Cut Chemist : Jackie Cole - Troubled man
12 Posts
I've been lookin for this 12" for some time now, and then to my surprise, Cut Chemist playd it on the radio show (Take a Listen, It realy rocks).Anybody got some more info on this on for me? How rare is it? What does it usualy go for? Who is she? Where is it from?If any body got it and feel that they culd sell it please send me a mess. If not, at least send men some info on the record please. Here is what I know.Jackie Cole And Hot Platinium Fantasy - I've Got A Trouble Man Watts City Records 1981? World PeacePolar
K in Canada.
I've had this for 4 or 5 years and never heard anybody even speak of it.
Not seen another copy either.
Anyone know if there is any botleggs of it? Or if it features on any copliation?
And if anybody Is planning to botleggin it, you have to let me know.