Enough is enough??

Or is it...I am now downsizing my collection which by any means is not large.. I was wondering if there is a point when you realise that a lot of the records that you own are not relevant to your collection...in that i mean you dont play them...like them or for whatever reason they are just taking up space..so the question I am asking...do most of you collect just to collect or are some of you ONLY collecting for quality/whatever reason or are just collectors for the sake of collecting...
Anyway i am selling heaps and just keeping the cream of the crop...
Comments??? anyone?? good vibes to all of you for the new year..
EZ Pickles
Anyway i am selling heaps and just keeping the cream of the crop...
Comments??? anyone?? good vibes to all of you for the new year..
EZ Pickles
I do a 1-in-1-out :pasue: to ensure I keep the collection tight :pasue:
Quality > Quantity
Cosign on quality over quantity.
The 45 for gigs where I need to bring hella records, especially if I'm not bringing many/any 12" records. .
The more cut-able/mixable 12" for shorter gigs or ones where I'm already bringing a bunch of 12"s.
And if the album is a good listen or has other cuts that I like then I'll take that too.
Someday I won't be able to get a copy I can't take that risk.
I'll keep more than 4 copies of a record that I don't like.
What if my tastes change and I want to juggle 2 copies then I'll need 2 more for performance and one clean one in case I want to sample it.
Also, when I play solo, I prefer to play almost all 45s (like Deezlee) because they're lighter.