Club Photographers
"a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
Remember how there used to every now and then be the event photographer who would roam through the club and politely ask people if they'd like to have their picture taken. If the answer was yes, he'd exchange info with the subjects so they could then order a copy of the photo? That was all nice and acceptable, no?
Well now, we've got these "professional" photographers who get hired by the venue/event-hosts to roam randomly through the club taking candid shots of people doing who knows what. And then without any permission whatsoever, they take all of those photos and post them right up to facebook/etc. Even as someone with really nothing to hide, shit is mad fucked up. AMIRIGHT?
Well now, we've got these "professional" photographers who get hired by the venue/event-hosts to roam randomly through the club taking candid shots of people doing who knows what. And then without any permission whatsoever, they take all of those photos and post them right up to facebook/etc. Even as someone with really nothing to hide, shit is mad fucked up. AMIRIGHT?
Youngsters are all about that social presence, doe. Dem no gives a fusk.
i remember in high school a funky punky lady friend was talmbout suing a magazine for placing an image of her in their book. one on side she wanted the attention, but cried when it wasnt on her terms. i haff sympathize, but in 2015 w cameras everywhere, you are not special.
LOL at the "photo gloves".
Dat azz doe...
Lemme holler etc etc
Well, damn...that was beautiful.
I'm saying.
There's like a full documentation of my entire night there in those photos. Really, I'm not going to do anything crazy, but next time I see that photographer dude, I'm definitely going to call him out. Shit is endlessly wack.
Says it's empty. Hit me on fb instead.
I think the real issue is...what if you're creeping around in a place you shouldn't be, and/or you're with somebody you shouldn't be with? At least the photogs from back in the day asked if you wanted to capture the moment. Now...???
His dance-stylings are still heavily mocked to this day. No verbal insults required.
This is a fair point, certainly as far as documenting behaviour that may or may not be legal. But I have a feeling that if you stepped to the club management/promoter about it (who are the responsible parties rather than some smudger who probably isn't even getting paid), they'd make a few vague noises about right of admission and how, by entering their establishment or attending their event, you hereby consent to blahblah and yadayada for the purposes of whatever. It's a standard disclaimer on concert tickets and I've seen it on club flyers as well as on open display in some venues - if it isn't, then it ought to be. While I imagine most nightclub photographers aren't going to take or post pics of drug use, which would be bad news for the club in question, they're not likely to know who is or isn't violating parole or breaching a court order by being in [location X] on the evening of [date Y].
Im sure if you let a photographer know "dont point that shit over here!" they would refrain, but alongside club goers takin pics and security cameras everywhere, I would be steppin up my Creep Game© and not even appear in a public space full of smartphones.
Who remembers Remote Lounge? Had that Spy Camera Theme for the entire space.
Yep, all of this. To which I would factor in the great unquantifiable that is human stupidity.
You could say "forgive them for they do not know any better" but really, just fuck them -fuck them with a barb wired stick.
Back in the 90s we had a strict no camera law at our party in NYC and I can't count how many rolls of film I ripped out and how many disposable cameras I crushed under my heels, accompanied by a cold "please follow the bouncer, he'll escort you out safely".
That said, I have nothing against club photographers who
-act discreet and are participating in the partying
-leave people alone who obviously don't want to be in a picture and/or are involved in any illicit or "private" activities.
-take good pictures
At Berlin's Berghain the bouncers put a sticker on the iDiot-Phones and if one of the amateurs gets caught taking a picture they're out faster than they can say "social networking". Way to go!