Floss the Signature Record in Your Collection

Calling ALL little, medium and heavy record folks!
Here is the game: Basically, if you had to build a pyramid with your records, which one would go at the top? Your criteria may be of any sort, raerity, quality or even sentimentality...
I will go first, with my most recent acquisition:

I really want to see some bloodshitters in this thread, and we're only talking a mention and/or picture of one piece. *Participation by the heaviest on here who rarely post is highly encouraged. You know who you are.
Here is the game: Basically, if you had to build a pyramid with your records, which one would go at the top? Your criteria may be of any sort, raerity, quality or even sentimentality...

I will go first, with my most recent acquisition:

I really want to see some bloodshitters in this thread, and we're only talking a mention and/or picture of one piece. *Participation by the heaviest on here who rarely post is highly encouraged. You know who you are.
Yeah, Drew, holler at a brother.
gots a little bit of moder soul, little bit of that funky stuff, lots of California pressed LP's and Sarah Webster Fabio in the center square
is that Bill Summers in the background?
It is man, you can only choose one!
is that a taxadermy kit in the background?
I have rarer, but anyone who has kicked it with an artist in their living room knows why this is special.
to me with love from Vicki
I'd either put that one on top of my pyramid or this one. It even has a pyramid on the cover
DJ Ferrari
Anybody got this one?
word! end of the day I'll post some pictures of you rocking the 1's & 2's with some ET facemelter hypeness
cool! is this same version that is on Brownstone?
Post your time or you are soft.
(J/K--but really, did you break 20 minutes?)