Is The Strut Checking For The New H.R. Documentary?
995 Posts
There have got to be a million great stories about this guy, I am really looking forward to this.
It's on there already?!
Nah just sayin i can wait for it to come to me. Im not really checking for this at the indie-theatre.
I noticed that none of the Bad Brains seem to have taken part in the doc...
Yeah, how do these guys weasel their way into documentaries that I'd bet my collection were NOT down with the Bad Brains back in the day.
I'm tired of people speaking retrospectively about a past they were never apart of 99% probability unless further updated).
Did anyone see the Moog documentary where Bob Moog would interact with musicians of newer generation who would talk about their
admiration and this and that ex. dj Spooky. This guy is so arrogantly self-centered to be speaking while Moog listens... it was a bad idea on the director's end to try and "integrate" today with yesterday. Paul Miller can go fuck off.
By the way, I always thought Black Americans who adopted the Jamaican patois was bit inauthentic and strange. But I loved Rock for Light
and how they would change up from reggae to punk rock.