A quiet rumbling...



  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts

    saturday, i went to get some lunch w/ filthymoses at brooklyn dugout. we were starving. ordered some burgers, fries and eggcreams. so we sat there watching MSNBC... it said on the TV that some country pledged $15 million in assistance to NOLA as the waitress served our lunch. the owner, standing next to us, looking at the tv, said, "great. give all that money to the spooks."

    I looked at him square in the face, "What the FUCK did you just say?!?"

    him, "uhhhhh, they're gonna give that money to the people" all shook.

    i threw the ketchup bottle, and we walked out. It was really all I could do not to break that dude's skull. I lost my appetite.

    fuck this shit!

    Good for you, Delay.

    Im sorry folks, but I think Americans will fall right back in line once this shit simmers down.

    I think Americans already are. I think many, many people see this as not their problem and good ol George just did the best he could. I mean, who knew?


    So just sit back, relax, put on another 70's 'a change is gona come' rekkid, smoke a bowl, and write another down tempo track about revolution.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts

    Strong in this group, the power of the dark side is.

  • --------------------------------------- location

    So just sit back, relax, put on another 70's 'a change is gona come' rekkid, smoke a bowl, and write another down tempo track about revolution.

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