KEY FEATURES1) Improved Akai MPC design??? Large graphic LCD display based on the friendly user interface of the MPC series??? MPC???s iconic ???feel??? and ???groove?????? Velocity and pressure sensitive pads allow for expressive programming, with more pad banks??? New Features such as Chopshop, Patched Phrase, Grid Edit, Effect and LFO sync, Mixer Automation, and Input Thru??? Expanded Pattern-based 100,000 notes, 64-track sequencer and 64 external MIDI channels??? 32-voice full-featured 16bit sampler equipped with up to 128MB RAM (comes with 16MB) 2) Extensive connectivity??? Two MIDI inputs and four MIDI outputs??? Built-in USB Slave port for connection to a Windows or Mac OS computer??? Built-in 10 analog outputs??? 2 1/4??? stereo analog inputs and outputs with 16bit/44.1kHz sampling??? Master/Slave synchronization capabilities: MIDI clock??? 2 Assignable Footswitch inputs3) Sample Library Compatibility- Compatible with Akai MPC1000 Sequence, .wav, Program,MPC2000/2000XL Sequence, .wav, SND, Program, MPC2500 Sequences, .wav, Programs,MPC3000, Z4/Z8.wav and S5000/6000.wav4) Extensive sound control??? Extensive sample editing that includes cut and paste, timestretch, slice, resampling etc, with waveform display??? Dynamic resonant multi-mode filters, 2 envelope generators and 1 LFO for each of the 32 voices??? 2 Q-Link sliders and 2 knobs for real-time control over a wide variety of dynamic changes5) Self-contained ??? Optional user installable Internal hard drive to store custom sound libraries and sequences??? Optional user installable CD-RW drive to load CD-ROM libraries, sample Audio CDs, and backup personal dataSPECIFICATIONSSOUND GENERATOR??? Sampling rate 44.1kHz??? Memory capacity 16MB standard (11.5MB for sound memory), expandable to 128MB??? Recording time 136sec. (16MB, MONO), 24m28sec. (128MB, MONO)??? Memory expansion slot 1 x for optional EXM128??? Data format 16-bit linear??? Polyphony 32??? Dynamic filtering 2 x 2-pole filter per voice??? Filter type Low pass, Band pass, High pass??? Preset sound memory 5MB??? Number of programs 24EFFECTS??? Effects 2 stereo effects and Master effectEffect type Chorus, Flanger, Bit grunger, 4 band EQ, Compressor, Phase shifter, Tremolo, Flying Pan, Reverb, Delay??? Master effect: 4 band EQ, CompressorSEQUENCER??? Maximum events 100,000 notes??? Resolution 96 parts per 1/4-note??? Sequences 99??? Tracks per sequence 64??? MIDI output channels 64 (16 channels x 4 outputs)??? Song mode 20 songs, 250 steps per song??? Drum pad 16 (velocity and pressure sensitive)??? Drum pad banks 4??? Sync mode MIDI clockDRUM PADS:??? 16 velocity and pressure sensitive pads??? 4 pad banks??? 16 Levels: Velocity, Tuning??? Automated Pad Mixer (Level, Pan and FX send)??? Track Mute and Next Sequence features for live performanceDATA COMPATIBILITY??? MPC1000 SEQ, WAV, PGM??? MPC2000/2000XL SEQ, WAV, SND, PGM (Most parameters of PGM file can be loaded.)??? MPC2500 SEQ, WAV, PGM (DRUM program only. Only note assign and tune are loaded.)??? MPC3000 SND (THRU Computer)??? Z4/Z8 WAV only??? S5000/6000 WAV only (THRU Computer)??? S1000/3000 No compatibilitySPECIFICATIONSQ-LINK??? 2 sliders and 2 rotary knobs??? Assignable to internal sampler controls: pitch, filter cutoff, resonance, LFO, attack, decay, and Assignable to internal effects parameters??? Assignable to external Midi ControllersGENERAL??? 