3,620 Posts
Here I am at the local video store in Sunnybank, Brisbane, Australia... sometime in the 80s... probably 83 or 84, around the time Return Of The Jedi came out... Darth Vader and a (pink?!?) Ewok did an instore, I was very amped, the video store was across from my house... man I miss being a kid!peace.
here is a photo of me and my hommie ngobility being mopey emo kids on the playground.
i am the one shielding the duck's eyes
peep the stuffed animal game.
cookie monster steez.
can someone please tell me how to make a jpeg into a link that i can post on the board?
Set up an account for free image hosting. It's really easy! Ask if you have any questions or problems.
email it to me and i'll send you the link to use (if you don't have webspace).
that is a dope picture!
Young Hogglet, holdin' heat (and peep the Easter Bunny Birthday cake with licorice whiskers--thanks, Mom!).
Here's young me. My hair was so blonde that bees used to land it it thinking they could get some pollen. No shit.
Yes, I am old. Thnak you for that.
Although I am still known to style with them hammers.
Dude, is that dog on your head?
If it is, that's some hillarious next level shit!
Are you still mad about me saying I don't like funny songs?
You're a very sexy old guy, if that makes you feel better...
Age 2: Rockin the Pe??arol uniform!
Age 13?: Rockin the Jersey metal hair, crazy beats and a RUN DMC T-shirt.
I'm rocking the pac man shirt and california license plate hat with my name on it. My sis on the left.
ps: what saddens me when i have kids and i have to take their pictures, their pics wont look half as good as the ones as displayed in the thread, cause its that vintage look from crappy film that wears out over the years and grainy cameras that can't be duplicated...well it can digitally, but it aint the same. i think i'l buy an old camera just to take their pics
We beat Argentina 1 - 0
First time we've been able to beat them in a world cup elimination match in 16 years.
super stoked!!!
That's me around 1 year old.
that is a wicked progression of pics Bapts, are your rent's photographers or somethin?. you should put that in those 3 frame things, would look slick.
Aah! Yeah Shokes, I like those pics, man.
Actually, my father is a photographer and he's a teacher @ Les Beaux-Arts.
I'm about to PM you his name, cause I know you're into ART.
Bapt, 1976??
before and after