anyone else bothered by this?

Not really new news... but um...
I can't really say shit, due to the fact that I smoke... but I was kinda curious as to the view of you guys in regards to this. It's interesting to see that despite all of the legislation against this kinda stuff, it still occurs.
Yes, I'm an idiot. Just kinda made me think...
Views, anyone?
P.S. -- It's too bad Common sucks now. "Resurrection" is still way too dope.

I can't really say shit, due to the fact that I smoke... but I was kinda curious as to the view of you guys in regards to this. It's interesting to see that despite all of the legislation against this kinda stuff, it still occurs.
Yes, I'm an idiot. Just kinda made me think...
Views, anyone?
P.S. -- It's too bad Common sucks now. "Resurrection" is still way too dope.
I also notice there are no Jazz artists on this tour.
Apparently Hip-Hop has become synonymous with jazz. That's what I think of when I think of Busta Rhymes... he's DEFINITELY same category as Coltrane and Adderly. MOS DEF.
its gonna be the NEW 80's POP STAR PHILOSOPHY TOUR NEXT!
Johnny Cash's Rotting Corpse and Michael Jackson. Brought to you by your friends at RJ REYNOLDS TOBACCO!
this whole thread is a major downer
Score.... i'm all about free lighters and packs of cigarettes.
Hah, no clue. Just saw this poster last night when I stopped to get myself some Iced Tea at a gas station. Menthols are okay, not newports though. Those fuckers have a 20 meter killzone. Seriously, you smoke those, and you carry around a death aura for 3 or 4 hours afterwords.
not even close to being a good look.
Too bad this was overlooked when it actually was nearing synonimity with jazz - 15 years ago.
have you ever dj'ed at a bar? did they advertise? I guarantee you they had either a cigarette or liquor sponsor for the evening whose logo would have been featured on the ad. And if they did were you "shilling" for them?
I think Kool sponsors some good music events, and I hate cigarettes.
look, I'm not some PC crusader against cigarettes or the artists that are sponsored by them - but that flyer doesn't feature a logo, it's a KOOL ad that uses a bunch of hip hop groups to push their product. I think for artists who speak out against corporate oppression of the black community, it's kind of a no-brainer not to support the companies who flood black neighborhoods with billboards for their product, identifying menthol cigarettes as part of "the Black experience." Is it really not as clear to anyone else?
There may not be more important things in life than security, but there are many many things more important than being rich.
um no dude, it's a Kool ad for 3 events going on in 14 cities that's sponsored by them not an ad for cigarettes. BIG difference, and of course they're gonna put their logo and tagline on there, they paid for the ads just like they're paying for the concerts and they're paying the artists. that's how it works. If it was Lucky Charms cereal sponsoring the concerts it would still say "magically delicious" at the bottom but it doesn't make it an ad for the ceral. The ad isn't focused on selling cigarettes so noone is "shilling"
Ross is soooooo gonna buy you that title.
Sorry, Daze - I look at that, I see an ad for cigarettes....complete with "fetal injury" warning and all. Look, I see what you are saying...I'm not trying to draw an absolute here, I just think you guys are way too quick to dismiss it as "just another gig." How would people feel if it were sponsored by Haliburton, and had a smiling Dick Cheney "thumbs up" logo on it? Seems not that long ago, artists would actually avoid products due to their dubious histories, like Coors, for one. Now everybody needs to feed their families with platinum spoons, so it's no holds barred, I guess. I'm not looking to ban these acts or anything, just expressing that IMO it is not a good look.
Yeah, 'Fetal Injury', doesn't that really say it all.
But I swear I've seen another ad with deejays by Kool in Elemental magazine (or something similiar).
Thought that was pretty rank.
'Feeding the family'...what kind of shit argument is that anyway?
It's as poor as Bush's cronies saying Bennett made 'innapropriate comments'. Like they have no other alternative to 'feed' their families. Pfft!
Of course it looks like a cigarette ad. Didn't advertising agencies forgoe using actual products in their work years ago. It's pretty irresponsible. Aren't these guys like the 'intelligent' artists. Besides, it looks hell prissy & pretty naff.
I'm pretty sure it was Pos who mentioned his mum's death on one of the tracks with Common on the 'Grind Date' album. But hypocrisy reigns supreme in the entertainment industry.
ok yall need to get off your high horses about this shit.
I went to a handful of Kool-sponsered shows in the last few years in st. louis. mid-sized rap tours don't tend to come through stl, so if I was gonna have to put up with some cigarette propaganda to see De La Soul, I'm like whatever. all the Kool shows were *completely free*. I saw the Roots KILL the American Theater in stl and the only price of admission was having to deal with a