Cool, Articles Of Faith, great band, this is later right? 83ish?? Is this off the Wait EP? I think Bob Mould produced?? Do you know much stuff already or are you pretty green on HC?, because I could list you off a bunch of early HC bands that kinda sound like this. The thing with AOF is that they kinda sounded different from most of the other bands that were out there, pretty cool how they used to mix all sorts of sounds together, bit of thrash, bit reggae, bit noisy.
I would look for bands like Judge, Gorilla Biscuits, D.R.I.(personal fav), Snapcase. Since your in Chicago you've got ton's of resource's at your disposal, there has been a huge scene there as long as I can remember.
In the early to mid-80s I was heavily into hardcore punk. Wish I still had some of those records....
SSD - Get It Away 12"EP Negative Approach - Tied Down LP (brutal, brutal stuff) DRI - Dealing With It LP Agnostic Front - Victim In Pain LP White Cross - What's Going On? LP Christ on Parade LP on Pusmort Sacrilege LP on Pusmort (great metal-hardcore)
I had an album by Articles of Faith, what the hell was it called?
few more I suddenly recall:
Offenders - I Hate Myself 45 N.O.T.A. LP + 45s (on Rabid Cat, I think) Oklahoma hardcore!
i'm quite a bit more partial to the screamier side of hardcore...that tough guy sxe ny stuff never did it for me...some of the material from the 80's though is definitely worth seeking out
bands i like anasarca (hence my name) mohinder black flag charles bronson you and i tsol minor threat the execute converge hated and on and on
are you mostly looking for stuff from the 80s with the sound in the clip?
I'm very green on hardcore, only really ever listened to Minor Threat, Black Flag, Misfits, when I was younger. I recentlty scored a primo collection of late 70s early 80s 7"s, so I've been listening to tons of stuff I never heard, and this one stuck out as something I am going to keep rather than throw on Ebay. I actually just put up an original 1st pressing of Minor Threat - Filler EP, which in my limited knowledge of this stuff, I haven't heard anything that is better than that.
I realize Articles of Faith are a bit different from the typical hardcore band, I was just asking if theres any other bands that play around with different styles like this.
i'm quite a bit more partial to the screamier side of hardcore...that tough guy sxe ny stuff never did it for me...some of the material from the 80's though is definitely worth seeking out
bands i like anasarca (hence my name)
Oh man Anasarca, that's some shit. Dude from that band chills in DC and sets up good shows. Good graphic designer and occasionally puts out good records.
In the early to mid-80s I was heavily into hardcore punk. Wish I still had some of those records....
SSD - Get It Away 12"EP Negative Approach - Tied Down LP (brutal, brutal stuff) DRI - Dealing With It LP Agnostic Front - Victim In Pain LP White Cross - What's Going On? LP Christ on Parade LP on Pusmort Sacrilege LP on Pusmort (great metal-hardcore)
I had an album by Articles of Faith, what the hell was it called?
few more I suddenly recall:
Offenders - I Hate Myself 45 N.O.T.A. LP + 45s (on Rabid Cat, I think) Oklahoma hardcore!
This was a pretty good list (above). May I recommend some other items from the same era:
BGK-Jonestown Aloha LP JERRY'S KIDS-Is This My World? LP RAW POWER-Screams From the Gutter LP THE FIX discography LP on Lost & Found HUSKER DU-Zen Arcade LP TOXIC REASONS-Independence LP AGNOSTIC FRONT-Victim in Pain (repeat but it's such a beautiful thing) D.O.A.-Hardcore 81 LP KORO-700 Club 7"EP KRAUT-Adjustment to Society LP
Most of the records above feature some pretty tight playing and top notch songwriting for hardcore.
i had most of my hardcore records stolen a couple years ago, i can't think of the label right now but they put out a lot of good crust, whatever and i think a year ago or something they stopped putting shit out...
INFEST is up there
other west coast power violence stuff like Man is the Bastard, No Comment, especially is worth listening to.
Husker Du
i'm drawing a huge blank right now and i should know a lot of this shit. When i get home from work i'll look at my mp3s and shit i got left and put some other names up
(there's a great gay hardcore band called "Limp Wrist" and there's a band who do gay covers of other hardcore songs called "Gayrilla Biscuits")
my sisters hardcore band put out a 7" in 2000...its pretty much legendary, shes had dudes around the world sending her mail asking for copies...
