The Soul Strut "Raer" Live Stream

RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
Like most, the self-isolation has the creative juices flowing.  No real world movez = no excuses.

Join me on Instagram live for an hour of record nerdery spinning beat digger jams.  No fancy multi-colored space ship mixers, no time stretching software... just raers and beers.
Otis_Funkmeyerketanklezmer electro-thug beatsElectrode[Deleted User]


  • dizzybulldizzybull Eerie Dicks 350 Posts
    I give up on message boards. how do i embed an animated gif?

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    klezmer electro-thug beatsketanYemsky


  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts

  • dizzybulldizzybull Eerie Dicks 350 Posts
    Can’t wait to see the new video ad next week!

  • Nice set, looking forward to next week's!

  • dj_cityboydj_cityboy 1,486 Posts
    awww yeah! dope i'll tune in for the next episode for sure!

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,202 Posts
    That was a nice little surprise sesh earlier on FB, Raj!

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    ketan said:
    That was a nice little surprise sesh earlier on FB, Raj!

    Thanks! I'm still experimenting and stretching out to see what works for me. I like the underground vibe Instagram Live presents, but it can be limiting technology wise. I'm hoping to simulcast IG and Facebook Saturday night, Here's the Facebook stream if anyone missed it:


    klezmer electro-thug beatsKineticJimster

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    Running from the copyright cops is a challenge.

    Are you able to see this?


  • Just had a shuffle through and it seems to be working, will be checking this out later! Thank you for reminding me of the existence of Deep Gully. 

    The Friday FB stream went mute at points, I wonder if that was cause certain songs got picked up by some copyright AI? I heard tell of a teacher giving a lecture for an hour and having the whole thing muted because her husband was watching wrestlemania in the background. Keep dodging the pigs!

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts

    Testing Vimeo as a spot to post recordings of the live stream as Youtube is no bueno

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    Last Night's episode:

    klezmer electro-thug beatsJimster[Deleted User]

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,803 Posts
    Apparently Mixcloud is starting a live-stream service. Might be worth investigating if you have any more problems Raj.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    Apparently Mixcloud is starting a live-stream service. Might be worth investigating if you have any more problems Raj.

    Yes.  It's still in beta.  Right now there is quite a few cons, but I'm sure they are working it out.  It would make sense to give it a shot.

  • BTW Raj I think the two-camera setup is great, it's nice to see the covers close up like that. Surprisingly I don't think I've seen that done in a video DJ set before.

  • djwaxondjwaxon 411 Posts
    So many heaters in these mixes, glad they haven't vanished post broadcast!


  • JimsterJimster 6,978 Posts
    BTW Raj I think the two-camera setup is great, it's nice to see the covers close up like that. Surprisingly I don't think I've seen that done in a video DJ set before.

    D59B used to do it when their backlog was on video, but alas moved to soundcloud. 

  • JimsterJimster 6,978 Posts
    Apparently Mixcloud is starting a live-stream service. Might be worth investigating if you have any more problems Raj.

    I had to sack Mixcloud off last week.  Taking away the ability to rewind in the freemium version was the last straw and made me want to throw the mouse through the monitor.  It's just being cheap.



  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    Need. More. CPU....

    klezmer electro-thug beatsDuderonomyketan[Deleted User]

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    Last night's ish:

    klezmer electro-thug beatsElectrode[Deleted User]

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    I updated the rig quite a bit for better performance and optics.  I also came up with a solution to avoid Youtube blocks.  Let's see if it holds up.

    Last night's ish:

    Audio feed:


  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,803 Posts
    RAJ said:

    First video I've been able to watch, and aside from mentally posting  a few times during the intro, I LOL'd at the Leo Sayer replacement 

  • loving the new tech with the psych visuals and all, going the extra mile on this one! heavy selection too. this gent has some "grails" as they say.

    I miss the / myspace though. looked serious enough to confuse somebody, my favorite kind of joke

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    loving the new tech with the psych visuals and all, going the extra mile on this one! heavy selection too. this gent has some "grails" as they say.

    I miss the / myspace though. looked serious enough to confuse somebody, my favorite kind of joke

    Ha.  Thanks!  Yes I agree.  I need to keep some of the strut humor before I go totally "Hollywood".  Definitely will add some of that back in

  • dizzybulldizzybull Eerie Dicks 350 Posts
    Are you gonna share how you did the YouTube blocks workaround?

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    dizzybull said:
    Are you gonna share how you did the YouTube blocks workaround?


    There is a master database which they stopped supporting because the copyright shit changes so quickly and there are millions of songs.  It's a good gauge but not at all accurate.

    The trick is to post a mock video privately and let it sit for a few hours and see what songs you get popped for.  My latest mix didn't have any strikes surprisingly.

    The only scary thing is because shit changes constantly, my mix could be taken down any second.  It happened to my Yacht Rock live test.  It was up for a solid week and then blocked by the band Pages.  

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,803 Posts
    I see a lot of yootoobz that have copy+pasted some kind of DISCLAIMER: FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES paragraph.

    Maybe it only works for ballzing downtempo and niche dance genres nobody cares about....

    :why cry:

  • dizzybulldizzybull Eerie Dicks 350 Posts
    I dont know sites like Discogs and whosampled have links to videos with whole songs on YouTube 

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    Last night's stuff:

    Audio Feed:

    Set List:

    Ombilic Contact - The Atomic Crocus
    Melo Dos Dois Bicudos - Azymuth
    E.V.A. - Jean Jacques Perrey
    Quiller - Quiller
    Slap It - Paolo Casa
    Funky Beat - Deep Heet
    Funk to the Folks - The Soul Searchers
    Father Time - Newban
    Love The Feeling - Leroy Hutson
    Boogaloo - Carol Kaye
    Sweetie-Pie - Stone Alliance
    Free Soul - John Klemmer
    fonky first - The Silhouettes
    Searching for Soul (Pt. 1) - Wade, Jake & The Soul Searchers
    Get Off The Streets - Eric And The Vikings
    Thing, do The Creep - Jr. and His Soulettes
    Story Of My Love - Larry Saunders
    Music (I Like it) Part I - Benny Sharp & the Sharpies
    Do on My Feet (What I Did on the Street) - Dewey Terry
    They Won't Let Me - The Unemployed
    Shakey Pudding - Jesse Morrison
    Windy C - 100% Pure Poison

    klezmer electro-thug beats
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