IT help - how do I save a list of my files to show other people? (Windows-R)
Hey, I.T. peeps, I want to share a list of music files. I can select them all, but I can't copy & paste this selection into a word doc or email. How can I share these as a list without exhaustively typing everything out? Is this possible?
in linux/unix, i think its
ls > filelist.txt
dir > filelist.txt
Windows 7 and ting.
[strike]Idoit & Folls guide plaese;
step 1
open relevant folder
step 2
select all
step 3
From a command prompt, of course.
Can I have a job now?
- Diego
I actually tried that, but seemed like too much hassle re-sizing and stuff. Used the one Jib recommended in the end
I had this problem before. A client taught me how to make a batch file that did it, and that worked ok (and is totally googleable), but I also found this program that does the same thing perhaps a little better:
Hope that helps.