In Loving Memory... was the band. probably more screamo or whatever, i dont know. ive been brought up around this music and know of tons of bands but i dont know shit about them because i never ever got into the stuff.
I'm kind of shocked someone on the board knows anasarca. I grew up listening to punk and hardcore. Thanks for that link! I was unaware that Planaria was still functioning on any level. What/who is neanderthal? I still love most of the music from that period, but nothing current, has held my attention for very long at all.
there might actually be mp3s floating around somewhere still, but be careful, i think theres actually one or two bands with the same time i was looking for some of their mp3s on soulseek or something (yes, i ended up finding some...) and ran into some emo band from california with the same name.
Neanderthal was a pre-Man is the Bastard group that put out a brutal 7" on Slap a Ham called Fighting Music. Hard to find, but worth hearing if you can.
Other good 7"s from around that era: First Angel Hair record on Gravity (lost my mind and moshed alone like a thousand times to this record) First Black Dice 7" on Gravity Man is the Bastard - Uncivilized Live 7" (containing the classics "Prune Belly" and "Hispanic Small Man Power') Palatka/End of the Century Party 7" (for the Palatka side) MK Ultra 7" (cover has "I Am a Man" march photos. Contains the song "Bring Me the Head of Tony Victory" and a cover of My Rules) Fu Manchu 7" on Slap a Ham. Heaviest and best record they ever did Gasp/Noothgrush split 7" so scary Gasp - Drome Triler of the Puzzle Zoo People LP. They thank Hawkwind and it's like hardcore+Hawkwind. One of the dudes in this band is named PROFESSOR CANTELOUPE
Neanderthal was a pre-Man is the Bastard group that put out a brutal 7" on Slap a Ham called Fighting Music. Hard to find, but worth hearing if you can.
They also had a split 7" with Rorschach, one of the first Vermiform releases I believe?
I didn't know Fu Manchu had a record on Slap-a-ham, RADD
My band played with Happy Go Licky at 9:30 club back around '87 - they were effing amazing. Totally rocking a proto Gang Of Four-type sound before that band had barely bit the dust. Kip from Neon Christ (later of B'Last) was in the audience which delighted me to no end.
I can't normally say this around these parts (cuz everybody is friends with them) but these dudes are MAD overrated IMO
Dude, from 1983-86, these guys were the fucking most amazingly intense band you could ever hope to see. You just missed the boat, what can I say. This album still holds up and is pretty much essential if you have even a passing interest in speedmetal. There's a reason Slayer and Metallica wore COC shirts back in the day. Respect the architects.
In the early to mid-80s I was heavily into hardcore punk. Wish I still had some of those records....
SSD - Get It Away 12"EP
Negative Approach - Tied Down LP (brutal, brutal stuff)
DRI - Dealing With It LP
Agnostic Front - Victim In Pain LP
White Cross - What's Going On? LP
Christ on Parade LP on Pusmort
Sacrilege LP on Pusmort (great metal-hardcore)
I had an album by Articles of Faith, what the hell was it called?
few more I suddenly recall:
Offenders - I Hate Myself 45
N.O.T.A. LP + 45s (on Rabid Cat, I think) Oklahoma hardcore!
bands i like
anasarca (hence my name)
black flag
charles bronson
you and i
minor threat
the execute
and on and on
are you mostly looking for stuff from the 80s with the sound in the clip?
I realize Articles of Faith are a bit different from the typical hardcore band, I was just asking if theres any other bands that play around with different styles like this.
Thanks for the tips.
Faith/Void split LP
these are two I never tire of.
Yeah, this came out in 83
Oh man Anasarca, that's some shit. Dude from that band chills in DC and sets up good shows. Good graphic designer and occasionally puts out good records.
You really need to be checking for NEANDERTHAL
Me likes:
Iron Lung
Charles Bronson
Born Against
The Cursed
From Ashes Rise
makes me drive fast and tense my lips pissed off like.
