list your suspect behavior



  • Sun_FortuneSun_Fortune 1,374 Posts
    Too many to mention.

    pinching lil bits of herb from friends.
    taking fingerfulls of food from friends' fridges.

    a really really really really bad look. i mean, really fucking not cool. check yourself, dude.

    when dont have cigs, pulling out tobacoo from old cigs and rolling fresh ones.
    pinching lil bits of herb from friends.
    swiping quarters from friends.

    Are you in an indie-rawk band? You need to be. Then you can give up on the deodorant as well. You cheap-ass cunt!

    Damn, I made some enemies with that post. Bring it batches.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    comparatively speaking, I feel very well adjusted.

    There's a few I can co-sign like digging that Britney Spears song and not being too into sports but some of these other one's are too much man.

  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts

    got empty popcorn tub out garbage at movies, refilled for free

    this is my jump off right here...soda cups too...just look for one that has a lid with a straw still on it, take off the lid and straw and add your new one after getting "refill"


  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts
    Damn, I made some enemies with that post. Bring it batches.

    Mandrew's looking for a karaoke date. And he's got a great life.

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    Too many to mention.

    Some past and present below:
    cleaning fingernails with paperclip.
    using gf's deodorant.
    when dont have cigs, pulling out tobacoo from old cigs and rolling fresh ones.
    pinching lil bits of herb from friends.
    swiping quarters from friends.
    using gf's razor.
    taking fingerfulls of food from friends' fridges.
    using apparati to turn off lights, change channels, and rub gfs arm.

    Damn dude! How do you even have friends or a girlfriend?

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts
    comparatively speaking, I feel very well adjusted.

    Which is why I watch Judge Mabeline

  • Sun_FortuneSun_Fortune 1,374 Posts
    Too many to mention.

    Some past[/b] and present below:
    cleaning fingernails with paperclip.
    using gf's deodorant.
    when dont have cigs, pulling out tobacoo from old cigs and rolling fresh ones.
    pinching lil bits of herb from friends.
    swiping quarters from friends.
    using gf's razor.
    taking fingerfulls of food from friends' fridges.
    using apparati to turn off lights, change channels, and rub gfs arm.

    Damn dude! How do you even have friends or a girlfriend?

    shit I've done, I dont do most of those anymore.....

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    this stuff is good! fascinating! hilarious! revolting!

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts
    Damn, I made some enemies with that post. Bring it batches.

    Mandrew's looking for a karaoke date. And he's got a great life.

    low blow.

    and i would never be friends with someone who's pinched weed from friends. if you want to talk about swiping handfuls of it from future frat brothers though, that's a whole other issue...

    or if you want to discuss joining a fraternity...

  • Options
    I drink Pickle brine. My doctor says I have the cleanest colon he's ever seen (non- ).


  • mallardmallard 452 Posts
    • shaving widow's peak
    • forcing saliva between 2 front teeth to remove stuck food
    • cracking jaw
    • cracking knee
    • tapping, always, ALWAYS, tapping (or attempting to beatbox)
    • nodding my head throughout whole conversations (usually while unsober)

    but overall id say im a pretty considerate person and try to keep most annoying behavior in check

  • hmmm. some of these arent really behaviors. for example, i wear womens perfume but i dont think that's a behavior issue. you can read about it here on my new blog which i'll probably post to about 5 times then get bored with.

    some odd behaviors of mines.

    i like to squeeze my belly fat and make smiley faces with it.

    ive been known to walk into a party and leave 2 minutes after i get there without telling anyone i left.

    i like to not talk when i feel people expect me to talk.

    if there's a button or a switch or a knob or something, i'll push flip and pull that shit. i cant help it and it takes some serious willpower not to do it.

    i'll talk with a stranger/acquaintance if it gives me a better vantage point to stare at someone else. i hate when motherfuckers do this to me though.

    i had a booger corner underneath the kitchen table at my home in clovis.

    i like to smell things im unsure about or just things in general. like a monkey.

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    i had a booger corner underneath the kitchen table at my home in clovis.

    Nasty fucker.

    I hate when people do shit like that in restaurants or IN SCHOOL.

    Nasty. Just nasty.
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