one's gonna be a grower yawl, sit tight... a lot of people who are interested haven't even heard it yet
And those of you who've only heard the single are not really qualified to speak on the album...
I'd tap