This was a pretty good list (above). May I recommend some other items from the same era:
BGK-Jonestown Aloha LP
JERRY'S KIDS-Is This My World? LP
RAW POWER-Screams From the Gutter LP
THE FIX discography LP on Lost & Found
AGNOSTIC FRONT-Victim in Pain (repeat but it's such a beautiful thing)
D.O.A.-Hardcore 81 LP
KORO-700 Club 7"EP
KRAUT-Adjustment to Society LP
Most of the records above feature some pretty tight playing and top notch songwriting for hardcore.
INFEST is up there
other west coast power violence stuff like Man is the Bastard, No Comment, especially is worth listening to.
Husker Du
i'm drawing a huge blank right now and i should know a lot of this shit. When i get home from work i'll look at my mp3s and shit i got left and put some other names up
(there's a great gay hardcore band called "Limp Wrist" and there's a band who do gay covers of other hardcore songs called "Gayrilla Biscuits")
we bought those guys down to Australia recently to play a few gigs and they stayed at the label's house
those guys put me onto Blue Cheer. yay
In Loving Memory... was the band. probably more screamo or whatever, i dont know. ive been brought up around this music and know of tons of bands but i dont know shit about them because i never ever got into the stuff.
ako i'd love to hear your sisters group.....
BGK-Jonestown Aloha LP
RAW POWER-Screams From the Gutter LP
2 fantastic albums, especially that BGK. I recommend these as well.
I was a big fan of UK anarcho-punk as well:
Discharge, Conflict, Crass, Dirt, and many more......
(Don't Do It)
me too.
there's also
christ on a crutch
rudimentary peni
youth youth youth
hostile take-over
poison idea
lion of judah
Neanderthal was a pre-Man is the Bastard group that put out a brutal 7" on Slap a Ham called Fighting Music. Hard to find, but worth hearing if you can.
Other good 7"s from around that era:
First Angel Hair record on Gravity (lost my mind and moshed alone like a thousand times to this record)
First Black Dice 7" on Gravity
Man is the Bastard - Uncivilized Live 7" (containing the classics "Prune Belly" and "Hispanic Small Man Power')
Palatka/End of the Century Party 7" (for the Palatka side)
MK Ultra 7" (cover has "I Am a Man" march photos. Contains the song "Bring Me the Head of Tony Victory" and a cover of My Rules)
Fu Manchu 7" on Slap a Ham. Heaviest and best record they ever did
Gasp/Noothgrush split 7" so scary
Gasp - Drome Triler of the Puzzle Zoo People LP. They thank Hawkwind and it's like hardcore+Hawkwind. One of the dudes in this band is named PROFESSOR CANTELOUPE
They also had a split 7" with Rorschach, one of the first Vermiform releases I believe?
I didn't know Fu Manchu had a record on Slap-a-ham, RADD
Discharge-style political brutality (bay area stand up)
Unfuckwithable NC hardcore/metal xover
Super-raw German thrash 45
Killer 1983 thrash with very catchy tunes, even a ballad. Re-released around 1989 with a bonus 45 of even better songs (ATL stand up)
Tales of Terror's album on CD Presents is 100% balls-out hardcore drunken acid-dropping skaterock but good luck finding the album (or JPG).
My band played with Happy Go Licky at 9:30 club back around '87 - they were effing amazing. Totally rocking a proto Gang Of Four-type sound before that band had barely bit the dust. Kip from Neon Christ (later of B'Last) was in the audience which delighted me to no end.
It's their first 7" from 1990. It's fucking sick.
I can't normally say this around these parts (cuz everybody is friends with them) but these dudes are MAD overrated IMO
You need to burn me some of those others though M*rk
Animosity is under appreciated if anything. Pray, Pray for power!
Dude, from 1983-86, these guys were the fucking most amazingly intense band you could ever hope to see. You just missed the boat, what can I say. This album still holds up and is pretty much essential if you have even a passing interest in speedmetal. There's a reason Slayer and Metallica wore COC shirts back in the day. Respect the architects.
Yah, I think you had to be there dude.
But to say mid-80s hardcore is 'not my thing' would be an understatement (though Bad Brains, Germs, Black Flag and Slayer are all still MY SCHITT)
EDIT: if I still have this LP I'll revisit, its been many years