Lil Kim's Blog From Jail
5,465 Posts
Lil Kim: A Year And A Day
WOW, she is lookin' foiyne these days!!!
I didn't realize she was being held in Philly...
WOW, she is lookin' foiyne these days!!!
I didn't realize she was being held in Philly...
I don't think there are any elements of her original face (as seen on her 1st LP) left
Pic probably airbrushed to death too. I wouldn't have even thought that was Lil Kim.
It looks like a Li'l Kim Real Doll....
Lip is so lopsided, she has a funny lisp now.
If I'm not mistaken, prisoners are not allowed to have internet access what so ever.
Not sure, but I think the only msg "from" her on there was a public statement to her fans quoted on the blog
Don't be foolish. This blog is nothing but another publicity stunt to promote her rfecord. This is hip-hop not real life!
Does anyone else think she sounds like Lauryn on Lighters Up?
I did...
she looks like those white girls that hits up a tanning salon.
Her nose is caving in on the side also
who wrote that ?
It's from Vice magazine. I'll see if I can dig it out, but I doubt their is a credit. It was in the do's and don't section.
You're not making any sense.