240 x 64 dot graphic LCD w/back light??? Compact Flash (up to 2GB)CONNECTIONS??? Record input (L and R) 1/4-inch stereo phone x 2, balanced -40dBu, input impedance 11k ohms;??? Max. Input level +10dBu??? Digital input RCA-pin x 1 S/PDIF??? Stereo output (L and R) 1/4-inch phone x 2 balanced +11dBu, output impedance 1k Ohms,??? Max. output level +22dBu??? 4 individual outputs 1/4-inch phone x 4 balanced +11dBu, output impedance 1k Ohms,??? Max. output level +22dBu??? Phones output 1/4-inch stereo phone x 1, 200mW / 100 ohms??? Digital output RCA-pin x 1 S/PDIF??? MIDI inputs 5-pin DIN x 2??? MIDI outputs 5-pin DIN x 4??? USB Slave connector x 1, USB MASS STORAGE CLASS support??? (You need Windows 2000/Me/XP or later version, or MacOS 9.x/10.x or later version.)??? Footswitches 1/4-inch phone x 2POWER??? 100-240V AC, 50/60Hz??? Consumption: 70W max (with all options)STANDARD ACCESSORIES32MB Compact Flash card, Power cable, Operator's manualOPTIONSEXM128 128MB expansion memory card
computers aint 'that real shit'...
realPhil headz know the deallooks beautiful to me
Unless your left handed, then those faders look to be in the way of the pads.
Hey, you forgot to put the MAP on that spec sheet!
But I have to admit 10 OUTPUTS!!!! That's bananas. The 4000 doesn't even have that.
i wouldnt trade my 2000xl for one, that would seem kinda dumb. most of the shit i can't do on the 2000 i can finish off on my computer.
i do like that the 2500 has 4 midi outs and built in effects with better filters. thats the best part from what i can tell.
damn, missed that. that is hot.
see, i always thought the 4000 was WAY overkill. i think this 2500 is like a 2000xl to the max, where as the 4000 is a 2000xl on steroids.
After reading all that, it's definitley worth thinking about.
I lub my 2000XL tho.
But the 4000 used runs something like 2400 bucks. And you got much better sound quality and a 40 gig drive. It sounds like overkill, but its actually pretty damn serious.
Its true that you can do everything on a computer that you can on an mpc, but an mpc is still wayyyy more fun in my opinion.
So am I really the only one thats the other way around?
Give me some real keys over pads any day... Gimme a mouse to navigate instead of that wheel... Gimme a 19" over that tiny LCD... Gimme Cubase/Logic/FL/ACID/Live over that MPC sequencer... You get the picture.
Actually... if you use the 2 stereo, optional 8 and adat card togther you get 18 on the 4000...
The 4000 is what I am currently using, and it is by far the best MPC out there (specifically the 24 bit, 96k sound engine). Im just hoping that AKAI gets thier shit togther and builds a OS as good a the Roger Linn 3.11 software for the 60 and 3000.
I'm selling a Novation X-Station with the full Native Bundle for cheap... get at me if you are interested.
Takin it back.
I'm new to the mpc game. Our DJ is letting me borrow his 2000 and I must say, it's totally different than software...it takes some getting used to, but I'm having fun with it. Plus the sounds come out a lot warmer on the MPC.
Though I must say WORST DRUM PADS EVER.
thats why you hook a keyboard up.
have you seriously ever owned one? Or are you just saying that you like your setup. cause i used to be all software, but I wouldnt go back. You can do more. But theres much to be said for something that actually limits your options.
(take that shit to mybrokeass.com)
haha, that was mabye the best sales pitch for an old tape deck ive ever heard. kudos.
Yall don't wanna see my API setup.
yes i do.
and i might be interested in your tape deck too.
have you checked out the modular boards you can build over at tonelux? looking pretty sweet to me.
thinking about doing a 16 or 24 channel custom board to mix "out the box" by this time next year. we'll see how business goes...