Mingering Mike - an IMAGINARY record collection?!



  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts
    its too late now, and im sorry i didnt say this from the get but i was so wrapped up in this, you need to take away the thread and any thread relating. take down those pics off your web or make it private. too many cats have the info now and some dumb fuck out there is gonna fuck shit up. so if i was raj or dcas take these off the forum now before it really is too late.

  • jinx74 said:
    its too late now, and im sorry i didnt say this from the get but i was so wrapped up in this, you need to take away the thread and any thread relating. take down those pics off your web or make it private. too many cats have the info now and some dumb fuck out there is gonna fuck shit up. so if i was raj or dcas take these off the forum now before it really is too late.

    For real? Maybe you're right.. Damn, I dunno. I know there are people out there who probably have concocted their own self-serving plans for this stuff and very well might screw everything up.

    But isn't it too late already? I mean 8,000+ hits?!

  • pj4533pj4533 481 Posts
    jinx74 said:
    its too late now, and im sorry i didnt say this from the get but i was so wrapped up in this, you need to take away the thread and any thread relating. take down those pics off your web or make it private. too many cats have the info now and some dumb fuck out there is gonna fuck shit up. so if i was raj or dcas take these off the forum now before it really is too late.

    Nah...I think that is going a bit far. No need to be completely secretive, just use some discretion (which they have done very well), and i think it'll be alright.

    I hope someone with record label connections is in contact, for when/if they do track him down. Seems like a natural fit for release over at Egon's branch of Stones Throw.....


  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts
    chimp - i emailed you some stuff earlier. i know you wont/cant get back to me til a lot later but if you need to do something with it holler.

    like i said i do think its too late really to be pulling anything but nevertheless i would. there is no need to keep this stuff up. weve all seen the pictures. dcas is gonna give some internet space to chimp to post all the stuff up (in time). we keep discussing the same stuff over and over now making jokes about shit. i also disagree with you pj cause nothing has been held back. pictures have been posted, info has been dropped, everyone has done a search on him (as noted by oli and others), and while there may be some stuff not yet mentioned, hell, from SF i could find him at this point. yet, take down these threads and theres a nicer chance that someone wont fuck it all up.

    what do i know though...i cant even get mongo slade to respond back to my emails for a local 45 battle...

  • I'm not for censorship in any form, but I think it might be wise to snip the cord on this one. as noted above. If it's gone, there's less chance. Not no chance, because it's out there, but less chance. That'd be the bad that comes with the good.

    Chimp & Fatback, y'all have acted with tact and respect since you "met" Mingering Mike. Thanks for sharing. Now put your toys away!

  • JRootJRoot 861 Posts
    Man, I'm feeling you there. I just posted a message on Fatback's Mingering Mike 45 thread about this very same issue. I really want to hear from you guys on this. Are we going too far? I'm thinking we need to slow down a little- at least determine what his status is before we start posting specific personal details, like his full name, for example.. I have old addresses and so forth, but I sure as hell am not going to post those on here. What if he is still around here somewhere and all of a sudden all of us crazy Soulstrutters start showing up at his doorstep? I don't know about you, but that would really freak me out.

    Comments, please! (and let's try to keep them in the same thread if possible)


    I agree that there is a fence between "life-context" and voyeurism, and I would hate to feel like we went all the way over to the voyeuristic side of the fence. When I asked "who is mingering mike", I didn't really need or even want to know the answer. Just when things started to get a little out of hand on the mingering mike 45 thread, cooler heads prevailed and perhaps truly sensitive personal information (i didn't see what O-Dub turned up) was removed before it was disseminated too widely. Keep up the good self-censorship everybody.

  • Thanks everybody for their input on this- I agree about removing the pictures for the time being.

    I'm shocked at how quickly everybody edited their messages. Mingering Mike commands some serious respect up in this mug.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,784 Posts
    15th Year anniversary.

  • You might be on to something with this collection,this artist had something to say and only he can explain it,good luck in your search.

  • NateBizzoNateBizzo 2,328 Posts
    Does anyone know if any of the original work has ever been for sale? I'm onto art collecting. Need one OG piece. 

  • Seems unlikely due to the Smithsonian holding the bulk of what was ever discovered. Though maybe that wasn't Mike's whole oeuvre in the storage unit, I've never heard tell of somebody else falling onto his stuff. Anybody with deeper knowledge? All mine was secondhand through this site basically.

  • NateBizzoNateBizzo 2,328 Posts
    Or does he do original commissioned work anyone know?

  • You've got a chance there - he's done a couple album covers (Kings Go Forth and at least one other). That'd be the way to get an original, I think.
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