Soul Strut anti-100

The Pearl Jam thread has me thinking it could be fun and hilarious to do a Soul Strut anti-100; 100 of THEE worst albums of all time as voted by some of the world's preeminent music snobs, taste makers, and vinyl nerds: You!
Possibly an easier ride would be '100 eagerly anticipated but dismally disappointing' albums, in which case I'd vote for Sound Affects by the Jam.
In the first two years of release it would have been Kamakiriad by the god Fagen, a supremely underwhelming set given the scintillating brilliance of Nightfly; I have since come to appreciate the ersatz funky muso vamping and beguilingly desolate vibes contained therein, but it was a journey with which I wouldn't have persevered for anyone with a lesser cachet in the PMG.
Having said that, there's plenty of stuff I've struggled to listen to more than 30 seconds of. Most have been erased from the PMG to make way for more fertile produce, but I do remember Pat Metheny's "Zero Tolerance For Silence" was particularly hard work.
Avant-garde/Noise vanity projects also get the direct gas-face pass-through, to the point where remembering the names is tantamount to mind-rape.
Kamakiriad. Yes. Was listening to this again over the weekend, prompted by a remark from the one JAMES who scored this recently.
It is not The Nightfly. But it is now a peg that fits perfectly in a hole I now know.
Srs doe, I know the 20 year-ageing, multi-faceted-subtleties-R, process of which you speak.
I dunno. Anyone can dump all over something, so it'd need to be pretty funny. I've said in numerous threads that I'm personally more interested in hearing people explain why they like the music they do (especially if it's stuff I don't particularly care for). That's one of the ways I increase my understanding of music. After all, I can go to any of a thousand websites apart from this one where someone will tell me at length exactly why [x] is bad. Quite often it'll be to do with the writer having a bug up his ass (and it's almost always a "he") about the people who like it, and not much to do with the music at all. If someone can declare that something is garbage, yet can't offer a convincing explanation of the reasons why...well, I can probably find something else to do with my time, feel me?
I just picture the usual axes being ground against the Beatles, Zeppelin, Steely Dan, the Beach Boys and all those other Classic Rock staples of "most overrated" threads on messageboards the world over, with a similar parade of names from the Real Music/YouTube Comments Guy crowd's more popular pop/r&b/rap folk-devils of the moment.
Sublime takes the cake for me (Cake I find kind of annoying too, btw). They're that perfect storm of being abject shit and borderline ubiquitous, so your ears can be assaulted by "Santeria" or "Date Rape" at just about any bar in the world without even a warning.
We'll let you know in about three decades.
But hearing what the sage Doc says, yes it's way too easy to piss on the whole oeuvre of some band you hate. Much better to nominate those total turkeys by artistes you otherwise swoon for.
Apart from the afore mentioned Jam album, I can anti-ride for the following, despite a deep desire not to, and much time spent in the madochistic pursuit of generating some love...
The Damned - Music For Pleasure. Thank fuck Brian James vamoosed.
Ramones - that album with KKK took my baby away. A real cynical money-chase turd of an album.
Thin Lizzy -Renegade
Dear god, what a pitiful mess. I liked to think of it, at the time, as a mere mis-step, like when the girl you love turns up for a date wearing a ghastly dress.
And despite a few decent tracks later, I couldn't unhear that set, and the rot set in. These days I play nothing past Black Rose. Tainted, I tells ya.
b/w I ride for Sunken Condos and Miss Marlene is my shit
DJ Shadow - Teh Private Press.
So I remember O-Dub on this very site stating that he felt that this album could be a game-changer, a reinvention for DJ Shadow. If, IF this album was just a collection of sample based stuff from some guy I'd never heard of I might have thought, mmm, well, it's OK.
But when an artist goes from In/Flux through Entroducing... to this, it's like a squib that's been dampened when your favourite childhood wrestler, let's say Ultimate Warrior, has had a sex change complete with ovaries and uterus, and then broke his waters over said squib in readiness for the birth of his love-child with Jake The Snake Roberts.
I was just [em]wut da fock?[/em] And this is before we get on to the bestiality/snuff movie offerings of the Outsider, something so heinous that I haven't even listened to it but I'm fully prepared to make a massive sweeping judgement on an internet forum about how utterly shite it is.
a degree of self-loathing is kind of a prerequisite to liking his music/lyrics
neil young has done waaaay worse than "shocking pink". just think of that album he did with pearl jam .... "mirror ball".... man are those turgid and uninspired. i saw his on that door and the only decent part is when he did his own material solo. that was a really unnecessary collaboration.
I just remember having a pretty visceral reaction when I heard that record. On the other hand, a lot of people hate Trans but I ride at least for parts of it and think the version of Mister Soul that's on there is pretty awesome.
I didn't have such an immediate negative reaction when it came out. I was focused on the few tracks I loved and ignored the rest. But I haven't listened to this album in years. I lost the CD at some point, and don't have it on vinyl. I'm downloading the torrent now. (Sorry J*sh) I will report back with my findings. I don't think it's going to stand the test of time.
I really didn't stand the test at the time, either. It's like some weird musical offshoot that somehow sounds dated and stuck in a specific time in which it didn't fit to begin with. That's surely an accomplishment of some sort.
Haha at first I thought this was a typo and meant to be "It"
The fact that there are only 5 people sharing it via torrent right now does not invoke confidence in this test!
Oh, please tell me you were about wax poetical about Shadow's later albums. I would be very interested to read a thoughtful positive review of those.
I don't like any of Shadow's albums, including Endtroboring.
I have been revisiting Faith No More's The Real Thing album lately and I just may love it more today than I did when it came out my freshman year of college.
Krush 1. Shadow 0.
And I would love to be proven wrong. Would be dope to have a whole Tribe album to rediscover.
I've often argued for it being an influential record, and I stand by that - a lot of what they (Dilla?) did on that record was everywhere years later. But although I was never in the "it sucks" camp, more than anything else now it sounds like an act treading water and being propped up by some really creative production.
I agree with Doc McCoy on many counts, including I find people explaining why they like things interesting, and not caring to read axe grinding/teeth gnashing reasoning behind hate.
How would you determine what to even include as a candidate? There's some truly terrible obscure shit out there. I think I could look at Waxidermy and fill up the Anti-100 with 100 candidates tonight.
Private Press had 4 songs I liked. 6 if Josh could keep them under 5 minutes. It actually sounded better than I expected it to.