So if we rolled the board back 10 years... where is everyone?



  • Where is the city guide?

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    GatorToof said:
    Where is the city guide?

    I'm Ron Bergundy?

  • DOR said:
    Whats :the_mack: up to now?

    In the private mind garden he owns a bunch of taco bells.

    I think he's corporate suit and tie guy now.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Funny thing, I was just trying to look up some information (actually a pretty good cover scan jpg) of Thesda's "Spaced Out" and came across this thread. Been a minute since I've posted on here, but pretty cool to see some of the old heads up on here. Congrats on the 15 year anniversary by the way, Raj.

    Yeah, just pretty simply as I got older, life just wouldn't allow for the lovable distractions that are internet message boards, or rather - the establishment of a community that transcended the virtual world via a message board. Life happens, you know?

    I'm doing pretty well, running several businesses and of course still involved with music. There's a few Strutters that I get a chance to talk to and cross paths with these days. Nate is still around, I swing by Good Records now and again and see Jonny. Wes is doing pretty great for himself and talk to him every now and again. Ran into Eric Bambouche a couple years ago in Brooklyn - him and his wife are chilling.

    But yeah, good to see people still using this site as a community. Wish I had more time for it haha!

    Now I'm gonna go finish listening to The Roches and enjoy the rest of this nice November day! Hope y'all are well

  • First off, the site looks fantastic. Great work, Raj.

    I'm not on here like I once was (Woah, 2004/05...) A career, just had kid number two, less time for record. Johnny Paycheck can attest- I've even taking to buying CRUST. I mean, this is middle-age fast approaching.

    But, I'm glad to see this place looking sharp, and very happy for a little reunion joint thread like this one here.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    gareth said:
    First off, the site looks fantastic. Great work, Raj.

    I'm not on here like I once was (Woah, 2004/05...) A career, just had kid number two, less time for record. Johnny Paycheck can attest- I've even taking to buying CRUST. I mean, this is middle-age fast approaching.

    But, I'm glad to see this place looking sharp, and very happy for a little reunion joint thread like this one here.

    Hi Gareth. Congrats on kiddo # 2!

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    I was lurking. Watching you all. Judging you silently.

  • Hmm... reading SS (but as a miniature dude never, never posting) while working reception at KALX during Matthew Africa's show sticks out as my 2004/5 SS experience. Learning of about a million records that I had to hear immediately and spending time in the station library trying to hunt stuff out I was reading about here (and/or record-day-d-loading).

  • Well, goddamn.... can't believe I remembered my password after all this time and it still works! How are you guys?

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    iron_monkey said:
    Well, goddamn.... can't believe I remembered my password after all this time and it still works! How are you guys?

    Yo, Adrian!

  • You still have my graemlin!!! Hell yesss!!!

    First off, much congrats to you, Raj on 15 years of SoulStrut. Crazy...
    Also, thanks so much for keeping some of my old mixes on here. Brings back cool memories...
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