So if we rolled the board back 10 years... where is everyone?

Soulstrut seems quiet these days. I can remember page after page of arguments about vinyl minutiae and eurotrash and "no homos" and whoever that one weird French guy was. Calls for this person and that person to be banned and so many funny Google Image Search photo links and geoducks. Le Toupt. The_Mack. So many white hipsters ranting about racial injustice.
This kind of reminds me a bit of back in the day when everything shifted from BBSs to AOL and gradually to the Internet.
So where is everyone? I see Guzzo. I guess Gary is Dizzy Bull. I think I saw some Oliver Wang posts somewhere. And a Motown67. And Big Stacks. I think I saw a John Book post - can I still read about dollar bin raer he found at a Goodwill in rural Washington?
But where is hcrink? I see Day references but no Day. Where is Francis whateverhisfrenchlastname from VA...Fatback? Bassie? Faux_Rillz and his blackanasian girlfriend that I forget her name? Where is Asprin? ako? Is there a replacement Iowa teenager? The_Mack... Jonny_Paycheck? Bsides gave it up a year ago?
Just looking it seems like 90% of the posts come from people who joined prior to 2010, and a lot before that. What happened to the youth?
This kind of reminds me a bit of back in the day when everything shifted from BBSs to AOL and gradually to the Internet.
So where is everyone? I see Guzzo. I guess Gary is Dizzy Bull. I think I saw some Oliver Wang posts somewhere. And a Motown67. And Big Stacks. I think I saw a John Book post - can I still read about dollar bin raer he found at a Goodwill in rural Washington?
But where is hcrink? I see Day references but no Day. Where is Francis whateverhisfrenchlastname from VA...Fatback? Bassie? Faux_Rillz and his blackanasian girlfriend that I forget her name? Where is Asprin? ako? Is there a replacement Iowa teenager? The_Mack... Jonny_Paycheck? Bsides gave it up a year ago?
Just looking it seems like 90% of the posts come from people who joined prior to 2010, and a lot before that. What happened to the youth?
I agree. This place is mostly leftovers from a very vibrant time. New blood would be nice.
Most of the people who you mentioned above are not on here any more. They grew up and had kids and found Facebook. They made real world moves and stopped collecting records.... Internet forums = so 2000s.
Interesting take.
Of course I guess after a decade or so (or longer in some cases) people get old. Even ako has got to be moving into the second half of his 20s by now, maybe even pushing 30? I guess most people now are 30s, 40s... 50s...
Aside from the availability of everything on the Internet, do you think the fall of sample based tracks has much to do with it? I think a lot of people here or that were here got into collecting originally by being interested in samples. When I am around today's youth they seem to find a lot of the sample based music to be annoying (with some exceptions). Of course, it could also have to do with the fact that stuff I was listening to as a kid are now 20 years old.
Facebook does seem to suck up a lot of the social activity now. AOL of the 2010s I guess.
How about formdiplo.... That weird guy who posted cryptic Philly talk all over souls strut and used to hound record shows. Anybody know where he is today?
i'd be at the bar.
I figured they were gone because practically no one is 18, 21, 23 anymore.
Didn't really expect it to be the same, but I'm not sure what I expected. I've checked in every two or three years but never posted more than a couple of posts at any time so I didn't really notice anything.
What about Bambouche? That guy was pretty prolific in his day. I feel like he might have gone to join ISIS or something like that.
joined: Feb '04
Nice list of US-only poasters, but teh Strut been international for a loooong time.
I said Le Toupt. And Bassie.
Bambouche, I forgot about that guy. Good question. Or maybe he wears bespoke suits now.
NZ Shadow?
I applaud that.
That always makes me laugh.
And he eventually came back.
Where's Cosmophonic, speaking of posters from across the pond? He was my dude!
Big Stacks from Kakalak
Still wasting too much time on the internet.
Now he's in the shower.
but I don't know who half you dudes are.
It all seems very vague.
I flipped through the "what happened to" thread from last summer (2013) and there were a good bit of names that popped up in there.
It is a bit frightening how the Internet never forgets.
To Raj's suggestion, it would be fun to a bunch of people from back in the day get on here and resurrect some of the old threads and do nostalgia day. Talk Leo Sayer and argue the finer points of terrible Dirty South hip hop.
I am friends with many of the older stutters on facebook.
I still check the strut and appreciate it for what it is
Crinky! Man, you can't even imagine how much mileage I got out of those stuffed birds. More than a decade later, people still ask about the birds I had in my college apartment. Thank you for superlative anecdotes. I really hope you're well. Come to Toronto and let me buy you dinner.
I'd love to know what he's up to. I never did understand what he was all about. Was he really that wealthy? Was it all a show?
I'm still here. I even buy records now and then. For years I've been working on another compilation, but the game, as they say, has changed. Everyone and their nephew has a compilation. My passion for curating may have waned enough that I can't be bothered to add another drop to an ocean of releases.
The idea of spending time in a basement digging through records now has zero appeal. If I'm in a new city, I'll pop into a record store, but it's a low priority. Digs are mostly online. I feel bad for people whose sense of self-worth is still connected to their record collection. I envy those people who still have the intensity of feeling for music that I did when I was 23. The difference between my contemporaries who drool over OGs and the weirdoes who collect Kiss rarities isn't as obvious to me as it once was.
I have burdensome work obligations that keep me from long listening sessions. If I get too high, it mucks up my sleep. I'm excited by other things. I'm fond of whisky and devote resources to that.
I'm still good friends with people I met through the strut, and for that I think Raj sincerely.
Peace, stein...
cosmo baker
get them back!